首页 > 代码库 > 简易HTTP服务器设计(二)


老师布置的作业离着DEADLINE还有几天。过了DEADLINE立马更新 :)


  This software is copyright 2016 by LuYao.  Permission
is granted to redistribute and modify this software under the terms of
the GNU General Public License, available at http://www.gnu.org/ .

  If you use this software or examine the code, I would appreciate
knowing and would be overjoyed to hear about it at luyao777@vip.qq.com .

  This software is not production quality.  It comes with no warranty
of any kind, not even an implied warranty of fitness for a particular
purpose.  I am not responsible for the damage that will likely result
if you use this software on your computer system.

  I wrote this webserver for an assignment in my networking class in
2016. It just provides basic function for http request.But the common
responsible functions are descirbed in the source file,you can use cgi
to expand its function.

  Thanks for J. David Blackstone providing  program source code in 1999.
And alse thanks for the those guys who share their code with the world! :)

  Happy coding!

