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Import and Export users from user profile service By Powershell

Sharepoint中有2个服务User Profile ServiceUser Profile Synchronization Service跟用户息息相关,其中user profile service是user profile serivce application可运行的前提。

User Profile Synchronization Service:用于同步AD账号信息到Sharepoint Farm(实际是到User profile database),我们在配置user profile service application会创建user Profile相关的数据库

User Profile Service:用于承载user profile service application的正常运行。

user profile service application只有导入数据(通过配置Configure Synchronization Connections),并没有提供导出数据接口。

另外导入数据也不灵活,比如我们只想导入特定的数据,而不是整个AD, 对于这种特殊的需求通过powershell可以得到解决。

至于如何启动User profile service和user profile synchronization servie,配置user profile service application本文就不细说了


  • Powershell 导入用户到user profile service 
    $path=‘c:\userlist.csv‘    $site = $caUrl    $context = Get-SPServiceContext -Site $site    $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $site    try    {    $upm = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager -ArgumentList $context    }    catch{}    if($upm -ne $null)   {        $userslist = Import-Csv -Path $path        $r = 1;        for($count=0; $count -lt $userslist.Count; $count++)            {                 $user_name = $domain +"\"+ $userslist[$count].UserID -replace " ", ""                 if ($upm.UserExists($user_name)) {}                  else                   {                     try                     {                         $profileproperty = $upm.CreateUserProfile($user_name)                $profileproperty["Manager"].Value=http://www.mamicode.com/‘‘                $profileproperty["Mail"].Value=http://www.mamicode.com/‘‘                $profileproperty["Title"].Value=http://www.mamicode.com/‘‘                           $profileproperty.Commit()                                            }                     catch                     {                      Write-Host -f red ([String]::Format("{0} Not Exist",$user_name));                     }                 }             }    }
  • Powershell 从User profile service中导出用户
$siteUrl = "ca url"$outputFile = "C:\sharepoint_user_profiles.csv"$serviceContext = Get-SPServiceContext -Site $siteUrl$profileManager = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($serviceContext);$profiles = $profileManager.GetEnumerator()$collection = @()foreach ($profile in $profiles) {    $profileData = "" |    select "AccountName", "PreferredName" , "Manager" , "Office" , "Location" , "WorkEmail" , "Assistant" , "AboutMe" , "Language" , "PictureURL" , "Role"      $profileData.AccountName = $profile["AccountName"]   $profileData.PreferredName = $profile["PreferredName"]   $profileData.Manager = $profile["Manager"]   $profileData.Office = $profile["Office"]   $profileData.Location = $profile["Location"]   $profileData.WorkEmail = $profile["WorkEmail"]   $profileData.Assistant = $profile["Assistant"]   $profileData.AboutMe = $profile["AboutMe"].Value   $profileData.Language = $profile["Language"]   $profileData.PictureURL = $profile["PictureURL"]   $profileData.Role = $profile["Role"]      #$collection += $profileData | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment   $collection += $profileData}$collection | Export-Csv $outputFile -NoTypeInformation -encoding "UTF8"


Import and Export users from user profile service By Powershell