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Optimizing subroutine calls based on architecture level of called subroutine

A technique is provided for generating stubs. A processing circuit receives a call to a called function. The processing circuit retrieves a called function property of the called function. The processing circuit generates a stub for the called function based on the called function property.


The present invention relates generally to runtime optimization, and more specifically, to optimizing subroutine calls to a called subroutine.

In computer science, a subroutine (also known as a procedure, function, routine, method, or subprogram) is a portion of code within a larger program that performs a specific task and is relatively independent of the remaining code. As the name "subprogram" suggests, a subroutine behaves in much the same way as a computer program that is used as one step in a larger program or another subprogram. A subroutine is often coded so that it can be started ("called") several times and/or from several places during a single execution of the program, including from other subroutines, and then branch back (return) to the next instruction after the "call" once the subroutine‘s task is done.

In computing, a system call is how a program requests a service from an operating system‘s kernel. This may include hardware related services (e.g. accessing the hard disk), creating and executing new processes, and communicating with integral kernel services (like scheduling). System calls provide the interface between a process and the operating system (e.g., the kernel). The kernel is the main component of most computer operating systems; it is a bridge between applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level. The kernel‘s responsibilities include managing the system‘s resources (the communication between hardware and software components). Usually as a basic component of an operating system, a kernel can provide the lowest-level abstraction layer for the resources (especially processors and I/O devices) that application software must control to perform its function. The kernel typically makes these facilities available to application processes through inter-process communication mechanisms and system calls.

In computer software, an application binary interface (ABI) describes the low-level interface between an application program and the operating system or between the application program and another application. The ABI cover details such as data type, size, and alignment; the calling conventions which controls how function arguments are passed and how return values are retrieved; the system call numbers and how an application should make system calls to the operating system; and in the case of a complete operating system ABI, the binary format of object files, program libraries and so on. Several ABIs (e.g., the Interactive Unix ABI allowing a wide range of programs to run on a variety of Unix and Linux? variants for the Intel x86 architecture) allow an application program from one operating system (OS) supporting that ABI to run without modifications on any other such system, provided that necessary shared libraries are present, and similar prerequisites are fulfilled.

The program development cycle of a typical application program includes writing source code, compiling the source code into object files, building shared libraries, and linking of the object files into a main executable program. Additional preparation, including loading of the main executable program, and loading of the shared libraries for application start-up occurs before the application is executed on a particular hardware platform.

The compiler works on a single source file (compile unit) at a time to generate object files. The complier generates object code without knowing the final address or displacement of the code/data. Specifically, the compiler generates object code that will access a?TOC?(table of contents) for variable values without knowing the final size of the?TOC?or offsets/addresses of various data sections. Placeholders (i.e., stubs) for this information are left in the object code and updated by the linker ATOC?is a variable address reference table that is utilized, for example in an AIX environment, to access program variables in a manner that supports shared libraries and is data location independent. A similar structure, referred to as a global offset table (GOT) performs a similar function (e.g., indirect and dynamically relocatable access to variables) in a Linux? environment. One difference between a?TOC?and a GOT is that a?TOC?may contain actual data, where a GOT only contains addresses (pointers) to data. In the Linux? PowerPC? 64-bit environment the?TOC?contains the GOT section plus small data variables.

The linker collects object files into executable programs/shared objects and assigns offsets to code/data. The linker resolves internal references during program development and external references are resolved at load time. The linker collects the?TOC?entries from object files, assigns?TOC?offsets, and generates the?TOC?section. The linker knows the final size of the?TOC?but does not perform major edits to?TOC?access code sequences generated by the compiler. The linker knows the offsets for specific internal reference?TOC?entries but does not know the final resolved values for most external reference?TOC?entries. The external reference?TOC?entries are resolved by the loader/dynamic linker

"Power ISA? Version 2.06 Revision B" published Jul. 23, 2010 from IBM? and incorporated by reference herein in its entirety teaches an example reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA). The Power ISA will be used herein in order to demonstrate example embodiments. However, the invention is not limited to Power ISA? or RISC architectures. Those skilled in the art will readily appreciate use of the invention in a variety of architectures.

"z/Architecture Principles of Operation" SA22-7832-08, Ninth Edition (August, 2010) from IBM? and incorporated by reference herein in its entirety teaches an example CISC (complex instruction set computer) instruction set architecture.

"64-bit?PowerPC?ELF Application Binary Interface Supplement 1.9" (2004) from IBM and incorporated by reference herein in its entirety describes the 64-bit supplement to the PowerPC? Executable and Linking Format (ELF) ABI.

"Power Architecture? 32-bit Application Binary Interface Supplement 1.0 Linux?" (Apr. 19, 2011) and "Power Architecture? 32-bit Application Binary Interface Supplement 1.0-Embedded" (Apr. 19, 2011) are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety describe the 32-bit ABI.


Embodiments include a method, system, and computer program product for generating stubs. A processing circuit receives a call to a called function. The processing circuit retrieves a called function property of the called function. The processing circuit generates a stub for the called function based on the called function property.

Additional features and advantages are realized through the techniques of the present invention. Other embodiments and aspects of the invention are described in detail herein and are considered a part of the claimed invention. For a better understanding of the invention with advantages and features, refer to the description and to the drawings.


The subject matter which is regarded as the invention is particularly pointed out and distinctly claimed in the claims at the conclusion of the specification. The forgoing and other features, and advantages of the invention are apparent from the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which:

FIG. 1?is a block diagram of a computer system generally shown in accordance with an embodiment;

FIG. 2?is a block diagram illustrating an example of processing for a stub.

FIG. 3?is a block diagram illustrating an example of further processing for a stub.

FIG. 4?is a block diagram illustrating generating various new stubs based on the properties of a particular function being called in accordance with an embodiment.

