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the join and dump method




join(string, ...) Returns a new string formed by joining the strings using File::SEPARATOR.File.join("usr", "mail", "gumby")   #=> "usr/mail/gumby"real_path = File.join Settings.real_dir, "#{real_name}.#{aaa}.apk"



dump( obj [, anIO] , limit=-1 ) → anIO Serializes obj and all descendant objects. If anIO is specified, the serialized data will be written to it, otherwise the data will be returned as a String. If limit is specified, the traversal of subobjects will be limited to that depth. If limit is negative, no checking of depth will be performed.


class Klass  def initialize(str)    @str = str  end  def say_hello    @str  endend


o = Klass.new("hello\n")data = Marshal.dump(o)obj = Marshal.load(data)obj.say_hello  #=> "hello\n"