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jq toggle1.9版本后不支持解决方案

<script type="text/javascript">    $(document).ready(function(){        $("button").toggle(function(){            $("body").css("background-color", "green");        }, function(){            $("body").css("background-color", "red");        }, function(){            $("body").css("background-color", "yellow");        });    });    $.fn.toggle = function( fn ) {        // Save reference to arguments for access in closure        var args = arguments,                guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++,                i = 0,                toggler = function( event ) {                    // Figure out which function to execute                    var lastToggle = ( jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i;                    jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 );                    // Make sure that clicks stop                    event.preventDefault();                    // and execute the function                    return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false;                };        // link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler        toggler.guid = guid;        while ( i < args.length ) {            args[ i++ ].guid = guid;        }        return this.click( toggler );    }</script>


jq toggle1.9版本后不支持解决方案