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#include <iostream>#include <fstream.h>#include <windows.h>#include <iomanip.h>#pragma once#include <process.h>#include <map>#include <vector>#include <queue>#include <set>#include <string>#include <list>typedef char                    i8;typedef unsigned char           u8;typedef short                   i16;typedef unsigned short          u16;typedef long int                i32;typedef unsigned long           u32;class CCSVOperator{public:    CCSVOperator(){};    ~CCSVOperator(){};    CCSVOperator(const char* path);    bool LoadCSV(const char* path);    bool SaveCSV(const char* path = NULL);    bool GetInt(u32 uiLine, u32 uiRow, int& iValue);    std::string* GetString(u32 uiLine, u32 uiRow);    std::map<u32, std::map<u32, std::string> >& GetCSVMap(){return m_StringKeyMap;}protected:    std::string m_CSVName;    std::map<u32, std::map<u32, std::string> > m_StringKeyMap;};namespace StringParser{//从分隔符中获得数据inline int GetParamFromString(std::string Str, std::vector<i32>& IntVec, char Delim = ,){    char* p = strtok((char*)Str.c_str(), &Delim);     while (p)    {        IntVec.push_back(atoi(p));        p = strtok(NULL, &Delim);     }    return IntVec.size();}inline int GetParamFromString(std::string Str, std::vector<float>& FloatVec, char Delim = ,){    char* p = strtok((char*)Str.c_str(), &Delim);     while (p)    {        FloatVec.push_back(atof(p));        p = strtok(NULL, &Delim);     }    return FloatVec.size();}inline int GetParamFromString(std::string Str, std::vector<u32>& uiIntVec, char Delim = ,){    char* p = strtok((char*)Str.c_str(), &Delim);     while (p)    {        uiIntVec.push_back(strtoul(p, NULL, 10));        p = strtok(NULL, &Delim);     }    return uiIntVec.size();}inline int GetParamFromString(std::string Str, std::vector<std::string>& StringVec, char Delim = ,){    char* p = strtok((char*)Str.c_str(), &Delim);     while (p)    {        std::string buffer = p;        StringVec.push_back(buffer);        p = strtok(NULL, &Delim);     }    return StringVec.size();}//以左右符号得到括号中的数据ex:[3.1415;0.125][1000;9999]template<typename T>int GetParamFromArea(std::string Str, std::vector<std::vector<T> >& IntVec, char left = [, char right = ], char Delim = ;){    char* pTarget = (char*)Str.c_str();    for (;;)    {        char* pLeft = strchr(pTarget, left);        char* pRight = strchr(pTarget, right);        if (pLeft && pRight)        {            std::string strbuff;            strbuff.insert(0, ++pLeft, pRight-pLeft);            std::vector<T> Intbuff;            if (GetParamFromString(strbuff, Intbuff, Delim))            {                IntVec.push_back(Intbuff);            }            pTarget = ++pRight;        }        else        {            break;        }    }    return IntVec.size();}};CCSVOperator::CCSVOperator(const char* path){    LoadCSV(path);}bool CCSVOperator::LoadCSV(const char* path){    FILE* pfile = fopen(path, "r");    if (pfile)    {        fseek(pfile,0,SEEK_END);        u32 dwsize = ftell(pfile);        rewind(pfile);        char* filebuffer = new char[dwsize];        fread(filebuffer, 1, dwsize, pfile);        std::map<u32, std::string> StringMap;        char* pBegin = filebuffer;        char* pEnd = strchr(filebuffer, \n);        u32 uiIndex = 1;        while (pEnd != NULL)        {            std::string strbuff;            strbuff.insert(0, pBegin, pEnd-pBegin);            if (!strbuff.empty())            {                StringMap[uiIndex] = strbuff;            }            pBegin = pEnd + 1;            pEnd = strchr(pEnd + 1, \n);            ++uiIndex;        }        delete[] filebuffer;        std::map<u32, std::string>::iterator iter = StringMap.begin();        for (; iter != StringMap.end(); ++iter)        {            