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CVE-2013-2094 porting to x86-32 分析
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"An idea from /u/spender is to call multiple times perf_event_open
while keeping the file descriptors open, avoiding the destroy callback which will revert the change done in the init function. In this way is possible to increment a value in kernel space multiple times. This has the drawback of the process hitting the maximum number of open file descriptors allowed very fast, so some forking is required. I browsed a bit the kernel source to find a function pointer initialized to zero which was not stored in read only memory, and I chose to leverage drivers/tty/pty.c
, a driver for ptmx devices, which is enabled in the default Debian kernel and has struct file_operations ptmx_fops
, which has some NULL pointers and more importantly is not in read only memory."
sw_perf_event_destroy (i.e. destroy callback)
但是,linux系统中单个进程能够打开的file descriptor数量是有限制的,所以需要fork出足够多的进程,反复修改。可用ulimit -n查詢,一般來說是1024
http://pastebin.com/xdqEbhYR (查找system.map版)
http://pastebin.com/mMn3QvuR (查找/proc/kallsyms版)
ref. http://rikiji.it/2013/05/10/CVE-2013-2094-x86.html