首页 > 代码库 > 从零开始编写自己的C#框架(22)——添加普通列表页面








  1 /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Advertisement]    Script Date: 2014/7/9 17:07:11  ******/  2 if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N[dbo].[Advertisement]) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, NIsUserTable) = 1)  3 drop table [dbo].[Advertisement]  4 GO  5   6 /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Advertisement]    Script Date: 2014/7/9 17:07:11   ******/  7 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Advertisement] (  8   [Id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,  9   [Name] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL, 10   [Content] [nvarchar] (100) NOT NULL, 11   [Url] [nvarchar] (200) NOT NULL, 12   [Keyword] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL, 13   [AdvertisingPosition_Id] [int] NOT NULL, 14   [AdvertisingPosition_Name] [nvarchar] (20) NOT NULL, 15   [AdImg] [nvarchar] (250) NOT NULL, 16   [ShowRate] [int] NOT NULL, 17   [StartTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, 18   [EndTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, 19   [IsDisplay] [tinyint] NOT NULL, 20   [HitCount] [int] NOT NULL, 21   [Sort] [int] NOT NULL, 22   [Manager_Id] [int] NOT NULL, 23   [Manager_CName] [nvarchar] (20) NOT NULL, 24   [UpdateDate] [datetime] NOT NULL 25 ) ON [PRIMARY] 26 GO 27  28 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Advertisement] WITH NOCHECK ADD 29   CONSTRAINT [PK_Advertisement] PRIMARY KEY  CLUSTERED 30 ( 31  [Id] 32 )  ON [PRIMARY] 33 GO 34  35 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Advertisement] ADD 36   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_Name] DEFAULT (‘‘) FOR [Name], 37   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_Content] DEFAULT (‘‘) FOR [Content], 38   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_Url] DEFAULT (‘‘) FOR [Url], 39   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_Keyword] DEFAULT (‘‘) FOR [Keyword], 40   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_AdvertisingPosition_Id] DEFAULT (0) FOR [AdvertisingPosition_Id], 41   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_AdvertisingPosition_Name] DEFAULT (‘‘) FOR [AdvertisingPosition_Name], 42   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_AdImg] DEFAULT (‘‘) FOR [AdImg], 43   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_ShowRate] DEFAULT (0) FOR [ShowRate], 44   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_StartTime] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [StartTime], 45   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_EndTime] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [EndTime], 46   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_IsDisplay] DEFAULT (0) FOR [IsDisplay], 47   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_HitCount] DEFAULT (0) FOR [HitCount], 48   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_Sort] DEFAULT (0) FOR [Sort], 49   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_Manager_Id] DEFAULT (0) FOR [Manager_Id], 50   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_Manager_CName] DEFAULT (‘‘) FOR [Manager_CName], 51   CONSTRAINT [DF_Advertisement_UpdateDate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [UpdateDate]  52 GO 53  54 CREATE  INDEX [IX_Advertisement__Name] ON [dbo].[Advertisement]([Name]) ON [PRIMARY] 55 GO 56  57 CREATE  INDEX [IX_Advertisement__Keyword] ON [dbo].[Advertisement]([Keyword]) ON [PRIMARY] 58 GO 59  60 CREATE  INDEX [IX_Advertisement__AdvertisingPosition_Id] ON [dbo].[Advertisement]([AdvertisingPosition_Id]) ON [PRIMARY] 61 GO 62  63 CREATE  INDEX [IX_Advertisement__StartTime] ON [dbo].[Advertisement]([StartTime]) ON [PRIMARY] 64 GO 65  66 CREATE  INDEX [IX_Advertisement__EndTime] ON [dbo].[Advertisement]([EndTime]) ON [PRIMARY] 67 GO 68  69 CREATE  INDEX [IX_Advertisement__IsDisplay] ON [dbo].[Advertisement]([IsDisplay]) ON [PRIMARY] 70 GO 71  72 CREATE  INDEX [IX_Advertisement__Sort] ON [dbo].[Advertisement]([Sort]) ON [PRIMARY] 73 GO 74  75 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N主键Id, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NId 76 GO 77  78 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N标题, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NName 79 GO 80  81 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N备注, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NContent 82 GO 83  84 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N链接Url, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NUrl 85 GO 86  87 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N关键字,只能由字母数字组成,主要用于模板标签 {%ad-InfoKey%}, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NKeyword 88 GO 89  90 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N广告位置Id, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NAdvertisingPosition_Id 91 GO 92  93 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N广告位置名称, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NAdvertisingPosition_Name 94 GO 95  96 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N图片, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NAdImg 97 GO 98  99 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N显示频率(同一个位置有多个广告时,这里用来计算它随机出现的频率), Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NShowRate100 GO101 102 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N开始时间, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NStartTime103 GO104 105 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N结束时间, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NEndTime106 GO107 108 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N审核, 0=False,1=True,, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NIsDisplay109 GO110 111 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N点击数, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NHitCount112 GO113 114 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N排序, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NSort115 GO116 117 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N修改人员id, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NManager_Id118 GO119 120 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N修改人员姓名, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NManager_CName121 GO122 123 exec sp_addextendedproperty NMS_Description, N修改时间, Nuser, Ndbo, Ntable, NAdvertisement, Ncolumn, NUpdateDate124 GO
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  1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="AdvertisementList.aspx.cs" Inherits="Solution.Web.Managers.WebManage.Advertisements.AdvertisementList" %>  2 <%@ Import Namespace="DotNet.Utilities" %>  3   4 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">  5 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">  6 <head id="Head1" runat="server">  7     <title>广告列表</title>  8 </head>  9 <body> 10     <form id="form1" runat="server"> 11     <f:pagemanager id="PageManager1" runat="server" /> 12     <f:panel id="Panel1" runat="server" title="广告列表" enableframe="false" bodypadding="10px" 13         enablecollapse="True"> 14         <toolbars> 15             <f:Toolbar ID="toolBar" runat="server"> 16                 <Items> 17                     <f:Button ID="ButtonRefresh" runat="server" Text="刷新" Icon="ArrowRefresh" OnClick="ButtonRefresh_Click" CssClass="inline"></f:Button> 18                     <f:Button ID="ButtonSearch" runat="server" Text="查询" Icon="Magnifier" OnClick="ButtonSearch_Click"></f:Button> 19                     <f:Button ID="ButtonAdd" runat="server" Text="添加" Icon="Add" OnClick="ButtonAdd_Click"></f:Button> 20                     <f:Button ID="ButtonSaveAutoSort" runat="server" Text="自动排序" Icon="ArrowJoin" OnClick="ButtonSaveAutoSort_Click" ConfirmTitle="自动排序提示" ConfirmText="是否对所有数据进行自动排序?"