FIG. 5?is a flow chart illustrating a method for determining stubs to generate during runtime in accordance with an embodiment.

FIG. 6?is a block diagram that provides further stub generation tailoring in accordance with an embodiment.

FIG. 7?is a flow chart of a method further tailoring the stub generation based on environment setup/address initialization in accordance with an embodiment.

FIG. 8?is a block diagram illustrating additional sections of the memory with a separate stub segment storing the generated stubs in accordance with an embodiment.

FIG. 9?is flow chart of a method for checking whether (two or more) different applications have generated duplicate stubs, and sharing the private stubs among applications according in accordance with an embodiment.

FIG. 10?is a flow chart of a method for generating stubs based on properties of the called functions in accordance with an embodiment.

FIG. 11?illustrates a computer program product in accordance with an embodiment.

FIG. 12?illustrates an example of a computer having capabilities, which may be included in exemplary embodiments.


Exemplary embodiments provide a mechanism for a secure runtime optimization of external module subroutine calls based on called function properties, such as architecture levels, ability to call a subroutine with a near (short displacement branch), and location of a target subroutine in a module. In accordance with exemplary embodiments, customized stubs are generated at runtime when a function is first called as part of the dynamic linkage capability. The dynamic linker inspects the function being called, and generates an optimized stub based on properties such as but not limited to local module call versus external module call, near-distance call versus far call, and the need to configure an execution environment (i.e., initialize addresses) for the called function as a part of the stub. In one implementation, stubs are generated as an operating system module to ensure execution security. Concurrent stub updates are performed atomically to ensure safety relative to multithreaded execution.

Today, calls to external functions require a "stub" to be executed. This stub generation is common to operating systems supporting shared libraries, whether proprietary operating systems like z/OS? and AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) by IBM?, or open source operating systems like Linux?. For AIX? this stub is called "glink" and for Linux? this stub is called "PLTstub". Because properties of the function that is being linked to is not known at compile time and static link time, compilers and static linkers must generate a "worst case" stub that can provide all functions that any call to an external function may ever need, including setting up of an environment (i.e., address initialization) and performing a "far" register indirect call.

However, in an embodiment, once the target (e.g., the called function) is known, a register indirect call could be substituted with a "near" pc-relative jump, which avoids branch misprediction and other penalties. Similarly, when new code having an enhanced architecture is called, some setup such as a?TOC?(table of content) pointer load can be avoided to take advantage of enhanced architecture and ABI (application binary interface) definition. These properties are unknown at compile and static link time, because the function being linked to is unknown. ABI is a specification for a specific hardware platform combined with the operating system. It is one step beyond the application program interface (API), which defines the calls from the application to the operating system. The ABI defines the API plus the machine language for a particular central processing unit (CPU) family.

Turning now to?FIG. 1, a block diagram of a computer system?100?is generally shown according to an embodiment. The computer system?100?includes a processor?105?also referred to as a central processing unit (CPU). The processor?105?has one or more processor cores, and the processor core may be referred to as circuitry?110. The processor?105?may include one or more registers?115. In computer architecture, a processor register is a small amount of storage available as part of a CPU or other digital processor, and data can be loaded into the register?115?from memory?120?for arithmetic manipulation by the circuitry?110. The registers?115?are individually labeled as register?1?(r1) through register N (rN).

The memory?120?may include one or more software applications?114?with program logic to perform the various operations as discussed herein. The memory?120?may include operating system (OS)?125?as an operating system for running the computer system?100. The operating system?125?may include a dynamic linker?130?with a loader?132?and a resolver?134. The dynamic linker?130?is the part of the operating system?125?that loads (via the loader?132) and links (via the resolver134) shared libraries (e.g., shared library?150) for an executable (e.g., instructions of, e.g., the software application?114) when the executable is executed. The specific operating system and executable format determine how the dynamic linker functions and how it is implemented. Linking is often referred to as a process that is performed at compile time (by compiler140) of the executable while a dynamic linker is in actuality a special loader that loads external shared libraries into a running process and then binds those shared libraries dynamically to the running process of the processor?105.

FIG. 2?is a block diagram?200?that illustrates an example of processing utilizing a stub in state of the art. A stub is a small program routine that substitutes for a longer program, possibly to be loaded later or that is located remotely. A stub may be used for a variety of reasons. For example, a method stub or simply stub in software development is a piece of code used to stand in for some other programming functionality (such as, e.g., a called function). A stub may simulate the behavior of existing code (such as a procedure on a remote machine) or be a temporary substitute for yet-to-be-developed code.

In?FIG. 2, it is assumed that a piece of code?205?is part of the software application?114. During compile time the compiler140?processes the function f( )calling the function g( ). Since the function g( ) is given in the piece of code?205, the compiler140?generates the instructions?210?which is for a branch link to function g( ) by following the no operation (nop) instructions210. The instructions?210?generated by the compiler?140?during compile time (initially) instruct the resolver?134?to resolve the called function g( ) (which was not provided in the piece of code?205?of the software application?114) by utilizing a stub215. The stub?215?and load instruction?212?are generated by the static linker in accordance with one or more of the Power? ABIs. During runtime when performing dynamic linking, the resolver?134?is called (via load instruction?214) by the stub?215?(the resolver?134?corresponding to dynamic linker?130), and the address pointer corresponding to load instruction214?is write-updated by resolver?134?to replace the contents of the corresponding data location with the address of the resolved function (and specifically "g( )" in the present example) so as to cause stub?215?to directly transfer control to function "g( )" upon future invocations. The resolver?134?performs name resolution to locate the address of the called function "g( )" and will eventually lead to the called function g( ) stored in the shared library?150?in an address pointer corresponding to load?214. The resolver?134?must first perform a look up in tables?155?and?165?to obtain the proper function g( ) and the address for the function g( ). The resolver?134?follows the six instructions (which may be five instructions in some operating systems as shown in stub?405) in the stub?215?to obtain and reach the called function g( ). The resolver?134then provides (line?220) the subroutine for the called function g( ) to the piece of code?205. On subsequent executions of the piece of code?205, the subroutine for the called function g( ) will be used without requiring the resolver?134?to look up and determine (resolve) the function g( ) for the piece of code?205?as shown in?FIG. 3. As seen in block diagram?300, the resolver?134?does not have to be called for subsequent occasions that the processor?105?processes the piece of code?205. Instead, the function g( ) is automatically called (obtained) from the shared library?150?in stub?215?using a branch to counter (bctr) instruction (line?225), because the dynamic linker?130?has linked the called function g( ) in the shared library?150?to the piece of code?205?calling the function g( ).

