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sFlow-RT? incorporates InMon‘s asynchronous analytics technology (patent pending), delivering real-time visibility to Software Defined Networking (SDN), DevOps and Orchestration stacks and enabling new classes of performance aware application such as load balancing, DDoS protection, and workload placement.


The sFlow-RT analytics engine receives a continuous telemetry stream from sFlow Agents embedded in network devices, hosts and applications and converts them into actionable metrics, accessible through the RESTflow? API. The RESTflow API makes it easy for to configure customized measurements, retrieve metrics, set thresholds, and receive notifications. Applications can be external, written in any language that supports HTTP/REST calls, or internal, using sFlow-RT‘s embedded JavaScript/ECMAScript.

Network visibility is essential to understanding the interaction between scale-out services running on cloud infrastructure. By combining network, host and application monitoring within an integrated analytics pipeline, sFlow-RT provides visibility into applications and the server and network resources needed to sustain performance.


Visit sFlow-RT.com to download sFlow-RT software and applications.


Please post questions, suggestions and applications to the sFlow-RT group.

Commercial use

Contact sales@inmon.com to discuss commercial licensing options for sFlow-RT.



Download and install

sFlow-RT requires Java 1.7+. The following commands download, install and run the software:

wget http://www.inmon.com/products/sFlow-RT/sflow-rt.tar.gz
tar -xvzf sflow-rt.tar.gz
cd sflow-rt

Alternatively, the following command runs sFlow-RT in a Docker container (see sflow/sflow-rt):

docker run -p 8008:8008 -p 6343:6343/udp -d sflow/sflow-rt

Use a web browser to connect to http://localhost:8008 to interact with the REST API.

The software is also available as RPM and DEB packages:

  • sflow-rt-<version>.noarch.rpm
  • sflow-rt_<version>.deb

Software is installed under the path /usr/local/sflow-rt/ and log files are directed to /usr/local/sflow-rt/log/sflow-rt-<N>.log

Note There are no access controls built into sFlow-RT. However, HTTP access can be restricted to the local host by settings the http.hostname property to and a reverse proxy can then be used to secure remote access to the API. For example, the following Apache configuration settings make the interface accessible on port 80 under the path /sflow-rt/

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
  ProxyRequests off
  ProxyVia off
  ProxyPass        /sflow-rt/ retry=0 timeout=5
  ProxyPassReverse /sflow-rt/
<Location /sflow-rt/>
# insert access policy

Please read and accept the License Agreement before downloading this software.


The following command (run in the sFlow-RT home directory) downloads and installs an application:

./get-app.sh sflow-rt dashboard-example

The following applications are currently available on GitHub:

sflow-rt dashboard-example Real-time dashboard example
sflow-rt flow-graph Real-time graph of network associations
sflow-rt top-flows Real-time top network flows table
sflow-rt svg-weather Real-time network weathermap example
sflow-rt fabric-view Real-time visibility for leaf / spine ECMP fabrics
sflow-rt ddos-blackhole Real-time DDoS flood mitigation using null route
sflow-rt active-routes Real-time active BGP route cache
sflow-rt sflow-test Test data center switch sFlow implementation
sflow-rt ix-metrics Real-time monitoring of Internet Exchange (IX) traffic
sflow-rt mininet-dashboard Real-time dashboard for Mininet
sflow-rt world-map Real-time traffic displayed on world map
pphaal ovs-2015 Overlay/underlay network virtualization visibility demo
pphaal sc15-weather SC15 SCinet real-time weathermap

Writing Applications provides an introduction describing the structure of an sFlow-RT application. Post information on new applications to the sFlow-RT group to have them listed.


Please post questions, suggestions and applications to the sFlow-RT group.

Production use

Contact sales@inmon.com to discuss production licensing options for sFlow-RT.

