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Angular1.0 在Directive中调用Controller的方法

Controller中定义了$scope.method = function(){}



JS:angular.module(myApp, []).controller(MyController, function($scope){  $scope.showAlert = function(value){    alert(Called from directive:  + value);  };}).directive(myDirective, function(){  return {    restrict: E,    scope: {      alert: &    },    controller: function($scope){      $scope.value = directive scope value;    },    template: <button ng-click="alert({message: value})">Alert</button>  }});HTML:<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyController">  <my-directive alert="showAlert(message)"></my-directive></body>

My recommendation is to use $emit instead of calling a method of the controller directly in your directive.

Directives should be always independent components, if inside the directive there is a call to a method from a controller(outside the directive) this will create a dependency between my directive and the controller and of course this will force one not being able to exist without the other.

If I would have to apply a design principle to a directive it will be the S in SOLID, Single responsibility principle. Directives should be able to encapsulate and work independently.

On my controller the event is captured using $on like:

$scope.$on("ValueChanged", function(event, ars){   ... //your event has been triggered.    });


var directive= function ( $sessionStorage, $localStorage) {            function work(scope, element, attrs, formCtrl) {                var watchPromise = attrs.createClaimForm || null;                element.bind(keypress, function (event) {//此处scope就是$scope                         scope.addBlankRowData();                    }                }); return {                require: "form",                restrict: "A",                link: work            } };


Controller中this.method = function(){}是获取不到的, 必须$scope

Angular1.0 在Directive中调用Controller的方法