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backup script

#!/bin/bash######################################################    export the whole database use exp utility.     ###############################################################load db profile#############################. ~/profile/c21upg10.profile#########set nls_lang################################db_nls_value=`sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<EOFselect userenv(language) from dual;EXITEOF`NLS_LANG=`(echo $db_nls_value | cut -d  -f3)`export NLS_LANG##########exp########################################file_name="${ORACLE_SID}_full_`date ‘+%y%m%d‘`.dmp"log_name="${ORACLE_SID}_imp_`date ‘+%y%m%d‘`.log"backup_location=/u01/db_backupexp \/ as sysdba\‘ file=$backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/$file_name log=$backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/$log_name full=y##########compress and delete obsoleteness###########gzip $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/*.dmp




后来加了一段删除冗余代码。 这段代码中要记住的有几点

1. 设置日期

date -d "-1 week" +%y%m%d
date -d "-1 day" +%y%m%d

2. 判断shell命令执行成功与否

command ; flag=$?

if [ $flag -eq 0 ]

cur_bak=$backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/${ORACLE_SID}_full_`date +%y%m%d`.dmp.gzcur_bak_7=$backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/${ORACLE_SID}_full_`date -d "-1 week" +%y%m%d`.dmp.gzcur_bak_14=$backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/${ORACLE_SID}_full_`date -d "-2 week" +%y%m%d`.dmp.gzcur_log=$backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/${ORACLE_SID}_imp_`date +%y%m%d`.logcur_log_7=$backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/${ORACLE_SID}_imp_`date -d "-1 week" +%y%m%d`.logcur_log_14=$backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/${ORACLE_SID}_imp_`date -d "-4 week" +%y%m%d`.log    if [ -a $cur_bak ] && [ -a $cur_bak_7 ] && [ -a $cur_bak_14 ] ;then    grep "Export terminated successfully without warnings" $cur_log >/dev/null 2>&1 ; flag1=$?    grep "Export terminated successfully without warnings" $cur_log_7 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; flag2=$?    grep "Export terminated successfully without warnings" $cur_log_14>/dev/null 2>&1 ; flag3=$?    if [ $flag1 -eq 0 ] && [ $flag2 -eq 0 ] && [ $flag3 -eq 0 ] ;    then        mkdir $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/temp; flag1=$?        mv $cur_bak $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/temp ;flag2=$?        mv $cur_bak_7 $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/temp ;flag3=$?        mv $cur_bak_14 $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/temp ;flag4=$?        mv $cur_log $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/temp ;flag5=$?        mv $cur_log_7 $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/temp ;flag6=$?        mv $cur_log_14 $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/temp ;flag7=$?        if [ $flag1 -eq 0 ] && [ $flag2 -eq 0 ] && [ $flag3 -eq 0 ] && [ $flag4 -eq 0 ] && [ $flag5 -eq 0 ] && [ $flag6 -eq 0 ]  && [ $flag7 -eq 0 ] ;        then            rm $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/*.gz ; flag1=$?            rm $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/*.log; flag2=$?            mv $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/temp/* $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/; flag3=$?            rm -r $backup_location/$ORACLE_SID/temp/; flag4=$?            if [ $flag1 -eq 1 ] || [ $flag2 -eq 0 ] || [ $flag3 -eq 0 ] || [ $flag4 -eq 0 ];then                echo "send email for here0"            fi        fi    fielse    echo "send email for here1"fi