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1.在 Spring 配置文件
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" 3 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 4 xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" 5 xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx" 6 xmlns:jpa="http://www.springframework.org/schema/data/jpa" 7 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd 8 http://www.springframework.org/schema/data/jpa http://www.springframework.org/schema/data/jpa/spring-jpa-1.3.xsd 9 http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx-4.0.xsd10 http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.0.xsd">11 12 <!-- 配置自动扫描的包 -->13 <context:component-scan base-package="com.atguigu.springdata"></context:component-scan>14 15 <!-- 1. 配置数据源 -->16 <context:property-placeholder location="classpath:db.properties"/>17 18 <bean id="dataSource"19 class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource">20 <property name="user" value="${jdbc.user}"></property>21 <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"></property> 22 <property name="driverClass" value="${jdbc.driverClass}"></property>23 <property name="jdbcUrl" value="${jdbc.jdbcUrl}"></property>24 25 <!-- 配置其他属性 -->26 </bean>27 28 <!-- 2. 配置 JPA 的 EntityManagerFactory -->29 <bean id="entityManagerFactory" 30 class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">31 <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"></property>32 <property name="jpaVendorAdapter">33 <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter"></bean>34 </property>35 <property name="packagesToScan" value="com.atguigu.springdata"></property>36 <property name="jpaProperties">37 <props>38 <!-- 二级缓存相关 -->39 <!-- 40 <prop key="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class">org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.EhCacheRegionFactory</prop>41 <prop key="net.sf.ehcache.configurationResourceName">ehcache-hibernate.xml</prop>42 -->43 <!-- 生成的数据表的列的映射策略 -->44 <prop key="hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy">org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy</prop>45 <!-- hibernate 基本属性 -->46 <prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect</prop>47 <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>48 <prop key="hibernate.format_sql">true</prop>49 <prop key="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">update</prop>50 </props>51 </property>52 </bean>53 54 <!-- 3. 配置事务管理器 -->55 <bean id="transactionManager"56 class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager">57 <property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory"></property> 58 </bean>59 60 <!-- 4. 配置支持注解的事务 -->61 <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager"/>62 63 <!-- 5. 配置 SpringData -->64 <!-- 加入 jpa 的命名空间 -->65 <!-- base-package: 扫描 Repository Bean 所在的 package -->66 <jpa:repositories base-package="com.atguigu.springdata"67 entity-manager-factory-ref="entityManagerFactory"></jpa:repositories>68 69 </beans>
1 jdbc.user=root2 jdbc.password=11113 jdbc.driverClass=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver4 jdbc.jdbcUrl=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/springdata
1 package com.atguigu.springdata.test; 2 3 import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 4 import java.io.IOException; 5 import java.sql.SQLException; 6 import java.util.ArrayList; 7 import java.util.Arrays; 8 import java.util.Date; 9 import java.util.List; 10 11 import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; 12 import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; 13 import javax.persistence.criteria.Path; 14 import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate; 15 import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; 16 import javax.sql.DataSource; 17 18 import org.junit.Test; 19 import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; 20 import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; 21 import org.springframework.data.domain.Page; 22 import org.springframework.data.domain.PageRequest; 23 import org.springframework.data.domain.Sort; 24 import org.springframework.data.domain.Sort.Direction; 25 import org.springframework.data.domain.Sort.Order; 26 import org.springframework.data.jpa.domain.Specification; 27 28 import com.atguigu.springdata.Person; 29 import com.atguigu.springdata.PersonRepsotory; 