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Ruby_day[1]输入(gets)和输出(puts, print)


  1: chomp是?

  2: first_name.capitalize!后面的感叹号有什么作用?

  3: #{first_name}

 1 print "What‘s your first name?" 2 first_name = gets.chomp 3 first_name.capitalize! 4  5 print "What‘s your last name?" 6 last_name = gets.chomp 7 last_name.capitalize! 8  9 print "What city are you from?"10 city = gets.chomp11 city.capitalize!12 13 print "What state or province are you from?"14 state = gets.chomp15 state.upcase!16 17 puts "Your name is #{first_name} #{last_name} and you‘re from #{city}, #{state}!"18 
run->Whats your first name? jyWhats your last name? pwnWhat city are you from? shenzhenWhat state or province are you from? guangdongYour name is Jy Pwn and youre from Shenzhen, GUANGDONG!nil




1 print "This is my question?" 2 answer = gets.chomp #输入 bad3 answer2 = answer.capitalize  #-> Bad, answer还是bad4 answer.capitalize! #现在answer是Bad
  answer -> Bad



1 first_name = "Kevin"2 puts "Your name is #{first_name}!"3 4 #将会输出 Your name is Kevin!5 #kevin取代了#{first_name} 相当于一个字符串的格式


Ruby_day[1]输入(gets)和输出(puts, print)