Initially, however, the five or six instructions of the stub?215?transfer control to the resolver?134. The instruction in stub?215may include:

  • std r2,40(r1)
  • Id r11, -32568(r2)
  • mtctr r11
  • Id r11, -32552(r2)
  • Id r2, -32560(r2)
  • bctr

Specifically, the instructions in the stub perform the following function in accordance with the Power? ABI. For the first instruction, std r2,40(r1) stores the addressability register r2?for the address table base, so it may later be restored by instruction?212?after the return from the function. For the second instruction, Id r11, -32568(r2) loads the target address to be branches to by the stub. The value is stored in the GOT in accordance with Linux PLTstubs. In an alternate embodiment, the value is stored in a function descriptor in accordance with the AIX? glink stub. The value is initialized to the address of the resolver when execution starts, and updated to the target function for the stub by the resolver?134. For the third instruction, mtctr r11?moves the address loaded by the Id r11?instruction to the count register. For the fourth instruction, Id r11, -32552(r2) loads an addressability register which may be used in conjunction with libraries such as libffi or statically scoped languages. This instruction is optional. In the fifth instruction, Id r2, -32560(r2) loads the GOT address (for Linux PLTstubs) corresponding to the branches to function. For the sixth instruction, bctr branches to the address previously loaded into the count register.

Exemplary embodiments provide the resolver?134?which is configured to generate and use a different stub with fewer instructions in place of a stub (like the stub?215?or stub?405) without being required to perform five or six instructions.

FIGS. 2 and 3?showed an example of a PLT stub, which was stub?215. PLT stubs include code (i.e., instructions in stub215) to handle worst case scenarios. This includes reload of the base pointer context for?TOC?(table of contents) or GOT (global offset table) addressing. Reloading the base pointer for?TOC?or GOT addressing is address initialization necessary when transferring control to a module not known to be the same module.

Also, PLT stubs obtain target address from?TOC?(which is a data structure such as the tables?155?and?165). Note that there are two different tables, the?TOC(GOT) tables?159?and?169?, and the resolver tables?155?and?165. The?TOC/GOT table (such as?159?and?169) is used to find data. The "symbol table" (such as the tables?155?and?165) is used by the resolver?134?to find functions and their properties. This requires expensive load/mtctr/bctr sequence, and it may be difficult (at times) to predict ctr-based branching.

FIG. 1?shows the shared library?150?which is the local module for the calling function f( ). Reference to local module is to the shared library?150?that contains the calling function, which is the calling function f( ) The memory?120?may also have the shared library?160?which is an external (non-local) module that is external to the calling function f( ) The (external module) shared library?160?has its table?165?just as the (local module) shared library?150?has its table?155. Each table?155?(for shared library?150) and table?165?(for shared library?160) contains respective properties?157?and?167?for each of its functions. The shared library?150?has its?TOC/GOT table?159?and the shared library?160?has its?TOC/GOT table?169?in a Power? Architecture structure which contains addresses and data, as discussed in the "64-bit?PowerPC?ELF Application Binary Interface Supplement 1.9" (2004), "Power Architecture? 32-bit Application Binary Interface Supplement 1.0 Linux?" (Apr. 19, 2011), and "Power Architecture? 32-bit Application Binary Interface Supplement 1.0-Embedded" (Apr. 19, 2011) incorporated by reference herein in their entirety.

As discussed herein, the resolver?134?is configured make decisions for generating new stubs based on, e.g., whether the called function g( ) is in the local shared library?150?with the calling function f( ) and/or whether the called function is in the (external module) shared library?160?that is external to the local module (i.e., shared library?150) of the calling function f( ).

In embodiments, the dynamic linker?130?(particularly the resolver?134) is configured to perform runtime optimizations.?FIG. 4is a block diagram?400?of the resolver?134?(executing on the processor?105) to generate various new stubs based on the properties (e.g., in properties?157?and/or?167) of the particular function, such as the function g( ) being called according to an embodiment.

It has to be determined by the resolver?134?whether the properties of each respective function (including function g( )) are stored in the shared library?150?with its tables?155?and?159?and/or in the external shared library?160?with its tables?165?and169. When a function (such as function g( )) is identified in a piece of code (such as the piece of code?205), the resolver134?is configured to locate and read the properties for that called function g( ). Instead of automatically using the stub?215in conjunction with function calls to go from code?205?which is shown as stub?405?in?FIG. 4?with only five instructions, the resolver?134?is configured to generate a new stub based on the individual properties?157?of the called function.

Although not shown for conciseness, it is assumed that the piece of code?205?is included in?FIG. 4?along with the call to the resolver?134?(e.g., by instructions?210?and?212). The resolver?134?does not automatically configure code?205?to execute the stub?405?now shown with five instructions (which was stub?215?with six instructions in?FIGS. 2 and 3) to call another function, e.g., function g( ). A few example scenarios are discussed in?FIG. 4?for conciseness, but it is understood that other scenarios do apply. As discussed in?FIG. 2, it is assumed that the resolver?134?is tasked/called to resolve the function g( ) which was not included in the piece of code?205?of the software application?114.

