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How Facebook Redesigned the HHVM JIT Compiler for Performance

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InfoQ eMag: Java Agents and Bytecode

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HotSpot 17.0-b12的逃逸分析/标量替换的一个演示

Do Java 6 threading optimizations actually work?




Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation May Come to OpenJDK HotSpot in Java 9 -                                                     OpenJDK HotSpot may get Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation as early as Java 9. InfoQ covers the proposal submitted in September 2016.                                                              Oct 01, 2016        


技术分享                 JavaOne 2016: IBM’s Keynote  – Accelerating Innovation with Java -                                                     IBM had many innovative news to share this year at their keynote at Java One.  InfoQ was there to cover their keynote.                                                              Sep 28, 2016        


技术分享                 JavaOne 2016 - Day 2 "Thinking in Parallel" -                                                     InfoQ attends"Thinking in Parallel" session at JavaOne 2016,                                                               Sep 26, 2016        


技术分享                 JavaOne 2016 - Day 1 Highlights -                                                     Day 1 of JavaOne 2016 topics: learning about Java 8&9 features, Docker for Java developers, and development tools for Java EE 8. InfoQ highlights a few of the day‘s interesting sessions.                                                               Sep 26, 2016        


技术分享                 JavaOne 2016 Keynotes Cover the Future of Java Near and Far -                                                     JavaOne 2016 opened with reminiscence of the past 21 years of Java,  with mentions of JavaSoft and Sun. From there on it was all about Java‘s future - near and far.  In this article InfoQ summarizes the Keynotes by the industry leaders.                                                              Sep 22, 2016        


技术分享                 JavaOne 2016 – Audience Gets a Glimpse of the Power of JShell -                                                     JShell brings about Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) to Java. REPL is an efficient, interactive way for developers to validate their code snippets without having to compile, run and then debug their entire program.                                                              Sep 21, 2016        


                 What the JIT!? Anatomy of the OpenJDK HotSpot VM -                                     If you ever wondered what happens when your bytecode executes, join former Oracle G1GC perf-lead Monica Beckwith in her guided tour of JIT compilation and runtime optimizations in OpenJDK HotSpot VM.                                                                              Jun 28, 2016        


技术分享                 Java EE Guardians Unite to Save Java EE -                                                      The Java EE Guardians are a veritable who’s who of Java luminaries, including “Father of Java” James Gosling, former evangelists Reza Rahman and many other Java technorati. This news article covers their newly formed movement and important information on the charter.                                                              Jun 17, 2016        


                 Java 9 - The (G1) GC Awakens! -                                     Monica Beckwith talks about G1 pause (young and mixed) composition, G1‘s remembered sets and collection set and G1‘s concurrent marking algorithm, providing performance tuning advice.                                                                              Apr 24, 2016        


技术分享                 Initial Implementation of Module System Pushed to JDK 9 build 111 -                                                     Project Jigsaw has been in the works for a while now. On March 22nd 2016, an initial implementation of ‘Module System‘ which is the last major component of Project Jigsaw, was pushed to JDK 9 in early access build 111.                                                              Mar 28, 2016        


技术分享                 Oracle‘s OpenJDK Cleanup of "Unsafe" Implementation -                                                     As Java 9 approaches general availability, many of the defining JEPs are starting to take final shape. JEP 260 (Encapsulate Most Internal APIs) proposes to expose the functionality of the controversial sun.misc.Unsafe class via variable handles, and a new posting to the JDK Bug tracker proposes further optimizations and cleanups for Unsafe.                                                              Feb 29, 2016        


技术分享                 Q&A with Aleksey Shipilev on Compact Strings Optimization in OpenJDK 9 -                                                     OpenJDK 9 introduces the compact strings optimization. InfoQ interviews Oracle Java performance engineer Aleksey Shipilev to understand more about this optimization and its performance impact.                                                              Feb 04, 2016        


                 Monica Beckwith on Tuning and Optimizing Java Garbage Collection -                                     Monica Beckwith on  tuning java garbage collection including: customer requirements;  comparison of the different collectors, heap usage, pauses, going off-heap and scaling GC on multi-core machines.                                                                              Jan 31, 2016        


技术分享                 OpenJDK 9: Life Without HPROF and jhat -                                                     OpenJDK will decommission the HPROF agent and remove the jhat tool from JDK 9. InfoQ covers options that supersede these commandline JDK tools.                                                              Dec 11, 2015        


技术分享                 Artfully Benchmarking Java 8 Streams and Lambdas -                                                     Benchmarking and comparing Java 8 functional-style programming with the imperative-style can be tricky at times. Takipi blogs‘ recent posting shows us how.                                                              Dec 10, 2015        


技术分享                 JavaOne 2015 Keynotes (Part 2) -                                                     We continue our report of the JavaOne 2015 keynotes, with a glimpse into Brian Goetz‘ crystal ball on Java 10 and beyond.                                                              Nov 18, 2015        


技术分享                 JavaOne 2015 Keynotes (Part 1) -                                                      In celebration of Java’s 20th anniversary, the JavaOne 2015 central theme this year was ’20 years of Java’. The keynotes this year were largely focused on Java 9 and beyond. We cover these keynotes in two parts. This first part focuses on Java 9 and its flagship Project Jigsaw.                                                              Nov 12, 2015        


技术分享                 Plumbr Introduces New Java Performance Monitoring Tool -                                                     Plumbr has launched a new Application Performance Management product in their performance monitoring toolkit, that automatically reports on which technical errors are the root cause for performance incidents that impact the end user, linking those to source code.                                                              Nov 02, 2015        


                 Case for Defaulting to G1 Garbage Collector in Java 9 -                                     In this article, GC expert Monica Beckwith makes the case for JEP 248, the proposal to make G1 the default garbage collector in OpenJDK 9.                                                                               Sep 29, 2015        


                 The OpenJDK Revised Java Memory Model -                                     The existing Java Memory Model covers a lot in terms of Java language semantic guarantees. In this article we will delve into some of those semantics, and review the motivation for updating the JMM                                                                              May 31, 2015        


                 Designing a Highly Available, Fault Tolerant, Hadoop Cluster with Data Isolation -                                     In this article Monica Beckwith, starting from core Hadoop components, investigates the design of a highly available, fault tolerant Hadoop cluster, adding security and data-level isolation.                                                                               Dec 16, 2014        


                 Where Has the Java PermGen Gone? -                                      Prior to JDK8 class metadata and constants would live in an area called the “permanent generation”.  In JDK8 PermGen has now moved to native memory, to an area known as the “Metaspace”.                                                                               Jul 07, 2014        


                 Tips for Tuning the Garbage First Garbage Collector -                                     In July Monica Beckwith explored the theory of the new G1 GC Garbage First Garbage Collector. In this second installment, Monica delves into more practical aspects and provides guidance for tuning.                                                                              Sep 17, 2013        


                 G1: One Garbage Collector To Rule Them All -                                      Many articles describe how a poorly tuned garbage collector can bring an application‘s SLA to its knees. The G1 collector replaces the conventional algorithms with a concept of “regions”                                                                              Jul 15, 2013