30 import com.atguigu.springdata.PersonService; 31 import com.atguigu.springdata.commonrepositorymethod.AddressRepository; 32 33 public class SpringDataTest { 34 35 private ApplicationContext ctx = null; 36 private PersonRepsotory personRepsotory = null; 37 private PersonService personService; 38 39 { 40 ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml"); 41 personRepsotory = ctx.getBean(PersonRepsotory.class); 42 personService = ctx.getBean(PersonService.class); 43 } 44 45 46 //使用自定义的方法,需要声明接口,并继承,同时完成实现类,此方法比较少用 47 @Test 48 public void testCustomRepositoryMethod(){ 49 personRepsotory.test(); 50 } 51 52 /** 53 * 目标: 实现带查询条件的分页. id > 5 的条件 54 * 55 * 调用 JpaSpecificationExecutor 的 Page<T> findAll(Specification<T> spec, Pageable pageable); 56 * Specification: 封装了 JPA Criteria 查询的查询条件 57 * Pageable: 封装了请求分页的信息: 例如 pageNo, pageSize, Sort 58 */ 59 //使用继承JpaSpecificationExecutor的方法实现条件查询+分页 60 @Test 61 public void testJpaSpecificationExecutor(){ 62 int pageNo = 3 - 1; 63 int pageSize = 5; 64 PageRequest pageable = new PageRequest(pageNo, pageSize); 65 66 //通常使用 Specification 的匿名内部类 67 Specification<Person> specification = new Specification<Person>() { 68 /** 69 * @param *root: 代表查询的实体类. 70 * @param query: 可以从中可到 Root 对象, 即告知 JPA Criteria 查询要查询哪一个实体类. 还可以 71 * 来添加查询条件, 还可以结合 EntityManager 对象得到最终查询的 TypedQuery 对象. 72 * @param *cb: CriteriaBuilder 对象. 用于创建 Criteria 相关对象的工厂. 当然可以从中获取到 Predicate 对象 73 * @return: *Predicate 类型, 代表一个查询条件. 74 */ 75 @Override 76 public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Person> root, 77 CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) { 78 Path path = root.get("id"); 79 Predicate predicate = cb.gt(path, 5); 80 return predicate; 81 } 82 }; 83 84 Page<Person> page = personRepsotory.findAll(specification, pageable); 85 86 System.out.println("总记录数: " + page.getTotalElements()); 87 System.out.println("当前第几页: " + (page.getNumber() + 1)); 88 System.out.println("总页数: " + page.getTotalPages()); 89 System.out.println("当前页面的 List: " + page.getContent()); 90 System.out.println("当前页面的记录数: " + page.getNumberOfElements()); 91 } 92 93 //使用继承JpaRepository的方法 94 @Test 95 public void testJpaRepository(){ 96 Person person = new Person(); 97 person.setBirth(new Date()); 98 person.setEmail("xy@atguigu.com"); 99 person.setLastName("xyz");100 person.setId(28);101 102 Person person2 = personRepsotory.saveAndFlush(person);103 104 System.out.println(person == person2);105 }106 107 //使用继承PagingAndSortingRespository的方法,实现分页108 @Test109 public void testPagingAndSortingRespository(){110 //pageNo 从 0 开始. 111 int pageNo = 6 - 1;112 int pageSize = 5;113 //Pageable 接口通常使用的其 PageRequest 实现类. 其中封装了需要分页的信息114 //排序相关的. Sort 封装了排序的信息115 //Order 是具体针对于某一个属性进行升序还是降序. 116 Order order1 = new Order(Direction.DESC, "id");117 Order order2 = new Order(Direction.ASC, "email");118 Sort sort = new Sort(order1, order2);119 120 PageRequest pageable = new PageRequest(pageNo, pageSize, sort);121 Page<Person> page = personRepsotory.findAll(pageable);122 123 System.out.println("总记录数: " + page.getTotalElements());124 System.out.println("当前第几页: " + (page.getNumber() + 1));125 System.out.println("总页数: " + page.getTotalPages());126 System.out.println("当前页面的 List: " + page.getContent());127 System.out.println("当前页面的记录数: " + page.getNumberOfElements());128 }129 130 //使用继承CrudReposiory的方法131 @Test132 public void testCrudReposiory(){133 List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();134 135 for(int i = ‘a‘; i <= ‘z‘; i++){136 Person person = new Person();137 person.setAddressId(i + 1);138 person.setBirth(new Date());139 person.setEmail((char)i + "" + (char)i + "@atguigu.com");140 person.setLastName((char)i + "" + (char)i);141 142 persons.add(person);143 }144 145 personService.savePersons(persons);146 }147 148 @Test149 public void testModifying(){150 // personRepsotory.updatePersonEmail(1, "mmmm@atguigu.com");151 personService.updatePersonEmail("mmmm@atguigu.com", 1);152 }153 154 //设置 nativeQuery=true 即可以使用原生的 SQL 查询155 @Test156 public void testNativeQuery(){157 long count = personRepsotory.getTotalCount();158 System.out.println(count);159 }160 161 162 //使用 @Query 几种传递参数的方式163 @Test164 public void testQueryAnnotationLikeParam(){165 // List<Person> persons = personRepsotory.testQueryAnnotationLikeParam("%A%", "%bb%");166 // System.out.println(persons.size());167 168 // List<Person> persons = personRepsotory.testQueryAnnotationLikeParam("A", "bb");169 // System.out.println(persons.size());170 171 List<Person> persons = personRepsotory.testQueryAnnotationLikeParam2("bb", "A");172 System.out.println(persons.size());173 }174 175 @Test176 public void testQueryAnnotationParams2(){177 List<Person> persons = personRepsotory.testQueryAnnotationParams2("aa@atguigu.com", "AA");178 System.out.println(persons);179 }180 181 @Test182 public void testQueryAnnotationParams1(){183 List<Person> persons = personRepsotory.testQueryAnnotationParams1("AA", "aa@atguigu.com");184 System.out.println(persons);185 }186 187 //使用 @Query 注解可以自定义 JPQL 语句以实现更灵活的查询188 @Test189 public void testQueryAnnotation(){190 Person person = personRepsotory.getMaxIdPerson();191 System.out.println(person);192 }193 194 //根据外键条件查询,注意下划线的使用,若无下滑线,将优先获取person的属性,下滑线则表示为外键195 @Test196 public void testKeyWords2(){197 List<Person> persons = personRepsotory.getByAddress_IdGreaterThan(1);198 System.out.println(persons);199 }200 201 //几种条件查询的例子202 @Test203 public void testKeyWords(){204 List<Person> persons = personRepsotory.getByLastNameStartingWithAndIdLessThan("X", 10);205 System.out.println(persons);206 207 persons = personRepsotory.getByLastNameEndingWithAndIdLessThan("X", 10);208 System.out.println(persons);209 210 persons = personRepsotory.getByEmailInAndBirthLessThan(Arrays.asList("AA@atguigu.com", "FF@atguigu.com", 211 "SS@atguigu.com"), new Date());212 System.out.println(persons.size());213 }214 215 //获取lastname为AA的person216 @Test217 public void testHelloWorldSpringData() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException{218 System.out.println(personRepsotory.getClass().getName());219 Person person = personRepsotory.getByLastName("AA");220 System.out.println(person);221 }222 223 //验证数据库连接是否成功224 @Test225 public void testDataSource() throws SQLException {226 DataSource dataSource = ctx.getBean(DataSource.class);227 System.out.println(dataSource.getConnection());228 }229 230 }
1 package com.atguigu.springdata; 2 3 import java.util.Date; 4 import java.util.List; 5 6 import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository; 7 import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaSpecificationExecutor; 8 import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.Modifying; 9 import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.Query;10 import org.springframework.data.repository.query.Param;11 12 /**13 * 1. Repository 是一个空接口. 即是一个标记接口14 * 2. 若我们定义的接口继承了 Repository, 则该接口会被 IOC 容器识别为一个 Repository Bean.15 * 纳入到 IOC 容器中. 进而可以在该接口中定义满足一定规范的方法. 16 * 17 * 3. 实际上, 也可以通过 @RepositoryDefinition 注解来替代继承 Repository 接口18 */19 /**20 * 在 Repository 子接口中声明方法21 * 1. 不是随便声明的. 而需要符合一定的规范22 * 2. 查询方法以 find | read | get 开头23 * 3. 涉及条件查询时,条件的属性用条件关键字连接24 * 4. 要注意的是:条件属性以首字母大写。25 * 5. 支持属性的级联查询. 若当前类有符合条件的属性, 则优先使用, 而不使用级联属性. 26 * 若需要使用级联属性, 则属性之间使用 _ 进行连接. 27 */28 //@RepositoryDefinition(domainClass=Person.class,idClass=Integer.class)29 public interface PersonRepsotory extends 30 JpaRepository<Person, Integer>,31 JpaSpecificationExecutor<Person>, PersonDao{32 33 //根据 lastName 来获取对应的 Person34 Person getByLastName(String lastName);35 36 //WHERE lastName LIKE ?% AND id < ?37 List<Person> getByLastNameStartingWithAndIdLessThan(String lastName, Integer id);38 39 //WHERE lastName LIKE %? AND id < ?40 List<Person> getByLastNameEndingWithAndIdLessThan(String lastName, Integer id);41 42 //WHERE email IN (?, ?, ?) OR birth < ?43 List<Person> getByEmailInAndBirthLessThan(List<String> emails, Date birth);44 45 //WHERE a.id > ?46 List<Person> getByAddress_IdGreaterThan(Integer id);47 48 //查询 id 值最大的那个 Person49 //使用 @Query 注解可以自定义 JPQL 语句以实现更灵活的查询50 @Query("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.id = (SELECT max(p2.id) FROM Person p2)")51 Person getMaxIdPerson();52 53 //为 @Query 注解传递参数的方式1: 使用占位符. 54 @Query("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.lastName = ?1 AND p.email = ?2")55 List<Person> testQueryAnnotationParams1(String lastName, String email);56 57 //为 @Query 注解传递参数的方式1: 命名参数的方式. 58 @Query("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.lastName = :lastName AND p.email = :email")59 List<Person> testQueryAnnotationParams2(@Param("email") String email, @Param("lastName") String lastName);60 61 //SpringData 允许在占位符上添加 %%. 62 @Query("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.lastName LIKE %?1% OR p.email LIKE %?2%")63 List<Person> testQueryAnnotationLikeParam(String lastName, String email);64 65 //SpringData 允许在占位符上添加 %%. 