In the first scenario, the resolver?134?looks up the function g( ) in the table?155?to find (the name of) the function g( ) along with the particular properties?157?of the function g( ). The resolver?134?is configured to read the properties?157?for function g( ), and the resolver?134?determines that the symbol (i.e., function g( )) can be resolved locally in the shared library?150. For example, the resolver?134?determines that the calling function f( ) and the called function g( ) are in the same local module which is the same local shared library?150. As such, the resolver?134?is configured with logic to generate stub?410, which is branch to local function g( ) in the shared library?150?(i.e., local module). This is a direct branch in the stub?410, and the resolver?134?is configured to execute the single instruction in the stub?410?in place of the more general stub?405(designed for a worse case scenario with five instructions). Accordingly, the resolver?134?returns the subroutine for the function g( ) as discussed in?FIGS. 2 and 3?and generates a stub?410?to directly invoke g( ) without use of a more general stub?215?or?405.

In the second scenario, the resolver?134?looks up the function g( ) in the table?155?to find (the name of) the function g( ) but recognizes that the function g( ) is not in the shared library?150. Accordingly, the resolver?134?looks up the function g( ) in the table?165?to find (the name of) the function g( ) along with the particular properties?167?of the function g( ). The resolver134?is configured to read the properties?167?for function g( ), and the resolver?134?determines that the function g( ) is an external symbol which is not in local module?150?(e.g., in non-local shared library?160) but the resolver?134?determine that the called function g() is reachable via branch displacement (i.e., a pc-relative branch) based on the properties?167. For example, the resolver?134?determines that the shared library?150?of the calling function f( ) and/or of the resolver?134?(which may be called from the shared library?150) is close by (i.e., pc-relative) the location of called function g( ). This means that the address location of the called function g( ) can be specified with less than 64 bits (such as a number of bits supported by a pc-relative branch) as an offset from the location of the calling function f( ) and/or the stub?405. Accordingly, the resolver?134?generates instructions for stub?415?to be used in place of the stub?405. Since the external symbol (function g( )) is pc-relative as determined by the resolver?134, this means that branch instructions (of stub?415) specify an offset/distance (in registers?115) from one memory location to another in memory?120. For example, the stub?415?may specify an offset from the pc-relative branch in stub?415?to the location of the called function g( ). Additionally, the resolver134?via stub?415?can load r2?with the address table (such as a GOT or?TOC?table?169) base pointer for the module corresponding to function g( ) from the non-local shared library?160.

In the third scenario, the resolver?134?looks up the function g( ) in the table?155?to find (the name of) the function g( ) but recognizes that the function g( ) is not in the shared library?150. The resolver?134?can read the properties?167?for function g( ), and determine that the function (g) is an external symbol that is not reachable by displacement (not reachable by an offset distance used for a pc relative branch). As such, the resolver?134?would execute the instructions of stub?405?(also shown as stub?420) for the normal case.

FIG. 5?is a flow chart illustrating a method?500?of the resolver?134?(running on the processor?105) determining stubs to generate during runtime according to an embodiment. As discussed in?FIGS. 2,?3, and?4, it is assumed that the resolver?134has been called to determine and locate a called function g( ) (which can represent any function being called). In a state-of-the art situation, the resolver?134?would be configured to operate in conjunction with instructions in stub?215?or?405, without generating a new stub based on the particular properties of the called function.

The resolver?134?is configured to look up the function g( )being called at block?505?and read the properties?157?(local shared library?150) and/or read properties?167?(external shared library?160) for this particular function g( ) at block?507. Based on reading the particular properties?157?and/or?167?for the function g( ), the resolver?134?is configured to determine the type of module (e.g., local shared library?150?versus external shared library?160) being called at block?510. When the resolver?134?determines that the module type of the function g( ) is a local module (which is the same module (i.e., shared library?150) as the calling function f( ), the resolver?134?is configured to generate a local module stub at block?515. Stub?410is an example of a local module stub generated by the resolver?134?(when both the called and calling functions are in shared library?150).

When the resolver?134?determines that the module type of the function g( ) is an external module (i.e., the module (external shared library?160) of the called function g( ) is different from the module (i.e., local shared library?150) of the calling function f( ), the resolver?134?is configured to determine whether the called function g( ) is reachable with a local branch (which is a PC-relative branch) at block?520.

When the resolver?134?determines that the called function g( ) is reachable with a PC-relative branch, the resolver?134?is configured to generate an external module stub with a near branch (e.g., reachable by displacement) at block?525. Stub415?is an example of an external module stub that is reachable via offset addressing from, e.g., the called function f( )and/or the resolver?134?location.

When the resolver?134?determines that the called function g( ) is not reachable with a PC-relative branch (i.e., not reachable with a local branch), the resolver?134?is configured to generate an external module stub with a far (register-indirect) branch at block?530. An example of this stub is stub?215?and?405.