></f:Button> 21                     <f:Button ID="ButtonSaveSort" runat="server" Text="保存排序" Icon="Disk" OnClick="ButtonSaveSort_Click"></f:Button> 22                     <f:Button ID="ButtonDelete" runat="server" Text="删除" Icon="Delete" OnClick="ButtonDelete_Click" ConfirmTitle="删除提示" ConfirmText="是否删除记录?"  23                         OnClientClick="if (!F(‘Panel1_Grid1‘).getSelectionModel().hasSelection() ) { F.alert(‘请选择你想要删除的记录!‘); return false; } "> 24                     </f:Button> 25                 </Items> 26             </f:Toolbar> 27         </toolbars> 28         <items> 29             <f:Form ID="Form6" ShowBorder="True" BodyPadding="5px" ShowHeader="False" runat="server"> 30                 <Rows> 31                     <f:FormRow ID="FormRow1" runat="server"> 32                         <Items> 33                             <f:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtName" Label="广告名称" Width="260px" Text="" MaxLength="20"  /> 34                             <f:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtKeyword" Label="Key" Width="260px" Text="" MaxLength="20"  /> 35                             <f:DropDownList CompareType="String" Label="广告位置" EnableSimulateTree="true" runat="server" ID="dllAdvertisingPosition" Width="260px" /> 36                         </Items> 37                     </f:FormRow> 38                     <f:FormRow ID="FormRow3" runat="server"> 39                         <Items> 40                             <f:DatePicker runat="server" Label="查询日期" ID="dpStart" DateFormatString="yyyy-M-d HH:mm:ss" Width="260px" EmptyText="查询指定日期广告" /> 41                             <f:DropDownList CompareType="String" Label="审批状态" 42                                 runat="server" ID="ddlIsDisplay" Width="260px" > 43                                 <f:ListItem Text="==全部==" Value=http://www.mamicode.com/"" /> 44                                 <f:ListItem Text="已审批" Value=http://www.mamicode.com/"1" /> 45                                 <f:ListItem Text="未审批" Value=http://www.mamicode.com/"0" /> 46                             </f:DropDownList> 47                             <f:Label runat="server"></f:Label> 48                         </Items> 49                     </f:FormRow> 50                 </Rows> 51             </f:Form> 52             <f:Grid ID="Grid1" Title="广告列表" EnableFrame="false" EnableCollapse="true" AllowSorting="true" IsDatabasePaging="True" 53             PageSize="15" ShowBorder="true" ShowHeader="False" AllowPaging="true" runat="server" EnableCheckBoxSelect="True" DataKeyNames="Id" EnableColumnLines="true" 54             OnPageIndexChange="Grid1_PageIndexChange" OnPreRowDataBound="Grid1_PreRowDataBound" OnRowCommand="Grid1_RowCommand" OnSort="Grid1_Sort"> 55                 <Columns> 56                     <f:TemplateField RenderAsRowExpander="true"> 57                         <ItemTemplate> 58                             <div class="expander"> 59                                 <table width="800px"> 60                                     <tr> 61                                         <td rowspan="4" style="width: 200px;"> 62                                             <%# Eval("AdImg").ToString().Length > 5 ? "<a href=http://www.mamicode.com/‘" + Eval("AdImg") + "‘ target=\"_blank\"><img src=http://www.mamicode.com/‘" + DirFileHelper.GetFilePathPostfix(Eval("AdImg").ToString(), "s") + "‘></a>" : ""%> 63                                         </td> 64                                     </tr> 65                                     <tr> 66                                         <td style="width: 200px;padding-top: 10px;"> 67                                             <strong>修改人员:</strong><%# Eval("Manager_CName")%> 68                                         </td> 69                                         <td style="padding-top: 10px;"> 70                                             <strong>修改时间:</strong><%# Eval("UpdateDate")%> 71                                         </td> 72                                     </tr> 73                                     <tr> 74                                         <td colspan="3" style="padding-top: 10px;"> 75                                             <strong>链接URL:</strong><a href=http://www.mamicode.com/"<%# Eval("Url")%>" target="_blank"><%# Eval("Url")%></a> 76                                         </td> 77                                     </tr> 78                                     <tr> 79                                         <td colspan="3" style="padding-top: 10px;"> 80                                             <strong>备注:</strong><%# Eval("Content")%> 81                                         </td> 82                                     </tr> 83                                 </table> 84                             </div> 85                         </ItemTemplate> 86                     </f:TemplateField> 87                     <f:BoundField DataField="Id" SortField="Id" HeaderText="Id" Width="50px" /> 88                     <f:BoundField DataField="Name" SortField="[Name]" HeaderText="广告标题" Width="150px" /> 89                     <f:BoundField DataField="AdvertisingPosition_Name" SortField="AdvertisingPosition_Id" HeaderText="广告位置" Width="150px" /> 90                     <f:BoundField DataField="Keyword" SortField="Keyword" HeaderText="广告Key" Width="100px" /> 91                     <f:BoundField DataField="ShowRate" SortField="ShowRate" HeaderText="显示频率" Width="80px" /> 92                     <f:BoundField DataField="HitCount" SortField="HitCount" HeaderText="点击数" Width="60px" /> 93                     <f:BoundField DataField="StartTime" SortField="StartTime" HeaderText="开始时间" Width="130px" /> 94                     <f:BoundField DataField="EndTime" SortField="EndTime" HeaderText="结束时间" Width="130px" /> 95                     <f:TemplateField HeaderText="排序" Width="100px"> 96                         <ItemTemplate> 97                             <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Width="50px" Text=<%# Eval("Sort") %> AutoPostBack="false"></asp:TextBox> 98                         </ItemTemplate> 99                     </f:TemplateField>100                     <f:LinkButtonField ColumnID="IsDisplay" SortField="IsDisplay" HeaderText="审核" TextAlign="Center" CommandName="IsDisplay" Width="40px"  />101                     <f:LinkButtonField Width="100px" HeaderText="操作" TextAlign="Center" ToolTip="点击修改当前记录" ColumnID="ButtonEdit" CommandName="ButtonEdit" />102                 </Columns>103             </f:Grid>104             <f:Label runat="server" ID="lblSpendingTime" Text=""></f:Label>105             <f:HiddenField runat="server" ID="SortColumn" Text="Id"></f:HiddenField>106         </items>107     </f:panel>108     <f:window id="Window1" width="680px" height="350px" icon="TagBlue" title="编辑" hidden="True"109         enablemaximize="True" closeaction="HidePostBack" onclose="Window1_Close" enablecollapse="true"110         runat="server" enableresize="true" bodypadding="5px" enableframe="True" iframeurl="about:blank"111         enableiframe="true" enableclose="true" plain="false" ismodal="True" enableconfirmonclose="True">112     </f:window>113     </form>114 </body>115 </html>
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  放在这里时,<f:Toolbar ID="toolBar" runat="server">这个标签的Id一定要命名为toolBar,不然程序就不会对这些按钮权限自动进行判断了

  这是一个按钮标签:<f:Button ID="ButtonExportReport" runat="server" Text="导出报表" Icon="Add" OnClick="ButtonExportReport_Click"></f:Button>





