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 1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 #-*- coding:gb18030 -*- 3 ‘‘‘ 4   Usage: mq.py [Qmgr] 5         *get the queues‘ curdepth which type is local, 6          and sorted by curdepth desc. 7   Auth : kongdl@eastcom-sw.com 8 ‘‘‘ 9 10 import re11 import os12 import sys13 14 if __name__==__main__:15         if len(sys.argv)!=2:16                 print Usage: %s [Qmgr] % sys.argv[0]17                 sys.exit(1)18         Qmgr=sys.argv[1]19 20         text=os.popen("echo ‘DIS QUEUE(*) CURDEPTH QTYPE(QLOCAL)‘|runmqsc %s" % Qmgr).read()21         queues=re.findall(rQUEUE\(([^*]*?)\), text)22         if not queues:23                 print MQ: QueueManager [%s] not exist % Qmgr24                 sys.exit(2)25         depths=re.findall(rCURDEPTH\(([^*]*?)\), text)26         qdlist=sorted(zip(queues, depths), cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(int(y[1]), int(x[1])))27 28         print % 40s, %s % (QueueName, CurrentDepth)29         for qd in qdlist:30                 print % 40s, %s % (qd[0], qd[1])

