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IOS 完成来电归属地




 1 @interface HMFoundLocation : NSObject 2  3 AS_SINGLETON(HMFoundLocation) 4  5 @property(nonatomic,strong)NSString *address; 6  7 @property(nonatomic,strong)NSString *operater; 8  9 //  设置归属地 和 运营商两个属性10 - (void)setAddressAndOperater:(NSString *)telephoneNumber;11 12 @end


  1 //  2 //  HMFoundLocation.m  3 //  contactModel  4 //  5 //  Created by mac_mini on 14-10-24.  6 //  Copyright (c) 2014年 mac_mini. All rights reserved.  7 //  8   9 #import "HMFoundLocation.h" 10 #import <sqlite3.h> 11  12 @implementation HMFoundLocation 13  14 DEF_SINGLETON(HMFoundLocation) 15  16 - (void)setAddressAndOperater:(NSString *)telephoneNumber{ 17     NSInteger lengthOftel = [telephoneNumber length]; 18     if (lengthOftel == 5) { 19         [self _doAsServiceNumber:telephoneNumber]; 20     } else if ((lengthOftel == 11) && ([telephoneNumber characterAtIndex:0] == 1)) { 21         //  11位手机号 不含+86 22         NSString *findNumber = [telephoneNumber stringByPaddingToLength:7 withString:nil startingAtIndex:0]; 23         NSString *findNumberMobile = [telephoneNumber stringByPaddingToLength:3 withString:nil startingAtIndex:0]; 24         [self _selectInfoByPhone:findNumber WithMobile:findNumberMobile]; 25     } else if ((lengthOftel == 11) && ([telephoneNumber   characterAtIndex:0] == 0)) { 26         //  固话以零开头 区号为3位 27         NSString *zoneNumber = [telephoneNumber stringByPaddingToLength:3 withString:nil startingAtIndex:0]; 28         NSRange range; 29         range.location = 0; 30         range.length = 1; 31         [self _doAsLinePhone:zoneNumber]; 32         self.operater = @"固话"; 33     } else if (((lengthOftel == 12) && ([telephoneNumber   characterAtIndex:0] == 0)) || ((lengthOftel == 3) && ([telephoneNumber characterAtIndex:0] == 0))) { 34         //  固话以零开头 区号为4位 35         NSString *zoneNumber = [telephoneNumber stringByPaddingToLength:4 withString:nil startingAtIndex:0]; 36         NSRange range; 37         range.location = 0; 38         range.length = 1; 39         [self _doAsLinePhone:zoneNumber]; 40         self.operater = @"固话"; 41     } 42     else{ 43         [self _numberUnknown]; 44     } 45 } 46  47 - (void)_selectInfoByPhone:(NSString *)findNumber WithMobile:(NSString *)findNumberMobile{ 48     NSString *SelectWhatMobile = @"SELECT mobile FROM numbermobile where uid="; 49     NSString *SelectWhatMobileFull = [SelectWhatMobile stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@",findNumberMobile]; 50     sqlite3 *database; 51     if (sqlite3_open([[self _findDatabase] UTF8String], &database) 52         != SQLITE_OK) { 53         sqlite3_close(database); 54         NSAssert(0, @"Failed to open database"); 55     } 56     //  获取运营商名称 57     sqlite3_stmt *stmt; 58     if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, [SelectWhatMobileFull UTF8String], -1, &stmt, nil) == SQLITE_OK) { 59         while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { 60             int mobilenumber = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0); 61             if (mobilenumber) { 62                 NSString *mobileNumberString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",mobilenumber]; 63                 NSString *SelectWhatMobileName = @"SELECT mobile FROM mobilenumber WHERE uid="; 64                 NSString *SelectWhatMobileNameFull = [SelectWhatMobileName stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@",mobileNumberString]; 65                 sqlite3_stmt *stmt2; 66                 if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, [SelectWhatMobileNameFull UTF8String], -1, &stmt2, nil) == SQLITE_OK) { 67                     while (sqlite3_step(stmt2) == SQLITE_ROW) { 68                         char *mobilename = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt2, 0); 69                         NSString *mobilenamestring = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:mobilename]; 70                         if (mobilenamestring!