1         /// <summary>2         /// 报表导出按钮点击事件3         /// </summary>4         /// <param name="sender"></param>5         /// <param name="e"></param>6         protected void ButtonExportReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)7         {8             9         }











  列表内,最常见的行标签就是<f:BoundField DataField="Id" SortField="Id" HeaderText="Id列" Width="50px" />

   DataField是用来绑定数据表字段的,将字段内容显示出来;SortField绑定排序字段;HeaderText是列表顶部显示的标题;Width是列宽。这几个是最常见的属性。如果用你的字段为关键字时,可以这样处理<f:BoundField DataField="[key]" SortField="[key]" HeaderText="Id列" Width="50px" />,为字段加上中括号。



  <f:Label runat="server" ID="lblSpendingTime" Text=""></f:Label>
      <f:HiddenField runat="server" ID="SortColumn" Text="Id"></f:HiddenField>







  1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using DotNet.Utilities;  4 using FineUI;  5 using Solution.DataAccess.DataModel;  6 using Solution.DataAccess.DbHelper;  7 using Solution.Logic.Managers;  8 using Solution.Web.Managers.WebManage.Application;  9 /*********************************************************************** 10  *   作    者:AllEmpty(陈焕)-- 1654937@qq.com 11  *   博    客:http://www.cnblogs.com/EmptyFS/ 12  *   技 术 群:327360708 13  *   14  *   创建日期:2014-07-09 15  *   文件名称:AdvertisementList.aspx.cs 16  *   描    述:广告列表管理 17  *              18  *   修 改 人: 19  *   修改日期: 20  *   修改原因: 21  ***********************************************************************/ 22 using SubSonic.Query; 23  24 namespace Solution.Web.Managers.WebManage.Advertisements 25 { 26     public partial class AdvertisementList : PageBase 27     { 28         #region Page_Load 29         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 30         { 31             if (!IsPostBack) 32             { 33                 //绑定下拉列表 34                 AdvertisingPositionBll.GetInstence().BandDropDownListShowAll(this, dllAdvertisingPosition); 35  36                 LoadData(); 37             } 38         } 39         #endregion 40  41         #region 接口函数,用于UI页面初始化,给逻辑层对象、列表等对象赋值 42         public override void Init() 43         { 44             //逻辑对象赋值 45             bll = AdvertisementBll.GetInstence(); 46             //表格对象赋值 47             grid = Grid1; 48         } 49         #endregion 50  51         #region 加载数据 52         /// <summary>读取数据</summary> 53         public override void LoadData() 54         { 55             //设置排序 56             if (sortList == null) 57             { 58                 Sort(null); 59             } 60  61             //绑定Grid表格 62             bll.BindGrid(Grid1, Grid1.PageIndex + 1, Grid1.PageSize, InquiryCondition(), sortList); 63         } 64  65         /// <summary> 66         /// 查询条件 67         /// </summary> 68         /// <returns></returns> 69         private List<ConditionHelper.SqlqueryCondition> InquiryCondition() 70         { 71             var wheres = new List<ConditionHelper.SqlqueryCondition>(); 72  73  74             //起始时间 75             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dpStart.Text.Trim())) 76             { 77                 wheres.Add(new ConditionHelper.SqlqueryCondition(ConstraintType.And, AdvertisementTable.StartTime, Comparison.LessOrEquals, StringHelper.FilterSql(dpStart.Text))); 78                 wheres.Add(new ConditionHelper.SqlqueryCondition(ConstraintType.And, AdvertisementTable.EndTime, Comparison.GreaterOrEquals, StringHelper.FilterSql(dpStart.Text))); 79             } 80             //广告位置 81             if (dllAdvertisingPosition.SelectedValue != "0") 82             { 83                 wheres.Add(new ConditionHelper.SqlqueryCondition(ConstraintType.And, AdvertisementTable.AdvertisingPosition_Id, Comparison.Equals, 84                     StringHelper.FilterSql(dllAdvertisingPosition.SelectedValue))); 85             } 86             //是否审批 87             if (ddlIsDisplay.SelectedValue != "") 88             { 89                 wheres.Add(new ConditionHelper.SqlqueryCondition(ConstraintType.And, AdvertisementTable.IsDisplay, Comparison.Equals, 90                     StringHelper.FilterSql(ddlIsDisplay.SelectedValue))); 91             } 92             //广告名称 93             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName.Text.Trim())) 94             { 95                 wheres.Add(new ConditionHelper.SqlqueryCondition(ConstraintType.And, AdvertisementTable.Name, 96                     Comparison.Like, "%" + StringHelper.FilterSql(txtName.Text) + "%")); 97             } 98             //Keyword 99             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtKeyword.Text.Trim()))100             {101                 wheres.Add(new ConditionHelper.SqlqueryCondition(ConstraintType.And, AdvertisementTable.Keyword, Comparison.Like,102                     "%" + StringHelper.FilterSql(txtKeyword.Text) + "%"));103             }104 105             return wheres;106         }107         #endregion108         109         #region 列表属性绑定110 111         #region 列表按键绑定——修改列表控件属性112         /// <summary>113         /// 列表按键绑定——修改列表控件属性114         /// </summary>115         /// <param name="sender"></param>116         /// <param name="e"></param>117         protected void Grid1_PreRowDataBound(object sender, FineUI.GridPreRowEventArgs e)118         {119             //绑定是否显示120             GridRow gr = Grid1.Rows[e.RowIndex];121             //判断当前行IsDisplay字段值是否为0122             if (((System.Data.DataRowView)(gr.DataItem)).Row.Table.Rows[e.RowIndex][AdvertisementTable.IsDisplay].ToString() == "0")123             {124                 //查找名称为IsDisplay的列125                 var lbf = Grid1.FindColumn("IsDisplay") as LinkButtonField;126                 //修改图标127                 lbf.Icon = Icon.BulletCross;128                 //设置参数值129                 lbf.CommandArgument = "1";130             }131             else132             {133                 var lbf = Grid1.FindColumn("IsDisplay") as LinkButtonField;134                 lbf.Icon = Icon.BulletTick;135                 lbf.CommandArgument = "0";136             }137 138             //绑定是否编辑列139             var lbfEdit = Grid1.FindColumn("ButtonEdit") as LinkButtonField;140             lbfEdit.Text = "编辑";141             lbfEdit.Enabled = MenuInfoBll.GetInstence().CheckControlPower(this, "ButtonEdit");142         }143         #endregion144 145         #region Grid点击事件146         /// <summary> 147         /// Grid点击事件148         /// </summary>149         /// <param name="sender"></param>150         /// <param name="e"></param>151         protected void Grid1_RowCommand(object sender, FineUI.GridCommandEventArgs e)152         {153             GridRow gr = Grid1.Rows[e.RowIndex];154             //获取当前点击列的主键ID155             object id = gr.DataKeys[0];156 157             switch (e.CommandName)158             {159                 case "IsDisplay":160                     //更新状态161                     AdvertisementBll.GetInstence().UpdateIsDisplay(this, ConvertHelper.Cint0(id), ConvertHelper.Cint0(e.CommandArgument));162                     //重新加载163                     LoadData();164 165                     break;166 167                 case "ButtonEdit":168                     //打开编辑窗口169                     Window1.IFrameUrl = "AdvertisementEdit.aspx?Id=" + id + "&" + MenuInfoBll.GetInstence().PageUrlEncryptStringNoKey(id + "");170                     Window1.Hidden = false;171 172                     break;173             }174         }175         #endregion176 177         #region 保存自动排序178         /// <summary>179         /// 保存自动排序180         /// </summary>181         public override void SaveAutoSort()182         {183             if (bll.UpdateAutoSort(this))184             {185                 Alert.ShowInParent("保存成功", "保存自动排序成功", "window.location.reload();");186             }187             else188             {189                 Alert.ShowInParent("保存失败", "保存自动排序失败");190             }191         }192         #endregion193 194         #endregion195 196         #region 添加新记录197         /// <summary>198         /// 添加新记录199         /// </summary>200         public override void Add()201         {202             Window1.IFrameUrl = "AdvertisementEdit.aspx?" + MenuInfoBll.GetInstence().PageUrlEncryptString();203             Window1.Hidden = false;204         }205         #endregion206 207         #region 删除记录208         /// <summary>209         /// 删除记录210         /// </summary>211         /// <returns></returns>212         public override string Delete()213         {214             //获取要删除的Id组215             var id = GridViewHelper.GetSelectedKeyArray(Grid1);216             217             //如果没有选择记录,则直接退出218             if (id == null)219             {220                 return "请选择要删除的记录。";221             }222 223             try224             {225                 //逐个删除对应图片226                 foreach (var i in id)227                 {228                     //删除广告图片229                     AdvertisementBll.GetInstence().DelAdImg(this, i);230                 }231 232                 //删除记录233                 bll.Delete(this, id);234 235                 return "删除编号Id为[" + string.Join(",", id) + "]的数据记录成功。";236             }237             catch (Exception e)238             {239                 string result = "尝试删除编号ID为[" + string.Join(",", id) +"]的数据记录失败!";240 241                 //出现异常,保存出错日志广告242                 CommonBll.WriteLog(result, e);243 244                 return result;245             }246         }247         #endregion248 249     }250 }
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   在cs页面代码的加载数据函数中,绑定Grid表格用的是bll.BindGrid(Grid1, Grid1.PageIndex + 1, Grid1.PageSize, InquiryCondition(), sortList)这个函数。我们在模板中生成的绑定表格函数共有两种类型,一种是有层次感列表绑定,一种是普通列表绑定。当前这种普通列表绑定,需要传递表格控件名称、当前页码、每页显示记录数量、查询条件和排序这几个参数,而对于查询条件如果添加使用,前面章节已有比较详细的说明,大家也可以参考一下上面的cs代码来使用。




 1         #region 保存自动排序 2         /// <summary> 3         /// 保存自动排序 4         /// </summary> 5         public override void SaveAutoSort() 6         { 7             if (bll.UpdateAutoSort(this)) 8             { 9                 Alert.ShowInParent("保存成功", "保存自动排序成功", "window.location.reload();");10             }11             else12             {13                 Alert.ShowInParent("保存失败", "保存自动排序失败");14             }15         }16         #endregion


  由于广告管理会上传广告图片,所以执行删除时需要先将运行图片删除函数(AdvertisementBll.GetInstence().DelAdImg(this, i)),再删除广告记录。

















 1 <%@ Page Language="C#" ValidateRequest="false" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="AdvertisementEdit.aspx.cs" 2     Inherits="Solution.Web.Managers.WebManage.Advertisements.AdvertisementEdit" %> 3  4 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 5 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 6 <head id="Head1" runat="server"> 7     <title>广告编辑</title> 8 </head> 9 <body>10     <form id="form1" runat="server">11     <f:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hidId" Text="0">12     </f:HiddenField>13     <f:PageManager ID="PageManager1" runat="server" />14     <f:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" EnableFrame="false" BodyPadding="10px" EnableCollapse="True"15         ShowHeader="False">16         <Toolbars>17             <f:Toolbar ID="toolBar" runat="server">18                 <Items>19                     <f:Button ID="ButtonSave" runat="server" Text="保存" Icon="Disk" OnClick="ButtonSave_Click">20                     </f:Button>21                     <f:Button ID="ButtonDeleteImage" runat="server" Text="删除图片" Icon="Delete" OnClick="ButtonDeleteImage_Click"22                         ConfirmTitle="删除提示" ConfirmText="是否删除图片?" />23                 </Items>24             </f:Toolbar>25         </Toolbars>26         <Items>27             <f:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" EnableFrame="false" BodyPadding="5px" EnableCollapse="True"28                 ShowHeader="False" ShowBorder="False">29                 <Items>30                     <f:Form ID="extForm1" ShowBorder="false" ShowHeader="false" BodyPadding="5px" runat="server">31                         <Rows>32                             <f:FormRow ID="FormRow1" runat="server">33                                 <Items>34                                     <f:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtName" Label="广告名称" Width="300px" Text="" ShowRedStar="true"35                                         MaxLength="50" />36                                     <f:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtKeyword" Label="Key(非中文)" Width="300px" Text=""37                                         MaxLength="50" Readonly="True" />38                                 </Items>39                             </f:FormRow>40                             <f:FormRow ID="FormRow2" runat="server">41                                 <Items>42                                     <f:DropDownList Label="广告位置" AutoPostBack="true" CompareType="String" EnableSimulateTree="true"43                                         runat="server" ID="ddlAdvertisingPosition" Width="300px" ShowRedStar="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlAdvertisingPosition_SelectedIndexChanged">44                                     </f:DropDownList>45                                     <f:RadioButtonList ID="rblIsDisplay" Label="是否审核" ColumnNumber="2" runat="server"46                                         Width="300px">47                                         <f:RadioItem Text="显示" Value=http://www.mamicode.com/"1" Selected="true" />48                                         <f:RadioItem Text="不显示" Value=http://www.mamicode.com/"0" />49                                     </f:RadioButtonList>50                                 </Items>51                             </f:FormRow>52                             <f:FormRow ID="FormRow4" runat="server">53                                 <Items>54                                     <f:DatePicker ID="dpStartTime" Label="开始时间" Width="300px" Required="true" runat="server"55                                         ShowRedStar="true" />56                                     <f:DatePicker ID="dpEndTime" Label="结束时间" Width="300px" Required="true" runat="server"57                                         ShowRedStar="true" />58                                 </Items>59                             </f:FormRow>60                             <f:FormRow ID="FormRow11" runat="server">61                                 <Items>62                                     <f:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtUrl" Label="广告链接地址" Width="610px" Text="" MaxLength="200" />63                                 </Items>64                             </f:FormRow>65                             <f:FormRow ID="FormRow3" runat="server">66                                 <Items>67                                     <f:TextArea runat="server" Label="说明" ID="txtContent" Width="610px" MaxLength="100"68                                         Height="50px">69                                     </f:TextArea>70                                 </Items>71                             </f:FormRow>72                             <f:FormRow ID="FormRow10" runat="server">73                                 <Items>74                                     <f:FileUpload runat="server" ID="filePhoto" Label="广告图片" Width="300px" />75                                     <f:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtSort" Label="排序" Width="300px" Text="0" />76                                 </Items>77                             </f:FormRow>78                             <f:FormRow ID="ShowImage" runat="server">79                                 <Items>80                                     <f:ContentPanel ID="ContentPanel3" runat="server" Width="90%" ShowBorder="false"81                                         ShowHeader="false">82                                         <%=(p_Img != null && p_Img.Length > 5) ? "<a href=http://www.mamicode.com/‘" + p_Img + "‘ target=\"_blank\"><img src=http://www.mamicode.com/‘" + p_Img + "‘></a>" : ""%>83                                     </f:ContentPanel>84                                 </Items>85                             </f:FormRow>86                         </Rows>87                     </f:Form>88                 </Items>89             </f:Panel>90         </Items>91     </f:Panel>92     </form>93 </body>94 </html>
