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使插件响应 Shortcut。

uses  uHYPluginHelpers, uHYCrossPlatformInterfaces;type  TYourRegularForm = class(TForm)  [...]  private    Helper: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPluginEx;  public    function WantChildKey(Child: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean; override;  end;procedure TYourRegularForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);begin  Helper := THYControlAsVisualPlugin.Create(self);end;function TYourRegularForm.WantChildKey(Child: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean;begin  //result := Helper.HandleShortCuts(Message.WParam);
if Message.Msg = WM_KEYDOWN then result := Helper.HandleShortCuts(Message.WParam) else result := false;

 编译 Hydra.net

You need to create that key or to remove the corresponding line from the AssemblyInfo.pas file.

Key generation commands are

sn -k RemObjectsSoftware
sn -i RemObjectsSoftware RemObjectsSoftware


Fixed Memory Leak with FMX ModuleManager 


pls update uHYModuleManager_FMX.pas as:


constructor THYFMXModuleManager.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin  inherited;  fPluginRefs := TList.Create;end;