std::vector<std::string> StringVec;            std::map<u32, std::string> l_StringMap;            StringParser::GetParamFromString(iter->second, StringVec);            for (int i = 0; i < StringVec.size(); ++i)            {                l_StringMap[i+1] = StringVec.at(i);            }            m_StringKeyMap[iter->first] = l_StringMap;        }        fclose(pfile);        m_CSVName = path;        return true;    }    return false;}bool CCSVOperator::GetInt(u32 uiLine, u32 uiRow, int& iValue){    std::string* pKey = GetString(uiLine, uiRow);    if (pKey)    {        iValue = atoi(pKey->c_str());        return true;    }    else    {        return false;    }}std::string* CCSVOperator::GetString(u32 uiLine, u32 uiRow){    std::map<u32, std::map<u32, std::string> >::iterator iterLine = m_StringKeyMap.find(uiLine);    if (iterLine != m_StringKeyMap.end())    {        std::map<u32, std::string>& rStringMap = iterLine->second;        std::map<u32, std::string>::iterator iterRow = rStringMap.find(uiRow);        if (iterRow != rStringMap.end())        {            return &iterRow->second;        }        else        {            return NULL;        }    }    else    {        return NULL;    }}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){    int OtdrTestsNum;//total num of OTDR test datas    int OtdrEventsNum;//total num of OTDR test datas    CCSVOperator CSVOperator;    if(!CSVOperator.LoadCSV("file.csv"))    {        printf("没有找到csv文档,请将csv文档放在本目录下!\n");        system("pause");        return false;    }    CreateDirectory("OTDR_Test_Out",NULL);    if( !SetCurrentDirectory("OTDR_Test_Out"))    {        printf("设置输出目录失败!\n");    }        //OTDR Information    ofstream out1("OTDR_Information.txt");    u32 uiRow=1,uiColumn=1;    out1<<CSVOperator.GetString(1,1)->c_str()<<": "<<CSVOperator.GetString(1,2)->c_str()<<\n;    out1<<CSVOperator.GetString(2,1)->c_str()<<\n;    out1<<CSVOperator.GetString(3,1)->c_str()<<"\n\n";    out1<<CSVOperator.GetString(4,1)->c_str()<<": "<<CSVOperator.GetString(4,2)->c_str()<<\n;    for(uiRow=5;uiRow<=6;uiRow++)    {        for(uiColumn=1;uiColumn<=7;uiColumn++)        {            out1<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<setw(22)<<CSVOperator.GetString(uiRow,uiColumn)->c_str();        }        out1<<\n;    }    out1<<\n<<CSVOperator.GetString(uiRow++,1)->c_str()<<": "<<CSVOperator.GetString(uiRow,2)->c_str()<<\n;    for(;uiRow<=9;uiRow++)    {        for(uiColumn=1;uiColumn<=3;uiColumn++)        {            out1<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<setw(22)<<CSVOperator.GetString(uiRow,uiColumn)->c_str();        }        out1<<\n;    }    //OTDR Test Datas    ofstream out2("OTDR_Test_Datas.txt");    out2<< CSVOperator.GetString(10,1)->c_str() << : <<   << CSVOperator.GetString(10,2)->c_str() ;    CSVOperator.GetInt(10,2,OtdrTestsNum);//get datas num    out2 << \n << CSVOperator.GetString(11,1)->c_str();    for(uiRow=12;uiRow<OtdrTestsNum+12;uiRow++)    {        out2 << \n << uiRow-11 <<  << CSVOperator.GetString(uiRow,1)->c_str();    }    //OTDR Events    ofstream out3("OTDR_Events.txt");    out3<< CSVOperator.GetString(12+OtdrTestsNum,1)->c_str()<<:<< << CSVOperator.GetString(12+OtdrTestsNum,2)->c_str();    CSVOperator.GetInt(OtdrTestsNum+12,2,OtdrEventsNum);//get Events num    for(uiRow=12+OtdrTestsNum+1;uiRow<12+OtdrTestsNum+OtdrEventsNum+1;uiRow++)    {        out3 << \n;        for(uiColumn=1;uiColumn<=3;uiColumn++)        {            std::string* pString = CSVOperator.GetString(uiRow,uiColumn);            if (pString)            {                if((uiColumn%3)!=0)                    out3<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<setw(16)<<pString->c_str();                else                    out3<<pString->c_str();            }        }    }    return 0;}

