首页 > 代码库 > 数据库基本操作(二)--数据查询



create database JXGL; //创建数据库

use JXGL;//使用数据库

create table S(

Sno char(10) not null unique,

Sname char(20) not null unique,

Ssex char(2),

Sage int,

Sdept char(20));

create table C(

Cno char(2) not  null primary key (Cno),

Cname char(20),

Teacher char(20));

create table Sc(

Sno char(10) not null,

Cno char(2) not null,

Grade smallint);


insert into S values(‘200215121‘,‘李勇‘,‘男‘,20,‘CS‘);

insert into S values(‘200215122‘,‘刘晨‘,‘女‘,19,‘CS‘);

insert into S values(‘200215123‘,‘王敏‘,‘女‘,18,‘MA‘);

insert into S values(‘200215124‘,‘张立‘,‘男‘,19,‘IS‘);

insert into C values(‘2‘,‘数学‘,‘张三‘);

insert into C values(‘6‘,‘数据处理‘,‘张三‘);

insert into C values(‘4‘,‘操作系统‘,‘张三‘);

insert into C values(‘7‘,‘PASCAL‘  ,‘张三‘);

insert into C values(‘5‘,‘数据结构‘,‘李四‘);

insert into C values(‘1‘,‘数据库‘  ,‘李四‘);

insert into C values(‘3‘,‘信息系统‘,‘王五‘);

insert into Sc values (‘200215121‘,‘1‘,92);

insert into Sc values(‘200215121‘,‘2‘,85);

insert into Sc values(‘200215121‘,‘3‘,88);

insert into Sc values(‘200215122‘,‘2‘,90);

insert into Sc values(‘200215122‘,‘3‘,80);

insert into Sc values(‘200215122‘,‘1‘,null);

insert into Sc values (‘200215124‘,‘1‘,89);

insert into Sc values(‘200215124‘,‘5‘,90);

insert into Sc Values(‘200215124‘,‘3‘,92);


S表示学生,它的各属性依次为 学号、姓名、年龄、性别、系;

SC表示成绩,它的各属性依次为 学号、课程号和分数;

C表示课程,它的各属性依次为 课程号、课程名和任课教师。






select * from  C;


select Sname,Sage from S where Sdept=‘CS‘;


select Sno,Cno,grade from Sc where Grade>=70 and Grade<=80;


select Sname,Sage from S where Ssex=‘男‘ and Sage between 18 and 20;

alter table S add constraint Ssex check (Ssex in(‘男‘,‘女‘));

select Sname,Sage from S where Ssex not like‘女‘  and Sage in(18,19,20 );

//5.查询课程号为"C01"的课程的最高分数 select MAX(Grade) from Sc where Cno=‘Co1‘;


select min(Sage)最小年龄,max(Sage)最大年龄 from S where  Sdept=‘CS‘;


select count(*) 人数 from S where Sdept=‘CS‘;


select Count(*) 选课人数, max(Grade) 最高分 from Sc,C where Sc.Cno=C.Cno group by C.Cno ;


select count(Sno) ,sum(Grade)from Sc group by Sno order by count(Sno) asc;


select Sc.Sno 学号,sum(Grade) 总成绩 from Sc group by Sno having sum(Grade)>=200;



select S.Sname,Sdept from S,Sc where Sc.Sno=S.Sno and Cno=‘1‘;


select Sname,Sc.Cno,Grade from S,Sc where Grade>80 and Sc.Sno=S.Sno order by Grade desc;

//13.查询那些课程没有人选修.要求列出课程号和课程名(not in)

select Cno,Cname from C where Cno not in (select Cno from Sc);






select Sname,Sdept from S where Sno in (select  Sno from Sc where Cno=‘2‘);

select Sno,Sname from S where Sdept =‘IS‘ and Sno in (select Sno from Sc where Grade>=80);


select Sno,Sname from S where Sdept =‘MA‘;


select distinct Sno from Sc where Cno in (select Cno from C);


select S.Sno,Grade from S,Sc,C where Cname=‘数学‘ and C.Cno=Sc.Cno and S.Sno=Sc.Sno order by Grade desc,S.Sno asc;


select S.Sno,Grade,Grade*0.8 from S,Sc,c where Cname=‘数学‘ and Grade between 80 and 90 and C.Cno=Sc.Cno and Sc.Sno=S.Sno;


select * from S where Sdept in(‘CS‘,‘IS‘) and Sname like ‘刘%‘;

//20.求缺少了成绩的学生的学号和课程号(is null)。

select S.Sno,Cno from S,Sc where Grade is null and Sc.Sno=S.sno;

//21 .查询每个学生的情况以及他(她)所选修的课程。

select S.Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage,Sdept,Cname,Grade from S,C,Sc where S.Sno=Sc.Sno and C.Cno=Sc.Cno;


select S.Sno,Sname,C.Cno,Grade from S,Sc,C where S.Sno=Sc.Sno and Sc.Cno=C.Cno;


select S.Sno,Sname,Grade from S,Sc,C where Grade>=90 and Cname=‘数学‘ and S.Sno=Sc.Sno and Sc.Cno=C.cno;


select S.Sno from S,C,Sc where Teacher like ‘王%‘ and S.Sno=Sc.Sno and Sc.Cno=C.Cno;


select C.Cno,Cname from C where Teacher like ‘王%‘;


select Cname,Teacher from S,C,Sc where S.Sno=‘200215121‘ and S.Sno=Sc.Sno and Sc.Cno=C.Cno;


select Sname from S,Sc,C where Teacher like ‘王%‘ and Ssex=‘女‘and  S.Sno=Sc.Sno and Sc.Cno= C.Cno;

select Sname from S,Sc where Ssex=‘女‘ and S.Sno=Sc.Sno and Sc.Cno=any( select Cno from C where Teacher like ‘王%‘);

//28.查询姓张同学没有选修的课程的课程号(not int)。

 select Cno from C where Cno not in (Select Cno from Sc,S where Sc.Sno=S.Sno and Sname like ‘张%‘);


select Sno from Sc  group by Sno having Count(cno)>2;


select C.Cno,Cname from Sc,C where (select distinct count(Sno) from Sc group by Sno)=any(select count(Cno) from Sc )and Sc.Cno=C.Cno ;(这条语句错误) select Cno,Cname from C where Cno in (Select Sc.Cno from Sc,c where Sc.Sno=C.Cno group by Sc.Cno having count(*)=(select count(*) from S));

select cno,cname from c where cno in(select sc.cno from sc,c where sc.cno=c.cno group by sc.cno having count(*)=(select count(*) from s);

