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紧缩格式(packed formats):将Y、U、V值储存成Macro Pixels阵列,和RGB的存放方式类似。每个像素点的Y,U,V是连续交差存储的。



平面格式(planar formats):将Y、U、V的三个分量分别存放在不同的矩阵中。先连续存储所有像素点的Y,紧接着存储所有像素点的U,随后是所有像素点的V。











(1) YUYV 格式 (属于YUV422   Packed format

Byte Order. Each cell is one byte.

start + 0: Y’00 Cb00 Y’01 Cr00 Y’02 Cb01 Y’03 Cr01
start + 8: Y’10 Cb10 Y’11 Cr10 Y’12 Cb11 Y’13 Cr11
start + 16: Y’20 Cb20 Y’21 Cr20 Y’22 Cb21 Y’23 Cr21
start + 24: Y’30 Cb30 Y’31 Cr30 Y’32 Cb31 Y’33 Cr31

Color Sample Location

  0   1   2   3
0 Y C Y   Y C Y
1 Y C Y   Y C Y
2 Y C Y   Y C Y
3 Y C Y   Y C Y

Packed format with ? horizontal chroma resolution, also known as YUV 4:2:2

1/2水平色度分辨率采样的打包格式,也被称为YUV 4:2:2

In this format each four bytes is two pixels. Each four bytes is two Y’s, a Cb and a Cr. Each Y goes to one of the pixels, and the Cb and Cr belong to both pixels. As you can see, the Cr and Cb components have half the horizontal resolution of the Y component. V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV is known in the Windows environment as YUY2.



(YUYV为YUV422采样的存储格式中的一种,相邻的两个Y共用其相邻的两个Cb、Cr,分析,对于像素点Y‘00、Y‘01 而言,其Cb、Cr的值均为 Cb00、Cr00,其他的像素点的YUV取值依次类推。)

(2) UYVY 格式 (属于YUV422   Packed format

Byte Order. Each cell is one byte.

start + 0: Cb00 Y’00 Cr00 Y’01 Cb01 Y’02 Cr01 Y’03
start + 8: Cb10 Y’10 Cr10 Y’11 Cb11 Y’12 Cr11 Y’13
start + 16: Cb20 Y’20 Cr20 Y’21 Cb21 Y’22 Cr21 Y’23
start + 24: Cb30 Y’30 Cr30 Y’31 Cb31 Y’32 Cr31 Y’33

Color Sample Location 

  0   1 2   3
0 Y C Y Y C Y
1 Y C Y Y C Y
2 Y C Y Y C Y
3 Y C Y Y C Y

Variation of V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV with different order of samples in memory


(3) YUV422P(属于YUV422 Planar format)

Byte Order. Each cell is one byte.

start + 0: Y’00 Y’01 Y’02 Y’03
start + 4: Y’10 Y’11 Y’12 Y’13
start + 8: Y’20 Y’21 Y’22 Y’23
start + 12: Y’30 Y’31 Y’32 Y’33
start + 16: Cb00 Cb01
start + 18: Cb10 Cb11
start + 20: Cb20 Cb21
start + 22: Cb30 Cb31
start + 24: Cr00 Cr01
start + 26: Cr10 Cr11
start + 28: Cr20 Cr21
start + 30: Cr30 Cr31

Color Sample Location

  0   1 2   3
0 Y C Y Y C Y
1 Y C Y Y C Y
2 Y C Y Y C Y
3 Y C Y Y C Y

Format with ? horizontal chroma resolution, also known as YUV 4:2:2. Planar layout as opposed to V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV


1/2水平色度分辨率采样,也称为YUV 4:2:2。 和V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV不同的是,它是平面布局的

This is a planar version of the YUYV format. The three components are separated into three sub-images or planes. The Y plane is first. The Y plane has one byte per pixel. The Cb plane immediately follows the Y plane in memory. The Cb plane is half the width of the Y plane (and of the image). Each Cb belongs to two pixels. For example, Cb0 belongs to Y’00, Y’01. Following the Cb plane is the Cr plane, just like the Cb plane.

