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Gemcom Surpac 6.12 大型矿山工程软件 稳定版

1、Gemcom Whittle.v4.5 1CD矿山软件
Gemcom Whittle.v4.5 1CD Gemcom Whittle v4.4.1 1CD矿山软件 依托Whittle能够帮助他们确定投资方案提交稳健的开采计划,并且充分考虑矿山开采的实际条件,提出多种参考方案,在考虑实际的开采限制的基础上使收益最大化。 Whittle提交...

2、Gemcom MineSched v8.0 1CD矿山长短期进度计划编制软件
Gemcom MineSched v8.0 1CD The MineSched Development and Scheduling engines have been completely re-written, offering users up to 20 times improvement in scheduling run times. As MineSched 8.0 supports larger datasets...

3、Gemcom GEMS v6.4 1CD矿山软件
Below are a few highlights from the release, available free of charge as part of your Update Service and Technical Support (USTS) subscription. Solids and Surfaces Triangle Editing Users can add and delete individual ...

4、Minescape v4.116a 1CD(矿山开采三维(3D)CAD 软件集成系统)
Minescape v4.116a 1CD(矿山开采三维(3D)CAD 软件集成系统)

5、Minesight v4.0-ISO 1CD(三维的矿山设计软件)
Minesight v4.0-ISO 1CD(三维的矿山设计软件)

6、GEMCOM.Surpac.V6.1.4中英文版 大型矿山工程软件
GEMCOM.Surpac.V6.1.4中英文版 大型矿山工程软件


电 话 TEL:18980583122 Q Q:1140988741

7、MineSight.3D.V4.50 矿山设计软件
MineSight.3D.V4.50 矿山设计软件

8、Minescape v4.116a 1CD(矿山开采三维(3D)CAD 软件集成系统)
Minescape v4.116a 1CD(矿山开采三维(3D)CAD 软件集成系统)

9、Datamine Studio v3.19.3025 ENG-ISO 1CD(矿山软件)
Datamine Studio v3.19.3025 ENG-ISO 1CD(矿山软件)

10、MineSight.3D.V4.0 矿山设计软件
MineSight.3D.V4.0 矿山设计软件 This course is designed as a basic introduction to MineSight 3D. The course will cover the basics in MineSight, CAD function, Geology and Engineering tools. Mintec recommends taking thi...

11、Gemcom Minex v6.02 矿山方面的软件
Gemcom Minex v6.02 矿山方面的软件 Gemcom Minex v6.03-ISO 1CD(专为层状矿床设计的地质、采矿软件 下载,解密下载,破解 需要请联系我

12、Gemcom.GEMS.V6.1.4 矿山软件
Gemcom.GEMS.V6.1.4 矿山软件 Gemcom GEMS™ is the leader in collaborative geology and mine planning solutions. For over 20 years GEMS has been providing the right capabilities for open pit and underground mini...

13、MineSight.3D.V4.0 矿山设计软件
MineSight.3D.V4.0 矿山设计软件 MineSight.3D.V4.0 矿山设计软件 This course is designed as a basic introduction to MineSight 3D. The course will cover the basics in MineSight, CAD function, Geology and Engineering too...

14、Gemcom Surpac 6.12 大型矿山工程软件 稳定版
Gemcom Surpac 6.12 大型矿山工程软件 稳定版 Gemcom Surpac 6.12 大型三维数字 矿业软件包,有着深远的行业背景和扎实可靠的技术基础,面向全世界多个国家的地勘业和采矿业,可以提供满足不同需求的实用软件模块,是高度综合集成、高...

15、Gemcom Surpac 6.12 大型矿山工程软件
Gemcom Surpac 6.12 大型矿山工程软件 Gemcom Surpac 6.12大型三维数字矿业软件包,有着深远的行业背景和扎实可靠的技术基础,面向全世界多个国家的地勘业和采矿业,可以提供满足不同需求的实用软件模块,是高度综合集成、高价值、多种语...

GEMCOM.Surpac.Vision.6.0.3大型矿山工程软件 澳大利亚SSI公司开发的三维可视化矿山工程软件Surpac. SURPAC就致力于为矿产资源业开发采矿规划及管理软件系统,并逐步将业务领域从澳大利亚拓展到全球。 SURPAC大型数字化矿山软件广泛应用...

17、MineSight.3D.V4.0 矿山设计软件
MineSight.3D.V4.0 矿山设计软件 This course is designed as a basic introduction to MineSight 3D. The course will cover the basics in MineSight, CAD function, Geology and Engineering tools. Mintec recommends taking this