View Code





  1 using System;  2 using DotNet.Utilities;  3 using Solution.DataAccess.DataModel;  4 using Solution.Logic.Managers;  5 using Solution.Web.Managers.WebManage.Application;  6   7 /***********************************************************************  8  *   作    者:AllEmpty(陈焕)-- 1654937@qq.com  9  *   博    客:http://www.cnblogs.com/EmptyFS/ 10  *   技 术 群:327360708 11  *   12  *   创建日期:2014-07-10 13  *   文件名称:AdvertisementEdit.aspx.cs 14  *   描    述:广告编辑页面 15  *              16  *   修 改 人: 17  *   修改日期: 18  *   修改原因: 19  ***********************************************************************/ 20 namespace Solution.Web.Managers.WebManage.Advertisements 21 { 22     public partial class AdvertisementEdit : PageBase 23     { 24         protected string RndKey = RandomHelper.GetRndKey(); 25         protected string p_Img = ""; 26  27         #region Page_Load 28         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 29         { 30             if (!IsPostBack) 31             { 32                 //获取ID值 33                 hidId.Text = RequestHelper.GetInt0("Id") + ""; 34                 //广告位置下拉框 35                 AdvertisingPositionBll.GetInstence().BandDropDownListShowAll(this, ddlAdvertisingPosition); 36  37                 //加载数据 38                 LoadData(); 39             } 40         } 41         #endregion 42  43         #region 接口函数,用于UI页面初始化,给逻辑层对象、列表等对象赋值 44         public override void Init() 45         { 46  47         } 48         #endregion 49  50         #region 加载数据 51         /// <summary>读取数据</summary> 52         public override void LoadData() 53         { 54             //读取当前编辑的广告Id 55             int id = ConvertHelper.Cint0(hidId.Text); 56  57             if (id != 0) 58             { 59                 //获取指定Id的广告记录实体 60                 var model = AdvertisementBll.GetInstence().GetModelForCache(x => x.Id == id); 61                 if (model == null) 62                     return; 63  64                 //对页面窗体进行赋值 65                 //广告名称 66                 txtName.Text = model.Name; 67                 //Key是不能修改的,同一个广告位置的Key值一样 68                 txtKeyword.Text = model.Keyword; 69                 txtKeyword.Readonly = true; 70                 //广告链接 71                 txtUrl.Text = model.Url; 72                 //广告说明 73                 txtContent.Text = model.Content; 74                 //开始时间与结束时间 75                 dpStartTime.SelectedDate = model.StartTime; 76                 dpEndTime.SelectedDate = model.EndTime; 77                 //广告位置下拉框绑定 78                 ddlAdvertisingPosition.SelectedValue = http://www.mamicode.com/model.AdvertisingPosition_Id + ""; 79                 //是否显示 80                 rblIsDisplay.SelectedValue = http://www.mamicode.com/model.IsDisplay + ""; 81                 //排序值 82                 txtSort.Text = model.Sort + ""; 83  84                 //是否存在广告图片 85                 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AdImg)) 86                 { 87                     //为页面的广告图片控件赋值 88                     p_Img = model.AdImg; 89                     //判断当前管理人员是否有“删除图片”这个按钮的操作权限 90                     ButtonDeleteImage.Enabled = MenuInfoBll.GetInstence().CheckControlPower(this, "ButtonDeleteImage"); 91                 } 92                 else 93                 { 94                     //不存在广告图片则隐藏删除图片按钮 95                     ButtonDeleteImage.Visible = false; 96                 } 97             } 98             else 99             {100                 //新增广告记录时隐藏删除图片按钮101                 ButtonDeleteImage.Visible = false;102             }103         }104 105         #endregion106 107         #region 页面控件绑定功能108 109         #region 下拉列表改变事件110         /// <summary>下拉列表改变事件111         /// </summary>112         /// <param name="sender"></param>113         /// <param name="e"></param>114         protected void ddlAdvertisingPosition_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)115         {116             //获取广告位置下拉列表选择项的值117             int id = ConvertHelper.Cint0(ddlAdvertisingPosition.SelectedValue);118             if (id == 0) return;119 120             //读取广告位置记录实体121             var model = AdvertisingPositionBll.GetInstence().GetModelForCache(id);122             if (model != null)123             {124                 //修改当前广告的Key为广告位置Key125                 txtKeyword.Text = model.Keyword;126             }127         }128         #endregion129 130         #region 删除图片131         /// <summary>删除图片</summary>132         /// <param name="sender"></param>133         /// <param name="e"></param>134         public void ButtonDeleteImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)135         {136             //读取当前编辑的广告Id137             int id = ConvertHelper.Cint0(hidId.Text);138             if (id > 0)139             {140                 //执行广告图片删除函数141                 AdvertisementBll.GetInstence().DelAdImg(this, id);142                 //刷新页面143                 FineUI.PageContext.RegisterStartupScript("window.location.reload()");144             }145         }146 147         #endregion148 149         #endregion150 151         #region 保存152         /// <summary>153         /// 数据保存154         /// </summary>155         /// <returns></returns>156         public override string Save()157         {158             string result = string.Empty;159             //读取当前编辑的广告Id160             int id = ConvertHelper.Cint0(hidId.Text);161 162             try163             {164                 #region 数据验证165 166                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName.Text.Trim()))167                 {168                     return txtName.Label + "不能为空!";169                 }170                 //判断是否重复171                 var sName = StringHelper.Left(txtName.Text, 50);172                 if (AdvertisementBll.GetInstence().Exist(x => x.Name == sName && x.Id != id))173                 {174                     return txtName.Label + "已存在!