66 @Query("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.lastName LIKE %:lastName% OR p.email LIKE %:email%")67 List<Person> testQueryAnnotationLikeParam2(@Param("email") String email, @Param("lastName") String lastName);68 69 //设置 nativeQuery=true 即可以使用原生的 SQL 查询70 @Query(value="http://www.mamicode.com/SELECT count(id) FROM jpa_persons", nativeQuery=true)71 long getTotalCount();72 73 //可以通过自定义的 JPQL 完成 UPDATE 和 DELETE 操作. 注意: JPQL 不支持使用 INSERT74 //在 @Query 注解中编写 JPQL 语句, 但必须使用 @Modifying 进行修饰. 以通知 SpringData, 这是一个 UPDATE 或 DELETE 操作75 //UPDATE 或 DELETE 操作需要使用事务, 此时需要定义 Service 层. 在 Service 层的方法上添加事务操作. 76 //默认情况下, SpringData 的每个方法上有事务, 但都是一个只读事务. 他们不能完成修改操作!77 @Modifying78 @Query("UPDATE Person p SET p.email = :email WHERE id = :id")79 void updatePersonEmail(@Param("id") Integer id, @Param("email") String email);80 }81
1 package com.atguigu.springdata;2 3 public interface PersonDao {4 5 void test();6 7 }
1 package com.atguigu.springdata; 2 3 import javax.persistence.EntityManager; 4 import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; 5 6 public class PersonRepsotoryImpl implements PersonDao { 7 8 @PersistenceContext 9 private EntityManager entityManager;10 11 @Override12 public void test() {13 Person person = entityManager.find(Person.class, 11);14 System.out.println("-->" + person);15 }16 17 }
1 package com.atguigu.springdata; 2 3 import java.util.List; 4 5 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; 6 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; 7 import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; 8 9 @Service10 public class PersonService {11 12 @Autowired13 private PersonRepsotory personRepsotory;14 15 @Transactional16 public void savePersons(List<Person> persons){17 personRepsotory.save(persons);18 }19 20 @Transactional21 public void updatePersonEmail(String email, Integer id){22 personRepsotory.updatePersonEmail(id, email);23 }24 }
1 package com.atguigu.springdata; 2 3 import java.util.Date; 4 5 import javax.persistence.Column; 6 import javax.persistence.Entity; 7 import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; 8 import javax.persistence.Id; 9 import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;10 import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;11 import javax.persistence.Table;12 13 @Table(name="JPA_PERSONS")14 @Entity15 public class Person {16 17 private Integer id;18 private String lastName;19 20 private String email;21 private Date birth;22 23 private Address address;24 25 private Integer addressId;26 27 @GeneratedValue28 @Id29 public Integer getId() {30 return id;31 }32 33 public void setId(Integer id) {34 this.id = id;35 }36 37 public String getLastName() {38 return lastName;39 }40 41 public void setLastName(String lastName) {42 this.lastName = lastName;43 }44 45 public String getEmail() {46 return email;47 }48 49 public void setEmail(String email) {50 this.email = email;51 }52 53 public Date getBirth() {54 return birth;55 }56 57 public void setBirth(Date birth) {58 this.birth = birth;59 }60 61 @Column(name="ADD_ID")62 public Integer getAddressId() {63 return addressId;64 }65 66 public void setAddressId(Integer addressId) {67 this.addressId = addressId;68 }69 70 @JoinColumn(name="ADDRESS_ID")71 @ManyToOne72 public Address getAddress() {73 return address;74 }75 76 public void setAddress(Address address) {77 this.address = address;78 }79 80 @Override81 public String toString() {82 return "Person [id=" + id + ", lastName=" + lastName + ", email="83 + email + ", brith=" + birth + "]";84 }85 }
1 package com.atguigu.springdata; 2 3 import javax.persistence.Entity; 4 import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; 5 import javax.persistence.Id; 6 import javax.persistence.Table; 7 8 @Table(name="JPA_ADDRESSES") 9 @Entity10 public class Address {11 12 private Integer id;13 private String province;14 private String city;15 16 @GeneratedValue17 @Id18 public Integer getId() {19 return id;20 }21 22 public void setId(Integer id) {23 this.id = id;24 }25 26 public String getProvince() {27 return province;28 }29 30 public void setProvince(String province) {31 this.province = province;32 }33 34 public String getCity() {35 return city;36 }37 38 public void setCity(String city) {39 this.city = city;40 }41 42 }
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