这是YUYV格式的平面版本。 三个分量被分成三个子图像或平面,分别存放在三个不同的矩阵中。 首先存放Y分量。 每一个像素都有一个Y分量。 Cb分量紧跟着Y分量存储。 Cb分量是Y分量的宽度的一半。 每个Cb分量属于两个像素。 例如,Cb0属于Y‘00,Y‘01。 Cb分量之后是Cr分量,它和Cb分量一样。

(YUV422P也属于YUV422的一种,它是一种Planar模式,即平面模式,并不是将YUV数据交错存储,而是先存放所有的Y分量,然后存储所有的U(Cb)分量,最后存储所有的V(Cr)分量,如上图所示。其每一个像素点的YUV值提取方法也是遵循YUV422格式的最基本提取方法,即两个Y共用一个UV。比如,对于像素点Y‘00、Y‘01 而言,其Cb、Cr的值均为 Cb00、Cr00)

(4)YV12,YU12格式(属于YUV420 planar format)

Byte Order. Each cell is one byte. 

start + 0: Y’00 Y’01 Y’02 Y’03
start + 4: Y’10 Y’11 Y’12 Y’13
start + 8: Y’20 Y’21 Y’22 Y’23
start + 12: Y’30 Y’31 Y’32 Y’33
start + 16: Cr00 Cr01
start + 18: Cr10 Cr11
start + 20: Cb00 Cb01
start + 22: Cb10 Cb11

Color Sample Location 

  0   1   2   3
0 Y   Y   Y   Y
    C       C  
1 Y   Y   Y   Y
2 Y   Y   Y   Y
    C       C  
3 Y   Y   Y   Y

V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420 Planar formats with ? horizontal and vertical chroma resolution, also known as YUV 4:2:0

V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420是1/2水平和垂直色度分辨率采样的平面格式,也称为YUV 4:2:0

V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420 (‘YV12’) and  V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420 (‘YU12’) are planar formats, as opposed to a packed format. The three components are separated into three sub- images or planes. The Y plane is first. The Y plane has one byte per pixel. For V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420, the Cr plane immediately follows the Y plane in memory. The Cr plane is half the width and half the height of the Y plane (and of the image). Each Cr belongs to four pixels, a two-by-two square of the image. For example, Cr0 belongs to Y’00, Y’01, Y’10, and Y’11. Following the Cr plane is the Cb plane, just like the Cr plane. V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420 is the same except the Cb plane comes first, then the Cr plane.

V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420 (‘YV12’) 和 V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420 (‘YU12’),是planar模式, 三个分量被分成三个子图像或平面,分别存放在三个不同的矩阵中。首先存放Y分量。 每一个像素都有一个Y分量,对于V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420格式,Cr分量紧跟着Y分量存储Cr分量的长度和宽度各是Y分量的一半,每个Cr分量属于4个像素(一个2x2的图像)例如,Cr0属于Y‘00,Y‘01,Y‘10和Y‘11。 Cr分量之后是Cb分量,它和Cr分量一样。V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420和V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420是相同的,只是在存储方式上Cb分量在前,然后是Cr分量。



Byte Order. Each cell is one byte. 

start + 0: Y’00 Y’01 Y’02 Y’03
start + 4: Y’10 Y’11 Y’12 Y’13
start + 8: Y’20 Y’21 Y’22 Y’23
start + 12: Y’30 Y’31 Y’32 Y’33
start + 16: Cb00 Cr00 Cb01 Cr01
start + 20: Cb10 Cr10 Cb11 Cr11

Color Sample Location 

  0   1 2   3
0 Y   Y Y   Y
    C     C  
1 Y   Y Y   Y
2 Y   Y Y   Y
    C     C  
3 Y   Y Y   Y

V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21 Formats with ? horizontal and vertical chroma resolution, also known as YUV 4:2:0. One luminance and one chrominance plane with alternating chroma samples as opposed to V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420

V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21是是1/2水平和垂直色度分辨率采样的平面格式,也称为YUV 4:2:0。与V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420不同的是,它具有交替的色度采样(即Y和UV分为两个Plane,但是UV(CbCr)为交错存储,而不是分为三个plane)

V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12 (‘NV12’) and V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21 (‘NV21’) are two-plane versions of the YUV 4:2:0 format. The three components are separated into two sub-images or planes. The Y plane is first. The Y plane has one byte per pixel. For V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12, a combined CbCr plane immediately follows the Y plane in memory. The CbCr plane is the same width, in bytes, as the Y plane (and of the image), but is half as tall in pixels. Each CbCr pair belongs to four pixels. For example, Cb0/Cr0 belongs to Y’00, Y’01, Y’10, Y’11. V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21 is the same except the Cb and Cr bytes are swapped, the CrCb plane starts with a Cr byte.

V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12(‘NV12‘)和V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21(‘NV21‘)是 YUV 4:2:0 的 two-plane 版, 三个分量分成两个子图像或平面。首先存放Y分量。 每一个像素都有一个Y分量 ,对于V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12格式,组合的CbCr分量紧跟着Y分量存储。 CbCr分量与Y分量宽度相同(以字节为单位),但是像素的高度是Y分量的一半。 每个CbCr对都属于四个像素。 例如,Cb0 / Cr0属于Y‘00,Y‘01,Y‘10,Y‘11。 除了Cb和Cr字节被交换之外,V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21是相同的,CrCb分量以Cr字节开头。







