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CTCI 3.3

Imagine a (literal) stack of plates. If the stack gets too high, it might topple. Therefore, in real life, we would likely start a new stack when the previous stack exceeds some threshold. Implement a data structureSetOf Stacks that mimics this. SetOf Stacks should be composed of several stacks and should create a new stack once the previous one exceeds capacity. SetOfStacks.push() and SetOfStacks.pop() should be have identically to a single stack(that is,pop() should return the same values as it would if there were just a single stack).
Implement a function popAt(int index) which performs a pop operation on a specific sub-stack.

Using arraylist could easily implement stacks, and use another arraylist to manage these stacks, when the current stack is full, add a new one, when the current is empty, remove it from the list. In terms of popAt(), I assume that after pop the top from the specific stack, the hole would not be filled in the following push process. We could ask interviewer to clarify this problem. Besides, I assume the data type to be integer, we could use generalization to implement the class.

/*Use arraylist to implement stacks and another arraylist to store these stacks, assume the elementsare integer to ease the discussion. I assume that after a popAt() call, the newly pushed elements shouldstill see the entire stack as a single stack.*/import java.util.*;public class SetofStacks {    ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> sets;    int stackSize; int stackNum = -1;    public SetofStacks(int size) {        sets = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();        stackSize = size;    }     public void push(int key) {        //If there is no stack yet or the current stack is full, create a new one        if(stackNum == -1 || sets.get(stackNum).size()+1 > stackSize) {            sets.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());            stackNum++;        }        sets.get(stackNum).add(key);    }    public int pop() throws Exception {        if(stackNum == -1) {            throw new Exception("No Elements");        }        int top = sets.get(stackNum).size();        int key = sets.get(stackNum).get(top-1);        sets.get(stackNum).remove(top-1);        //If a stack is empty, remove it from the list        if(sets.get(stackNum).size() == 0) {            sets.remove(stackNum);            stackNum--;        }        return key;    }    public int popAt(int index) throws Exception{        if(stackNum < index) {            throw new Exception("No Such Stack");        }        int top = sets.get(index).size();        int key = sets.get(index).get(top-1);        sets.get(index).remove(top-1);        return key;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        SetofStacks ss = new SetofStacks(2);        try {            ss.push(1); ss.push(2); ss.push(3);            System.out.println(ss.pop() + " " + ss.pop() + " " +ss.pop());            ss.push(1); ss.push(2); ss.push(3); ss.push(4);            System.out.println(ss.popAt(0) + " " + ss.popAt(1));            ss.push(5); ss.push(6);            System.out.println(ss.pop() + " " + ss.pop() + " " +ss.pop());        }        catch(Exception e) {            System.out.println(e.toString());        }    }}