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在异常状态的情况下看到的现象是class name:[B占用好几个G的内存,也就是byte数组占用了很大的内存。





jmap -dump:format=b,file=xxx.bin 3230




点到leak suspects会有一个系统分析的怀疑问题:



通过with outgoing references查看线程引用的对象,如下图所示:





  1 package com.trilead.ssh2;  2   3 import java.io.IOException;  4 import java.io.InputStream;  5 import java.io.InterruptedIOException;  6   7 /**  8  * A <code>StreamGobbler</code> is an InputStream that uses an internal worker  9  * thread to constantly consume input from another InputStream. It uses a buffer 10  * to store the consumed data. The buffer size is automatically adjusted, if needed. 11  * <p> 12  * This class is sometimes very convenient - if you wrap a session‘s STDOUT and STDERR 13  * InputStreams with instances of this class, then you don‘t have to bother about 14  * the shared window of STDOUT and STDERR in the low level SSH-2 protocol, 15  * since all arriving data will be immediatelly consumed by the worker threads. 16  * Also, as a side effect, the streams will be buffered (e.g., single byte 17  * read() operations are faster). 18  * <p> 19  * Other SSH for Java libraries include this functionality by default in 20  * their STDOUT and STDERR InputStream implementations, however, please be aware 21  * that this approach has also a downside: 22  * <p> 23  * If you do not call the StreamGobbler‘s <code>read()</code> method often enough 24  * and the peer is constantly sending huge amounts of data, then you will sooner or later 25  * encounter a low memory situation due to the aggregated data (well, it also depends on the Java heap size). 26  * Joe Average will like this class anyway - a paranoid programmer would never use such an approach. 27  * <p> 28  * The term "StreamGobbler" was taken from an article called "When Runtime.exec() won‘t", 29  * see http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-12-2000/jw-1229-traps.html. 30  *  31  * @author Christian Plattner, plattner@trilead.com 32  * @version $Id: StreamGobbler.java,v 1.1 2007/10/15 12:49:56 cplattne Exp $ 33  */ 34  35 public class StreamGobbler extends InputStream 36 { 37     class GobblerThread extends Thread 38     { 39         public void run() 40         { 41             byte[] buff = new byte[8192]; 42  43             while (true) 44             { 45                 try 46                 { 47                     int avail = is.read(buff); 48  49                     synchronized (synchronizer) 50                     { 51                         if (avail <= 0) 52                         { 53                             isEOF = true; 54                             synchronizer.notifyAll(); 55                             break; 56                         } 57                          58                         int space_available = buffer.length - write_pos; 59                          60                         if (space_available < avail) 61                         { 62                             /* compact/resize buffer */ 63  64                             int unread_size = write_pos - read_pos; 65                             int need_space = unread_size + avail; 66  67                             byte[] new_buffer = buffer; 68  69                             if (need_space > buffer.length) 70                             { 71                                 int inc = need_space / 3; 72                                 inc = (inc < 256) ? 256 : inc; 73                                 inc = (inc > 8192) ? 8192 : inc; 74                                 new_buffer = new byte[need_space + inc]; 75                             } 76                              77                             if (unread_size > 0) 78                                 System.arraycopy(buffer, read_pos, new_buffer, 0, unread_size); 79  80                             buffer = new_buffer; 81                              82                             read_pos = 0; 83                             write_pos = unread_size; 84                         } 85                          86                         System.arraycopy(buff, 0, buffer, write_pos, avail); 87                         write_pos += avail; 88  89                         synchronizer.notifyAll(); 90                     }     91                 } 92                 catch (IOException e) 93                 { 94                     synchronized (synchronizer) 95                     { 96                         exception = e; 97                         synchronizer.notifyAll(); 98                         break; 99                     }100                 }101             }102         }103     }104 105     private InputStream is;106     private final GobblerThread t;107 108     private final Object synchronizer = new Object();109 110     private boolean isEOF = false;111     private boolean isClosed = false;112     private IOException exception = null;113 114     private byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];115     private int read_pos = 0;116     private int write_pos = 0;117 118     public StreamGobbler(InputStream is)119     {120         this.is = is;121         t = new GobblerThread();122         t.setDaemon(true);123         t.start();124     }125 126     public int read() throws IOException127     {128         synchronized (synchronizer)129         {130             if (isClosed)131                 throw new IOException("This StreamGobbler is closed.");132 133             while (read_pos == write_pos)134             {135                 if (exception != null)136                     throw exception;137 138                 if (isEOF)139                     return -1;140 141                 try142                 {143                     synchronizer.wait();144                 }145                 catch (InterruptedException e)146                 {147                     throw new InterruptedIOException();148                 }149             }150 151             int b = buffer[read_pos++] & 0xff;152 153             return b;154         }155     }156 157     public int available() throws IOException158     {159         synchronized (synchronizer)160         {161             if (isClosed)162                 throw new IOException("This StreamGobbler is closed.");163 164             return write_pos - read_pos;165         }166     }167 168     public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException169     {170         return read(b, 0, b.length);171     }172 173     public void close() throws IOException174     {175         synchronized (synchronizer)176         {177             if (isClosed)178                 return;179             isClosed = true;180             isEOF = true;181             synchronizer.notifyAll();182             is.close();183         }184     }185 186     public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException187     {188         if (b == null)189             throw new NullPointerException();190 191         if ((off < 0) || (len < 0) || ((off + len) > b.length) || ((off + len) < 0) || (off > b.length))192             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();193 194         if (len == 0)195             return 0;196 197         synchronized (synchronizer)198         {199             if (isClosed)200                 throw new IOException("This StreamGobbler is closed.");201 202             while (read_pos == write_pos)203             {204                 if (exception != null)205                     throw exception;206 207                 if (isEOF)208                     return -1;209 210                 try211                 {212                     synchronizer.wait();213                 }214                 catch (InterruptedException e)215                 {216                     throw new InterruptedIOException();217                 }218             }219 220             int avail = write_pos - read_pos;221 222             avail = (avail > len) ? len : avail;223 224             System.arraycopy(buffer, read_pos, b, off, avail);225 226             read_pos += avail;227 228             return avail;229         }230     }231 }
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 1 class GobblerThread extends Thread 2     { 3         public void run() 4         { 5             byte[] buff = new byte[8192]; 6  7             while (true) 8             { 9                 try10                 {11                     int avail = is.read(buff);12 13                     synchronized (synchronizer)14                     {15                         if (avail <= 0)16                         {17                             isEOF = true;18                             synchronizer.notifyAll();19                             break;20                         }21                         22                         int space_available = buffer.length - write_pos;23                         24                         if (space_available < avail)25                         {26                             /* compact/resize buffer */27 28                             int unread_size = write_pos - read_pos;29                             int need_space = unread_size + avail;30 31                             byte[] new_buffer = buffer;32 33                             if (need_space > buffer.length)34                             {35                                 int inc = need_space / 3;36                                 inc = (inc < 256) ? 256 : inc;37                                 inc = (inc > 8192) ? 8192 : inc;38                                 new_buffer = new byte[need_space + inc];39                             }40                             41                             if (unread_size > 0)42                                 System.arraycopy(buffer, read_pos, new_buffer, 0, unread_size);43 44                             buffer = new_buffer;45                             46                             read_pos = 0;47                             write_pos = unread_size;48                         }49                         50                         System.arraycopy(buff, 0, buffer, write_pos, avail);51                         write_pos += avail;52 53                         synchronizer.notifyAll();54                     }    55                 }56                 catch (IOException e)57                 {58                     synchronized (synchronizer)59                     {60                         exception = e;61                         synchronizer.notifyAll();62                         break;63                     }64                 }65             }66         }67     }
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