Exemplary embodiments also provide optimization for environment setup requirements for the function being called. Setup of the environment means that addresses need to be initialized (by the resolver?134). For example, the loading of the?TOCbase or GOT pointer (i.e., addresses used to access the tables?159?and/or?169) is address initialization, which is initializing the address of the pointer. Address initialization refers to the act of loading an address into a base register (of registers115) that may be used for the further addressing of instruction or data, e.g., such as loading the base address of a?TOCstructure, a GOT structure, or another base address into a base address register. Some ABIs require setup of environment prior to calling a function, and this represents overhead when the environment is not used such as when a global variable is not accessed (i.e., is not required). Many modern applications represent short functions that do not use environment. Improved architectures offer capability to use PC-relative accesses to avoid need to set up environment. In accordance with an embodiment, a property (in the properties?157?and/or?167) is associated with each function about whether an environment needs to be set up or not. This property (in the properties?157?and/or?167) can be indicated as a relocation type that is read by the resolver?134. Also, the resolver?134?can determine this property by scanning the code (of, e.g., the function g( )) being linked. As an additional optimization,?FIG. 6?is a block diagram that provides further stub generation tailoring by the resolver?134?according an embodiment.

As previously discussed in?FIG. 4, the resolver?134?has been called to generate a stub for the called function g( ) called by the calling function f( ) during runtime.?FIG. 6?is similar to?FIG. 4?except for the newly added stub?605?which is discussed further below. In?FIG. 6, the resolver?134?is configured to search for the called function g( ) in the table?155?(corresponding to the local shared library?150) and find the properties?157?corresponding to the called function g( ). Based on the properties?157?for the called function g( ), the resolver?134?generates the stub?410?as in the?FIG. 4.

In an additional scenario, the resolver?134?looks up the function g( ) in the table?155?to find (the name of) the function g( ) but recognizes that the function g( ) is not in the shared library?150. Accordingly, the resolver?134?looks up the function g( ) in the table?165?to find (the name of) the function g( ) along with the particular properties?167?of the function g( ). The resolver reads the properties?167?for the called function g( ) and determines that the called function g( ) is an external symbol (i.e., external to the module of the calling function f( ) that does not need the environment to be setup. That is, no address initialization (from table?169) is needed for this external symbol. In this case (which is unlike stub?415), the address initialization is not required and this removes two instructions (std r2,40(r1) and Id r2, -32560(r2)) from having to be processed. As such, the resolver?134?is configured to generate the stub?605. Unlike the stub?415, the stub?605?does not have to store r2?and load r2.

Those skilled in the art will understand that determination of whether address initialization is necessary can be based on a variety of factors. In one embodiment, information is recorded as a property in tables?157?and?167, e.g., as different relocation types in accordance with external symbol relocation information in accordance with an ABI, such as the Power? ABI of the Power Architecture? already incorporated herein by reference, or as an explicit property stored in a table. In another feature, different naming conventions can be used, e.g., by starting all symbol names not needing address initialization with a special symbol, such as $ (dollar) or _ (underscore). In another embodiment, symbols needing address initialization are so marked. In yet another feature, an embodiment scans the object code of the called function to determine a need for address initialization. Those skilled in the art will be able to identify yet other means to convey such information to a resolver while practicing the teachings contained herein.

In another scenario, the resolver?134?looks up the function g( ) in the table?155?to find (the name of) the function g( ) but recognizes that the function g( ) is not in the shared library?150. Accordingly, the resolver?134?looks up the function g( ) in the table?165?to find (the name of) the function g( ) along with the particular properties?167?of the function g( ). The resolver134?is configured to read the properties?167?for function g( ), and the resolver?134?determines that the function g( ) is an external symbol which is not in local module?150?(e.g., in non-local shared library?160) but the resolver?134?determine that the called function g( ) is reachable via branch displacement (i.e., a pc-relative branch) based on the properties?167. For example, the resolver?134?determines that the shared library?150?of the calling function f( )and/or of the resolver?134?(which may be called from the shared library?150) is close by (i.e., pc-relative) the location of called function g( ). This means that the address location of the called function g( ) can be specified with less than 64 bits (such as a number of bits supported by a pc-relative branch) as an offset from the location of the calling function f( ) and/or the stub?405. Resolver?134?also determines that address initialization is necessary. Accordingly, the resolver?134?generates instructions for stub?415?to be used in place of the stub?405. Since the external symbol (function g( )) is pc-relative as determined by the resolver?134, this means that branch instructions (of stub?415) specify an offset/distance (in registers?115) from one memory location to another in memory?120. For example, the stub?415?may specify an offset from the pc-relative branch in stub?415?to the location of the called function g( ). Additionally, the resolver?134?via stub?415?stores a prior address pointer from r2?into memory and loads r2?with the address table (such as a GOT or?TOC) base pointer for the module corresponding to function g( ) from the non-local shared library?160.

In yet other scenarios (not shown), the resolver?134?looks up the function g( ) in the table?155?to find (the name of) the function g( ) but recognizes that the function g( ) is not in the shared library?150. The resolver?134?can read the properties167?for function g( ) and determine that the function (g) is an external symbol that is not reachable by displacement (not reachable by an offset distance used for a pc relative branch). As such, the resolver?134?would execute the instructions of stub?405?for the normal case. In yet other scenarios, a resolver might generate a stub using register indirect far branches and not loading an address table (GOT/TOC) base pointer, might generate stubs based on combinations of properties discussed herein, and/or might generate stubs based on other properties, in accordance with the teachings contained herein.

FIG. 7?is a flow chart of a method?700?(of the resolver?134?running on the processor?105) further tailoring the method?500based on environment setup / address initialization according to an embodiment.?FIG. 7?corresponds to the block diagram 600?in?FIG. 6?(which further builds on and optimizes?FIG. 4).

The resolver?134?determines one or more stubs to generate during runtime. As discussed above, it is assumed that the resolver?134?has been called to determine and locate a called function g( ) (which can represent any function being called). In a state-of-the art situation, the resolver?134?would follow the instructions in stub?215?or?405, without generating a new stub based on the particular properties of the called function.

