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Shared Memory共享内存----kithara RTS

翻译注:共享内存是程序之间进行数据交互的最基本的方式,而由于windows和kithara rts本身为两个独立的系统,为了能够使两个不同系统之上的程序进行通信,那么就必须开辟一块内存区域用于数据共享。本文是对kithara rts官方原文进行的翻译,加入了本人的一些使用经验。

Shared Memory(共享内存)

What you need to know about Shared Memory(共享内存基本知识)

In 32-bit and64-bit Windows operating systems a so-called virtual memory management will be used. On the one hand, with this mechanism the protection of the differentaddress spaces against non-authorized access is ensured. On the other hand, forevery application a logical address space of 2 gigabytes for 32-bit or 8terabytes for 64-bit is provided.



The addresses used for data and code within the application programs are always virtual addresses. They will be transformed into physical memory addresses by the memory management of the operating system.


Since there is aseparate address space provided for every application, it is normally notpossible a process can access the memory of another one. Additionally, you cannormally not access from your application to the kernel memory, because thememory on the kernel-level is protected.


In order to realize fast data exchange, memory areas for data exchange between several application programs and also between the application and the kernel level have to be requested separately. The functions for shared memory within the Base Module serve for this.

为了在不同应用层程序之间、应用层程序与内核层程序之间的实现快速数据交换,需要申请一块独立的物理内存区域。用于操作共享内存的功能是Kithara rts的Base模块的一部分。

Normally no real-time with hard disk relocation: Although the Windows API includes mechanisms to provide shared memory, it is normally not protected against a relocation on hard disk.Thereby normally the real-time storage of measured values for example is not possible.

通常没有实时硬盘操作。尽管Windows API包含对共享内存的保护机制,但是一般不会保护硬件重置。因此,不能实现测量数据的实时存储。


Additionally,the normal shared memory (“memory mapped files”) is only accessible from theapplication level and usable for data exchange between different applicationprograms. It is not qualified for using on the kernel level. The memory, whichis provided by the »RealTime Suite« is not restrictedin that way.

此外,windows提供的普通共享内存技术(“内存映射文件”)只有应用层能够访问,而且只能用做不同应用之间的数据交换。不能在内核层中使用。»RealTime Suite«提供的内存不受这样的约束。

Differentvirtual addresses for ring 0 and ring 3

(ring 0与ring3的不同虚拟地址)

Different addresses for the access from the application level (ring 3) resp. from the kernel level (ring 0) have to be used at the memory call. This distinction is necessary, because the application address range and the systemaddress range are not identically. For this reason the Kithara functions for shared memory delivers two different addresses at a time.



·        pAppPtr the pointer for application level (ring 3)context and

·        pAppPtr 是应用层的指针

·        pSysPtr the pointer for kernel level (ring 0)context.

·        pSysPtr 是内核层的指针

Note: Make sure you use always thepointer for the address space provided addresses, otherwise an ‘accessviolation’ or BSOD will be registered!

Both virtual addresses will transfered as a ‘void’ pointer. In the further, they will be used, after a type conversion into a user specific data type, like a ‘normal’ pointer. So it is possible to read or write very easy and fast in shared memory.




Management ofShared Memory(共享内存管理)

In the kernel mode, only data can be accessed which is located in the stack (local variables)or in the so called shared memory. For the later the reference parameter pArgs is provided, pArgs is given to a kernel level (ring 0) running callback function to provide the shared memory pointer.


Definite name identifies memory(给内存起个名字)

Normally, shared memory will be identified over a specific name. The principle of several applications is, to require such memory with a known and agreed name. As soon as this memory will be requested under the agreed name again, you receive apointer back to the same memory area. Of course the addresses differ in thedifferent applications! Several applications create their own ‘view’ on thesame memory.


Note: The memory provided by the described functions is protected against a hard disk relocation (“swapping”)!



Requests ofShared Memory(共享内存请求)

Shared memory will be created with the function KS_createSharedMem.This size of the memory has to be given, a name is optional. This function willdeliver the pAppPtr for for application level (ring 3) context and the pSysPtr forkernel level (ring 0) context.



Data* pAppPtr;      // for access from application程序访问指针  Data* pSysPtr;      // for access from kernel     内核访问指针Error error = KS_createSharedMem(  (void**)&pAppPtr,  // Address of application pointer  应用层指针地址(void**)&pSysPtr,  // Address of system pointer    系统层指针地址"SharedMemoryName",  // Name of shared memory  共享内存名称sizeof(Data),        // Size of shared memory     共享内存大小0);                  // Flags, here 0               标志,这里为0    


To free shared memory the function KS_freeSharedMem can beused.

For a handle based version shared memorycan be created with the function KS_createSharedMemEx.



KSHandle hSharedMem;    // handle to shared mem  共享内存句柄Error error = KS_createSharedMemEx(   &hSharedMem, // Address of shared memory handle  共享内存句柄地址SharedMemoryName",  // Name of shared memory  共享内存名称sizeof(Data),        // Size of shared memory  共享内存大小0);                  // Flags, here 0                标志位,这里为0if( error )   ...  error = KS_getSharedMemEx(  hSharedMem,          // Shared memory handle   &pSysPtr,            // Address of system pointer   KSF_KERNEL_EXEC);    // Flags, here KSF_KERNEL_EXEC for                     //   adress of system pointer  if( error )  ... 


The handle hSharedMem is used to free shared memory with KS_freeSharedMemEx and can be used also to easily get the actual memory pointer with KS_getSharedMemEx withine.g. a callback function.



Shared Memory at several applications


Shared memory isnot only usable for data exchange between application level and kernel level, butalso between several applications.


In this case every application program has to call at least once the function KS_createSharedMemEx(KS_getSharedMemEx is not sufficient!).

You can determine if shared memory is already used with taking the advantage that thememory will be generally initialized with 0. Another possible way is to use acount variable, which will be incremented atevery KS_createSharedMemEx and shows the number of the running applications.

在这种情况下,每个应用程序必须至少一次调用函数 KS_createSharedMemEx(KS_getSharedMemEx则不止一次!).


After usage of shared memory every application has to call KS_freeSharedMemEx.