请重新输入!";175                 }176                 if (ddlAdvertisingPosition.SelectedValue =http://www.mamicode.com/= "0")177                 {178                     return ddlAdvertisingPosition.Label + "为必选项,请选择!";179                 }180 181                 if (dpStartTime.SelectedDate == null || TimeHelper.IsDateTime(dpStartTime.SelectedDate) == false)182                 {183                     return "请选择" + dpStartTime.Label;184                 }185                 if (dpEndTime.SelectedDate == null || TimeHelper.IsDateTime(dpEndTime.SelectedDate) == false)186                 {187                     return "请选择" + dpEndTime.Label;188                 }189                 if (dpStartTime.SelectedDate > dpEndTime.SelectedDate)190                 {191                     return dpStartTime.Label + "不能大于" + dpEndTime.Label;192                 }193 194                 #endregion195 196                 #region 赋值197 198                 //获取实体199                 var model = new Advertisement(x => x.Id == id);200 201                 //------------------------------------------202                 //设置名称203                 model.Name = sName;204                 model.Keyword = StringHelper.Left(txtKeyword.Text, 50);205                 model.Url = StringHelper.Left(txtUrl.Text, 200, true, false);206                 //说明207                 model.Content = StringHelper.Left(txtContent.Text, 100);208                 //取得位置209                 model.AdvertisingPosition_Id = ConvertHelper.Cint0(ddlAdvertisingPosition.SelectedValue);210                 model.AdvertisingPosition_Name = StringHelper.Left(ddlAdvertisingPosition.SelectedText, 50);211 212                 //开始时间与结束时间213                 model.StartTime = dpStartTime.SelectedDate ?? DateTime.Now;214                 model.EndTime = dpEndTime.SelectedDate ?? DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);215 216                 //设定当前项是否显示217                 model.IsDisplay = ConvertHelper.StringToByte(rblIsDisplay.SelectedValue);218 219                 model.Sort = ConvertHelper.Cint0(txtSort.Text); ;220                 221                 //修改时间与用户222                 model.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;223                 model.Manager_Id = OnlineUsersBll.GetInstence().GetManagerId();224                 model.Manager_CName = OnlineUsersBll.GetInstence().GetManagerCName();225 226                 #endregion227 228                 //------------------------------------------229 230                 #region 上传图片231 232                 if (this.filePhoto.HasFile && this.filePhoto.FileName.Length > 3)233                 {234                     int vid = 7; //7    广告235                     //---------------------------------------------------236                     var upload = new UploadFile();237                     result = new UploadFileBll().Upload_AspNet(this.filePhoto.PostedFile, vid, RndKey,238                         OnlineUsersBll.GetInstence().GetManagerId(), OnlineUsersBll.GetInstence().GetManagerCName(),239                         upload);240                     this.filePhoto.Dispose();241                     //---------------------------------------------------242                     if (result.Length == 0) //上传成功243                     {244                         model.AdImg = upload.Path;245                     }246                     else247                     {248                         CommonBll.WriteLog("上传出错:" + result); //收集异常信息249                         return "上传出错!" + result;250                     }251                 }252                 //如果是修改,检查用户是否重新上传过封面图片,如果是删除旧的图片253                 if (model.Id > 0)254                 {255                     UploadFileBll.GetInstence()256                         .Upload_DiffFile(AdvertisementTable.Id, AdvertisementTable.AdImg, AdvertisementTable.TableName,257                             model.Id, model.AdImg);258 259                     //同步UploadFile上传表260                     UploadFileBll.GetInstence().Upload_UpdateRs(RndKey, AdvertisementTable.TableName, model.Id);261                 }262 263                 #endregion264 265                 //----------------------------------------------------------266                 //存储到数据库267                 AdvertisementBll.GetInstence().Save(this, model);268 269                 //这里放置清空前端页面缓存的代码(如果前端使用了页面缓存的话,必须进行清除操作)270 271 272             }273             catch (Exception e)274             {275                 result = "保存失败!";276 277                 //出现异常,保存出错日志广告278                 CommonBll.WriteLog(result, e);279             }280 281             return result;282         }283         #endregion284     }285 }
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  1 --更新上传配置表  2 TRUNCATE TABLE UploadConfig   3 GO  4 set IDENTITY_INSERT UploadConfig     on   5 GO  6 INSERT INTO UploadConfig (Id, Name, JoinName, UserType, UploadType_Id, UploadType_Name, UploadType_TypeKey, PicSize, FileSize, SaveDir, IsPost, IsSwf, IsChkSrcPost, IsFixPic, CutType, PicWidth, PicHeight, PicQuality, IsEditor, IsBigPic, BigWidth, BigHeight, BigQuality, IsMidPic, MidWidth, MidHeight, MidQuality, IsMinPic, MinWidth, MinHeight, MinQuality, IsHotPic, HotWidth, HotHeight, HotQuality, IsWaterPic, Manager_Id, Manager_CName, UpdateDate) VALUES (1, 管理员头像, Manager, 1, 1, 图片文件, image, 200, 20000, Manager, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 500, 500, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, admin, 2014-06-26 17:03:32)  7 GO  8 INSERT INTO UploadConfig (Id, Name, JoinName, UserType, UploadType_Id, UploadType_Name, UploadType_TypeKey, PicSize, FileSize, SaveDir, IsPost, IsSwf, IsChkSrcPost, IsFixPic, CutType, PicWidth, PicHeight, PicQuality, IsEditor, IsBigPic, BigWidth, BigHeight, BigQuality, IsMidPic, MidWidth, MidHeight, MidQuality, IsMinPic, MinWidth, MinHeight, MinQuality, IsHotPic, HotWidth, HotHeight, HotQuality, IsWaterPic, Manager_Id, Manager_CName, UpdateDate) VALUES (2, 信息(新闻)分类图, InformationClass, 1, 1, 图片文件, image, 500, 20000, ic, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, admin, 2014-06-26 17:04:53)  9 GO 10 INSERT INTO UploadConfig (Id, Name, JoinName, UserType, UploadType_Id, UploadType_Name, UploadType_TypeKey, PicSize, FileSize, SaveDir, IsPost, IsSwf, IsChkSrcPost, IsFixPic, CutType, PicWidth, PicHeight, PicQuality, IsEditor, IsBigPic, BigWidth, BigHeight, BigQuality, IsMidPic, MidWidth, MidHeight, MidQuality, IsMinPic, MinWidth, MinHeight, MinQuality, IsHotPic, HotWidth, HotHeight, HotQuality, IsWaterPic, Manager_Id, Manager_CName, UpdateDate) VALUES (3, 文章封面, Information, 1, 1, 图片文件, image, 500, 20000, i, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 200, 200, 75, 0, 1, 700, 260, 90, 1, 430, 160, 90, 1, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, admin, 2014-06-26 17:06:44) 11 GO 12 INSERT INTO UploadConfig (Id, Name, JoinName, UserType, UploadType_Id, UploadType_Name, UploadType_TypeKey, PicSize, FileSize, SaveDir, IsPost, IsSwf, IsChkSrcPost, IsFixPic, CutType, PicWidth, PicHeight, PicQuality, IsEditor, IsBigPic, BigWidth, BigHeight, BigQuality, IsMidPic, MidWidth, MidHeight, MidQuality, IsMinPic, MinWidth, MinHeight, MinQuality, IsHotPic, HotWidth, HotHeight, HotQuality, IsWaterPic, Manager_Id, Manager_CName, UpdateDate) VALUES (4, 文章内容(编辑器), Information, 1, 6, 编辑器, editor, 500, 20000, i, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, admin, 2014-06-26 17:06:38) 13 GO 14 INSERT INTO UploadConfig (Id, Name, JoinName, UserType, UploadType_Id, UploadType_Name, UploadType_TypeKey, PicSize, FileSize, SaveDir, IsPost, IsSwf, IsChkSrcPost, IsFixPic, CutType, PicWidth, PicHeight, PicQuality, IsEditor, IsBigPic, BigWidth, BigHeight, BigQuality, IsMidPic, MidWidth, MidHeight, MidQuality, IsMinPic, MinWidth, MinHeight, MinQuality, IsHotPic, HotWidth, HotHeight, HotQuality, IsWaterPic, Manager_Id, Manager_CName, UpdateDate) VALUES (5, 广告位置, AdvertisingPosition, 1, 5, 广告图片, ad, 512, 2048, a, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 200, 100, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 100, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 管理员, 2014-07-08 17:40:27.217) 15 GO 16 INSERT INTO UploadConfig (Id, Name, JoinName, UserType, UploadType_Id, UploadType_Name, UploadType_TypeKey, PicSize, FileSize, SaveDir, IsPost, IsSwf, IsChkSrcPost, IsFixPic, CutType, PicWidth, PicHeight, PicQuality, IsEditor, IsBigPic, BigWidth, BigHeight, BigQuality, IsMidPic, MidWidth, MidHeight, MidQuality, IsMinPic, MinWidth, MinHeight, MinQuality, IsHotPic, HotWidth, HotHeight, HotQuality, IsWaterPic, Manager_Id, Manager_CName, UpdateDate) VALUES (6, 默认广告, AdvertisingPosition, 1, 5, 广告图片, ad, 512, 2048, a, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 200, 100, 80, 0, 1, 200, 100, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 100, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 管理员, 2014-07-08 17:41:55.033) 17 GO 18 INSERT INTO UploadConfig (Id, Name, JoinName, UserType, UploadType_Id, UploadType_Name, UploadType_TypeKey, PicSize, FileSize, SaveDir, IsPost, IsSwf, IsChkSrcPost, IsFixPic, CutType, PicWidth, PicHeight, PicQuality, IsEditor, IsBigPic, BigWidth, BigHeight, BigQuality, IsMidPic, MidWidth, MidHeight, MidQuality, IsMinPic, MinWidth, MinHeight, MinQuality, IsHotPic, HotWidth, HotHeight, HotQuality, IsWaterPic, Manager_Id, Manager_CName, UpdateDate) VALUES (7, 默认广告, Advertisement, 1, 5, 广告图片, a, 512, 2048, a, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 200, 100, 80, 0, 1, 200, 100, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 100, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 管理员, 2014-07-08 17:41:55) 19 GO 20 set IDENTITY_INSERT  UploadConfig     off  21 GO 22  23  24  25 --更新菜单表 26 TRUNCATE TABLE MenuInfo 27 GO 28 set IDENTITY_INSERT MenuInfo  on  29 GO 30 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (1, 系统管理, /WebManage/Systems/, 0, 99, 0, 1, 0) 31 GO 32 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (2, 基本设置, /WebManage/Systems/Set/, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0) 33 GO 34 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (3, 权限管理, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0) 35 GO 36 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (4, 安全管理, /WebManage/Systems/Security/, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0) 37 GO 38 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (5, 网站参数设置, /WebManage/Systems/Set/WebConfigSet.aspx, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1) 39 GO 40 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (6, 菜单管理, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/MenuInfoList.aspx, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1) 41 GO 42 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (7, 菜单编辑, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/MenuInfoEdit.aspx, 3, 2, 2, 0, 1) 43 GO 44 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (8, 公共页面权限设置, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/PagePowerSignPublicList.aspx, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1) 45 GO 46 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (9, 公共页面权限编辑, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/PagePowerSignPublicEdit.aspx, 3, 4, 2, 0, 1) 47 GO 48 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (10, 页面权限设置, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/PagePowerSignList.aspx, 3, 5, 2, 1, 1) 49 GO 50 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (11, 部门管理, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/BranchList.aspx, 3, 6, 2, 1, 1) 51 GO 52 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (12, 部门编辑, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/BranchEdit.aspx, 3, 7, 2, 0, 1) 53 GO 54 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (13, 职位管理, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/PositionList.aspx, 3, 8, 2, 1, 1) 55 GO 56 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (14, 职位编辑, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/PositionEdit.aspx, 3, 9, 2, 0, 1) 57 GO 58 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (15, 在线用户, /WebManage/Systems/Security/OnlineUsersList.aspx, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1) 59 GO 60 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (16, 登陆日志, /WebManage/Systems/Security/LoginLogList.aspx, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1) 61 GO 62 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (17, 操作日志, /WebManage/Systems/Security/UseLogList.aspx, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1) 63 GO 64 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (18, 错误日志, /WebManage/Systems/Security/ErrorLogList.aspx, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1) 65 GO 66 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (19, 上传类型设置, /WebManage/Systems/Set/UploadTypeList.aspx, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1) 67 GO 68 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (20, 上传类型编辑, /WebManage/Systems/Set/UploadTypeEdit.aspx, 2, 3, 2, 0, 1) 69 GO 70 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (21, 上传配置管理, /WebManage/Systems/Set/UploadConfigList.aspx, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1) 71 GO 72 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (22, 上传配置编辑, /WebManage/Systems/Set/UploadConfigEdit.aspx, 2, 5, 2, 0, 1) 73 GO 74 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (23, 已上传文件管理, /WebManage/Systems/Set/UploadFileList.aspx, 2, 6, 2, 1, 1) 75 GO 76 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (24, 员工管理, /WebManage/Employees/, 0, 90, 0, 1, 0) 77 GO 78 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (25, 在职员工管理, /WebManage/Employees/ManagerList.aspx, 24, 1, 1, 1, 1) 79 GO 80 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (26, 员工编辑, /WebManage/Employees/ManagerEdit.aspx, 24, 2, 1, 0, 1) 81 GO 82 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (27, 离职员工管理, /WebManage/Employees/StaffTurnoverList.aspx, 24, 3, 1, 1, 1) 83 GO 84 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (28, 信息管理, /WebManage/Informations/, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) 85 GO 86 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (29, 信息分类列表, /WebManage/Informations/InformationClassList.aspx, 28, 1, 1, 1, 1) 87 GO 88 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (30, 信息分类编辑, /WebManage/Informations/InformationClassEdit.aspx, 28, 2, 1, 0, 1) 89 GO 90 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (31, 信息列表, /WebManage/Informations/InformationList.aspx, 28, 3, 1, 1, 1) 91 GO 92 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (32, 信息编辑, /WebManage/Informations/InformationEdit.aspx, 28, 4, 1, 0, 1) 93 GO 94 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (33, 授权电话管理, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/EmpowerPhoneList.aspx, 3, 10, 2, 1, 1) 95 GO 96 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (34, 授权电话编辑, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/EmpowerPhoneEdit.aspx, 3, 11, 2, 0, 1) 97 GO 98 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (35, 授权Ip列表, /WebManage/Systems/Powers/EmpowerIpList.aspx, 3, 12, 2, 1, 1) 99 GO100 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (36, 广告管理, /WebManage/Advertisements/, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0)101 GO102 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (37, 广告位置管理, /WebManage/Advertisements/AdvertisingPositionList.aspx, 36, 1, 1, 1, 1)103 GO104 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (38, 广告位置编辑, /WebManage/Advertisements/AdvertisingPositionEdit.aspx, 36, 2, 1, 0, 1)105 GO106 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (39, 广告内容管理, /WebManage/Advertisements/AdvertisementList.aspx, 36, 3, 1, 1, 1)107 GO108 INSERT INTO MenuInfo (Id, Name, Url, ParentId, Sort, Depth, IsDisplay, IsMenu) VALUES (40, 广告内容编辑, /WebManage/Advertisements/AdvertisementEdit.aspx, 36, 4, 1, 0, 1)109 GO110 set IDENTITY_INSERT  MenuInfo  off 111 112 113 114 --更新页面控件权限标识管理表115 TRUNCATE TABLE PagePowerSign 116 GO117 set IDENTITY_INSERT PagePowerSign  on 118 GO119 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (1, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 5)120 GO121 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (2, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 6)122 GO123 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (3, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 6)124 GO125 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (4, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 6)126 GO127 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (5, 5, 自动排序, ButtonSaveAutoSort, 6)128 GO129 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (6, 6, 保存排序, ButtonSaveSort, 6)130 GO131 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (7, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 7)132 GO133 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (8, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 8)134 GO135 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (9, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 8)136 GO137 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (10, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 8)138 GO139 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (11, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 9)140 GO141 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (12, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 11)142 GO143 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (13, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 11)144 GO145 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (14, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 11)146 GO147 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (15, 5, 自动排序, ButtonSaveAutoSort, 11)148 GO149 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (16, 6, 保存排序, ButtonSaveSort, 11)150 GO151 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (17, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 12)152 GO153 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (18, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 13)154 GO155 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (19, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 13)156 GO157 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (20, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 13)158 GO159 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (21, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 14)160 GO161 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (22, 8, 踢除用户, ButtonGetOut, 15)162 GO163 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (23, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 19)164 GO165 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (24, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 19)166 GO167 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (25, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 19)168 GO169 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (26, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 20)170 GO171 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (27, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 21)172 GO173 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (28, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 21)174 GO175 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (29, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 21)176 GO177 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (30, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 22)178 GO179 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (31, 9, 图片全部重新生成, ButtonImageRegenerate, 23)180 GO181 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (32, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 23)182 GO183 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (33, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 29)184 GO185 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (34, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 29)186 GO187 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (35, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 29)188 GO189 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (36, 5, 自动排序, ButtonSaveAutoSort, 29)190 GO191 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (37, 6, 保存排序, ButtonSaveSort, 29)192 GO193 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (38, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 30)194 GO195 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (39, 10, 删除图片, ButtonDeleteImage, 30)196 GO197 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (40, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 31)198 GO199 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (41, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 31)200 GO201 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (42, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 31)202 GO203 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (43, 5, 自动排序, ButtonSaveAutoSort, 31)204 GO205 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (44, 6, 保存排序, ButtonSaveSort, 31)206 GO207 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (45, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 32)208 GO209 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (46, 10, 删除图片, ButtonDeleteImage, 32)210 GO211 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (47, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 25)212 GO213 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (48, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 25)214 GO215 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (49, 11, 离职, ButtonStaffTurnover, 25)216 GO217 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (50, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 26)218 GO219 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (51, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 27)220 GO221 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (52, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 27)222 GO223 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (53, 12, 复职, ButtonRecovery, 27)224 GO225 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (54, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 37)226 GO227 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (55, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 37)228 GO229 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (56, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 37)230 GO231 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (57, 5, 自动排序, ButtonSaveAutoSort, 37)232 GO233 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (58, 6, 保存排序, ButtonSaveSort, 37)234 GO235 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (59, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 38)236 GO237 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (60, 1, 添加, ButtonAdd, 39)238 GO239 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (61, 2, 编辑, ButtonEdit, 39)240 GO241 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (62, 3, 删除, ButtonDelete, 39)242 GO243 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (63, 5, 自动排序, ButtonSaveAutoSort, 39)244 GO245 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (64, 6, 保存排序, ButtonSaveSort, 39)246 GO247 INSERT INTO PagePowerSign (Id, PagePowerSignPublic_Id, CName, EName, MenuInfo_Id) VALUES (65, 4, 保存, ButtonSave, 40)248 GO249 250 set IDENTITY_INSERT PagePowerSign   off 
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