The resolver?134?is configured to look up the function g( ) being called (in tables?155?and/or?165) at block?505?and read the properties?157?and/or?167?for this particular function g( ) at block?507. Based on reading the particular properties?157and/or?167?for the function g( ), the resolver?134?is configured to determine the type (whether local or non-local) of module being called at block?510. When the resolver?134?determines that the module type of the called function g( ) is a local module (which is the same shared library?150?as the calling function f( ), the resolver?134?is configured to generate a local module stub at block?515. This is because environment setup is not needed, and stub?410?is an example of a local module stub generated by the resolver?134.

When the resolver?134?determines that the module type of the function g( ) is an external module (i.e., the shared library160?of the called function g( ) is different from the shared library?150?of the calling function f( ), the resolver?134?is configured to determine whether the?TOC?base access is needed (i.e., whether address initialization is needed) for the called function g( ) at block?705. When the resolver?134?determines that address initialization is needed for the called function g( ), the resolver?134?generates the external module stub with?TOC?environment initialization at block?715. This generates the stub?415. Those skilled in the art will understand that the method?700?can further be enabled with the teachings of method?500, e.g., where block?715?can transfer into a test?520, generating a block with address initialization and using at least one of a local pc-relative and a far register-indirect branch.

When the resolver?134?determines that?TOC?base access (i.e., address initialization) is not needed, the resolver?134?is configured to generate an external module stub without?TOC?environment initialization at block?710. As such, this generates the stub?605?with a single instruction that does not require setup of the environment (i.e., no address initialization of tables159?and/or?169) when a local pc-relative branch can be used. Those skilled in the art will understand that the method?700can further be enabled with the teachings of method?500, e.g., where block?710?can transfer into a test?520, generating a block without address initialization and using at least one of a local pc-relative and a far register-indirect branch.

Many additional features can be added to the determination and generation of stubs by the resolver?134?based on properties of the called function, where properties are derived from properties?157?and/or?167?or from other means of determining properties in accordance with the present teachings, including, but not limited to, naming conventions, code analysis, and so forth. As provided herein, dynamic code generation by the resolver?134?requires writing code (i.e., stubs) at runtime. To ensure safety, the resolver?134?can communicate with an operating system (OS) kernel?170?to generate and/or update stubs as a trusted operation. Accordingly, any operation performed under the authority of the resolver?134can be performed by the OS kernel?170.

To prevent attempts to update the same stub by different applications and/or different threads, concurrent update of a stub in multi-threaded environment (e.g., with multiple processor circuitry (cores)?110?and/or one core running multiple threads) is performed such that either an updated stub, or a non-updated stub is visible to another executing thread. In one embodiment, this is accomplished by unmapping the page storing the stub and then performing code (i.e., stub) update when the page is not visible to applications such as the software application?114?and threads. Unmapping the page means that the resolver?134?makes the page of the stub temporarily unavailable, preferably in conjunction with an OS kernel?170, while the stub is being generated (created) and/or updated.

Additionally, concurrent update can be by, e.g., atomic stores where a stub is replaced by performing a store that updates code of the store being executed (e.g., the resolver?134?can replace a long general stub by a simple branch at the beginning of the stub). Also, the resolver?134?can use transactional memory to concurrently update entire stub. Those skilled on the art will identify other means to perform updates from a first stub to a second stub, by using a variety of means of updating stubs, in accordance with the present disclosure.

As will be discussed with reference to?FIGS. 8 and 9, further optimization can be added to the resolver?134.?FIG. 8?is a block diagram illustrating additional sections of the memory?120?with a separate stub segment?805?storing the generated stubs according to an embodiment. For example, all of the stubs generated by the resolver?134?may be collected/stored in the separate stub segment?805?that has multiple stub pages?810, or in a separate segment each corresponding to a module. The stub segment or stub segments?805?are predefined address locations of individual stub pages?810?in the memory?120, and the stub segment(s)?805?can be modified by the resolver?134. The pages are configured to use copy on write to update code (i.e., instructions) of a stub for each process (e.g., called function). In addition, the operating system125?(e.g., the resolver?134) may implement a deduplication process for stub pages?810?having pages P1?through PN. The deduplication process can identify stub pages?810?that can be shared in memory?120?(e.g., without having to store separately multiple copies of stub pages generated using copy-on-write for each process responsive to resolver?134updating stubs, once stubs have been generated) when the same stub page?810?already exists. For example, the deduplication process is configured to compare generated per-process stub pages with a corresponding stub page of other processes, and share the same stub page(s) between two or more processes. Note that although not shown for conciseness, the memory?120?includes the other elements as discussed in?FIG. 1.

FIG. 9?is flow chart of a method?900?by a deduplication process (e.g., implemented as by the OS kernel?170) that checks whether (two or more) different applications (such as the software application?114) have generated duplicate stubs, and the deduplication process (e.g., implemented as part of OS kernel?170) can share these private stubs among applications according to an embodiment. Also, the a deduplication process (e.g., implemented as part of OS kernel?170) can remove duplicate stubs.

The deduplication process (e.g., implemented as part of OS kernel?170) implements method?700. Method?700?is configured to select a stub (memory) page generated by a stub-copy-on-write at block?905. This particular stub page may be stub page Pl.

Method?700?is configured to compare stub page P1?with other pages (in the stub pages?810) in stub copy-on-write pool at block?910. Method?700?checks whether the page (e.g., stub page Pl) has the same memory image (e.g., the same instructions for a particular called function g( )) as at least one of the other stub pages P2-PN of at least one other process. For example, the memory image of stub page P1?can be compared to the memory image of stub page P7. If No the stub page P1?does not have the same memory image as the stub page P7, the flow moves to block?925. If Yes the stub page P1?has the same memory image as the stub page P7, the resolver?134?is configured to coalesce (i.e., merge) the stub pages P1?and P7, point the respective processes (e.g., of the same software application?114?or of two different software applications) to the shared stub memory image which may be at the stub page Pl, and configure copy-on-write for these respective processes at block?920.

At block?925, method?700?is configured to check whether there are more pages to compare to the stub page P1. If Yes there are more stub pages?810?that need to be compared to the stub page P1, the flow returns to block?910. If No there are no more stub pages?810?that need to be compared with the stub page P1, method?700?is configured to check whether the next stub page, e.g., stub page P2, needs to be compared against other stub pages?810?at block?930. If there is a next stub page such as stub page P2, the flow returns to block?905. If all of the stub pages?810?(e.g., stub pages P1-PN) have been processed for duplicates, the process ends.

In accordance with one embodiment, the number of pages compared can be reduced by comparing only like pages, e.g., those where the pages are derived from a common module loaded into different processes, from a common position in the stub segment of a common module, and so forth.

FIG. 10?is a flow chart of a method?1000?for generating stubs by the resolver?134?(running on the processor?105) based on properties of the called functions according to an embodiment. Reference can be made to?FIGS. 1-9. Various examples describe the resolver?134?(executing on the processor?105) performing various operations for explanation purposes. It is contemplated and understood that the functions and operations of the resolver?134?can be performed by the dynamic linker130?and the operating system?125?(such as an operating system service via the kernel?170).

The resolver?134?is configured to receive a call to a called function (e.g., called function g( )) from a calling function (e.g., calling function f( ) at block?1005.

The resolver?134?is configured to retrieve a called function property (e.g., properties?157?and/or?167?of the called function g( )) of the called function at block?1010.

The resolver?134?is configured to generate a stub (such as the generated stubs discussed in?FIGS. 4,?5,?6, and?7) for the called function based on the called function property (i.e., properties?157?and /or?167?of the called function g( )) at block1015.

Further, the resolver?134?is configured to determine when the called function g( ) and the calling function f( )are together in a shared library?150?(which is the local module). Also, in another case, the resolver?134?is configured determine when the called function g( ) is in another shared library?160, where the other shared library?160?is external to the shared library?150.

The resolver?134?is configured to optimize instructions in the stub based on the called function g( ) being in the shared library?150?with the calling function f( ) and the resolver?134?is configured to optimize instructions in the stub based on the call function g( ) being in the other non-local shared library?160?(i.e., being in an external module).

The resolver?134?is configured to optimize instructions in the stub based on a near call distance (responsive to determining that the called function g( ) is reachable with a memory address offset/displacement from branch, e.g., in a stub used by the calling function f( ) (i.e., the called function g( ) in shared library?160?is not far away from the location (in memory?120) of the branch, e.g., in a stub used by the calling function f( ) in shared library?150). The near call distance does not require full 64 address bits but can be reached by a limited number of address bits (e.g., 16 bits) which indicate an offset distance. Additionally, the resolver?134?is configured to optimize the stub based on a far call distance responsive to determining that the called function g( ) requires more address bits than provided in the near call distance. The far call distance requires the full 64 address bits.

Further, the stub can be generated by an operating system service via the kernel?170. The resolver?134?is configured to update the stub with an atomic update to create an updated stub. The atomic update to create the updated stub includes updating the updated stub (i.e., updating the memory image) while a stub memory page (such as the stub page P1) is unmapped from an executing address space of a thread, and using an atomic store to store the updated stub in stub page P1.

The resolver?134?is configured to store the stub in a separate stub segment?805?with copy on write characteristics between multiple threads executing a shared library?150/160?and to coalesce/merge multiple stubs (e.g., being stored in multiple stub (memory) pages?910) in order to remove duplicates.

As described above, embodiments can be embodied in the form of computer-implemented processes and apparatuses for practicing those processes. An embodiment may include a computer program product?1100?as depicted in?FIG. 11?on a computer readable/usable medium?1102?with computer program code logic?1104?containing instructions embodied in tangible media as an article of manufacture. Exemplary articles of manufacture for computer readable/usable medium?1102may include floppy diskettes, CD-ROMs, hard drives, universal serial bus (USB) flash drives, or any other computer-readable storage medium, wherein, when the computer program code logic?1104?is loaded into and executed by a computer, the computer becomes an apparatus for practicing the invention. Embodiments include computer program code logic?1104, for example, whether stored in a storage medium, loaded into and/or executed by a computer, or transmitted over some transmission medium, such as over electrical wiring or cabling, through fiber optics, or via electromagnetic radiation, wherein, when the computer program code logic?1104?is loaded into and executed by a computer, the computer becomes an apparatus for practicing the invention. When implemented on a general-purpose microprocessor, the computer program code logic?1104?segments configure the microprocessor to create specific logic circuits.

FIG. 12?illustrates an example of a computer?1200?having capabilities, which may be included in exemplary embodiments. Various methods, procedures, modules, flow diagrams, tools, applications, circuits, elements, and techniques discussed herein may also incorporate and/or utilize the capabilities of the computer?1200. Moreover, capabilities of the computer1200?may be utilized to implement features of exemplary embodiments discussed herein. One or more of the capabilities of the computer?1200?may be utilized to implement, to connect to, and/or to support any element discussed herein (as understood by one skilled in the art) in?FIGS. 1-11.

Generally, in terms of hardware architecture, the computer?1200?may include one or more processors?1210, computer readable storage memory?1220, and one or more input and/or output (I/O) devices?1270?that are communicatively coupled via a local interface (not shown). The local interface can be, for example but not limited to, one or more buses or other wired or wireless connections, as is known in the art. The local interface may have additional elements, such as controllers, buffers (caches), drivers, repeaters, and receivers, to enable communications. Further, the local interface may include address, control, and/or data connections to enable appropriate communications among the aforementioned components.

The processor?1210?is a hardware device for executing software that can be stored in the memory?1220. The processor1210?can be virtually any custom made or commercially available processor, a central processing unit (CPU), a data signal processor (DSP), or an auxiliary processor among several processors associated with the computer?1200, and the processor?1210?may be a semiconductor based microprocessor (in the form of a microchip) or a macroprocessor.

The computer readable memory?1220?can include any one or combination of volatile memory elements (e.g., random access memory (RAM), such as dynamic random access memory (DRAM), static random access memory (SRAM), etc.) and nonvolatile memory elements (e.g., ROM, erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM), electronically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM), programmable read only memory (PROM), tape, compact disc read only memory (CD-ROM), disk, diskette, cartridge, cassette or the like, etc.). Moreover, the memory?1220?may incorporate electronic, magnetic, optical, and/or other types of storage media. Note that the memory?1220?can have a distributed architecture, where various components are situated remote from one another, but can be accessed by the processor1210.

The software in the computer readable memory?1220?may include one or more separate programs, each of which comprises an ordered listing of executable instructions for implementing logical functions. The software in the memory?1220includes a suitable operating system (O/S)?1250, compiler?1240, source code?1230, and one or more applications?1260?of the exemplary embodiments. As illustrated, the application?1260?comprises numerous functional components for implementing the features, processes, methods, functions, and operations of the exemplary embodiments. The application1260?of the computer?1200?may represent numerous applications, agents, software components, modules, interfaces, controllers, etc., as discussed herein but the application?1260?is not meant to be a limitation.

The operating system?1250?may control the execution of other computer programs, and provides scheduling, input-output control, file and data management, memory management, and communication control and related services.

The application(s)?1260?may employ a service-oriented architecture, which may be a collection of services that communicate with each. Also, the service-oriented architecture allows two or more services to coordinate and/or perform activities (e.g., on behalf of one another). Each interaction between services can be self-contained and loosely coupled, so that each interaction is independent of any other interaction.

Further, the application?1260?may be a source program, executable program (object code), script, or any other entity comprising a set of instructions to be performed. When a source program, then the program is usually translated via a compiler (such as the compiler?1240), assembler, interpreter, or the like, which may or may not be included within the memory?1220, so as to operate properly in connection with the O/S?1250. Furthermore, the application?1260?can be written as (a) an object oriented programming language, which has classes of data and methods, or (b) a procedure programming language, which has routines, subroutines, and/or functions.

The I/O devices?1270?may include input devices (or peripherals) such as, for example but not limited to, a mouse, keyboard, scanner, microphone, camera, etc. Furthermore, the I/O devices?1270?may also include output devices (or peripherals), for example but not limited to, a printer, display, etc. Finally, the I/O devices?1270?may further include devices that communicate both inputs and outputs, for instance but not limited to, a NIC or modulator/demodulator (for accessing remote devices, other files, devices, systems, or a network), a radio frequency (RF) or other transceiver, a telephonic interface, a bridge, a router, etc. The I/O devices?1270?also include components for communicating over various networks, such as the Internet or an intranet. The I/O devices?1270?may be connected to and/or communicate with the processor?1210?utilizing Bluetooth connections and cables (via, e.g., Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports, serial ports, parallel ports, FireWire, HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface), etc.).

When the computer?1200?is in operation, the processor?1210?is configured to execute software stored within the memory1220, to communicate data to and from the memory?1220, and to generally control operations of the computer?1200pursuant to the software. The application?1260?and the O/S?1250?are read, in whole or in part, by the processor?1210, perhaps buffered within the processor?1210, and then executed.

When the application?1260?is implemented in software it should be noted that the application?1260?can be stored on virtually any computer readable storage medium for use by or in connection with any computer related system or method. In the context of this document, a computer readable storage medium may be an electronic, magnetic, optical, or other physical device or means that can contain or store a computer program for use by or in connection with a computer related system or method.

The application?1260?can be embodied in any computer-readable medium?1220?for use by or in connection with an instruction execution system, apparatus, server, or device, such as a computer-based system, processor-containing system, or other system that can fetch the instructions from the instruction execution system, apparatus, or device and execute the instructions. In the context of this document, a "computer-readable storage medium" can be any means that can store, read, write, communicate, or transport the program for use by or in connection with the instruction execution system, apparatus, or device. The computer readable medium can be, for example but not limited to, an electronic, magnetic, optical, or semiconductor system, apparatus, or device.

More specific examples (a nonexhaustive list) of the computer-readable medium?1220?would include the following: an electrical connection (electronic) having one or more wires, a portable computer diskette (magnetic or optical), a random access memory (RAM) (electronic), a read-only memory (ROM) (electronic), an erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM, EEPROM, or Flash memory) (electronic), an optical fiber (optical), and a portable compact disc memory (CDROM, CD R/W) (optical).

In exemplary embodiments, where the application?1260?is implemented in hardware, the application?1260?can be implemented with any one or a combination of the following technologies, which are each well known in the art: a discrete logic circuit(s) having logic gates for implementing logic functions upon data signals, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) having appropriate combinational logic gates, a programmable gate array(s) (PGA), a field programmable gate array (FPGA), etc.

It is understood that the computer?1200?includes non-limiting examples of software and hardware components that may be included in various devices, servers, and systems discussed herein, and it is understood that additional software and hardware components may be included in the various devices and systems discussed in exemplary embodiments.

Technical effects and benefits include reducing the time and processing resources for stubs by generating tailored stubs based on the properties of the called function instead of using a generic stub for all called functions. This allows for secure runtime optimization of external module subroutine calls based on called function properties (such as architecture levels) ability to call a subroutine with a near (short displacement branch), and location of a target subroutine in a module.


Optimizing subroutine calls based on architecture level of called subroutine