= NULL) { 71                             self.operater = mobilenamestring; 72                         } 73                     } 74                 }sqlite3_finalize(stmt2); 75             } 76         } 77         sqlite3_finalize(stmt); 78     } 79     //  获取手机号码归属地 80     sqlite3_stmt *stmt3; 81     NSString *SelectCityNumberByPhoneNumber = @"SELECT city FROM phonenumberwithcity WHERE uid="; 82     NSString *SelectCityNumberByPhoneNumberFull = [SelectCityNumberByPhoneNumber stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@",findNumber]; 83     if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, [SelectCityNumberByPhoneNumberFull UTF8String], -1, &stmt3, nil) == SQLITE_OK) { 84         if (sqlite3_step(stmt3) == SQLITE_ROW) { 85             int citynumber = sqlite3_column_int(stmt3, 0); 86             NSString *citynumberNSString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",citynumber]; 87             if (citynumberNSString != nil) { 88                 NSString *SelectCityNameAndCtiyZoneByCityBumber = @"SELECT city,zone FROM citywithnumber WHERE uid="; 89                 NSString *SelectCityNameAndCtiyZoneByCityBumberFull = [SelectCityNameAndCtiyZoneByCityBumber stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@",citynumberNSString]; 90                 sqlite3_stmt *stmt4; 91                 if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, [SelectCityNameAndCtiyZoneByCityBumberFull UTF8String], -1, &stmt4, nil) == SQLITE_OK) { 92                     if (sqlite3_step(stmt4) == SQLITE_ROW) { 93                         char *cityname = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt4, 0); 94                         int cityzonecode = sqlite3_column_int(stmt4, 1); 95                         NSString *cityNameNSString = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:cityname]; 96                         NSString *cityzonecodeNnumber = [@"0" stringByAppendingFormat:@"%d",cityzonecode]; 97                         if (cityNameNSString != nil && cityzonecodeNnumber != nil) { 98                             self.address = cityNameNSString; 99                         }100                     }else {101                         [self _numberUnknown];102                     }103                     sqlite3_finalize(stmt4);104                 }105             }106         }else {107             [self _numberUnknown];108         }109         sqlite3_finalize(stmt3);110     }111     sqlite3_close(database);112 }113 114 //  私有方法115 -(NSString *)_findDatabase{116     NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"location_Numbercity_citynumber" ofType:@"db"];117     return path;118 }119 120 - (void)_doAsServiceNumber:(NSString *)telephoneNumber{121     if([telephoneNumber isEqualToString:@"10000"]){122         self.address = @"中国电信客服";123         self.operater = @"中国电信";124     }else if([telephoneNumber isEqualToString:@"10001"]){125         self.address = @"中国电信自助服务热线";126         self.operater = @"中国电信";127     }else if([telephoneNumber isEqualToString:@"10010"]){128         self.address = @"中国联通客服";129         self.operater = @"中国联通";130     }else if([telephoneNumber isEqualToString:@"10011"]){131         self.address = @"中国联通充值";132         self.operater = @"中国联通";133     }else if([telephoneNumber isEqualToString:@"10086"]){134         self.address = @"中国移动客服";135         self.operater = @"中国移动";136     }else{137         [self _numberUnknown];138     }139 }140 141 - (void)_doAsLinePhone:(NSString*)telephoneNumber{142     NSString *SelectCityNameByCityZoneCode = @"SELECT city FROM citywithnumber WHERE zone=";143     NSString *SelectCityNameByCityZoneCodeFull = [SelectCityNameByCityZoneCode stringByAppendingString:telephoneNumber ];144     sqlite3 *database;145     if (sqlite3_open([[self _findDatabase] UTF8String], &database)146         != SQLITE_OK) {147         sqlite3_close(database);148         NSAssert(0, @"Failed to open database");149     }150     sqlite3_stmt *stmt;151     if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, [SelectCityNameByCityZoneCodeFull UTF8String], -1, &stmt, nil) == SQLITE_OK) {152         if (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {153             char *cityname = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);154             NSString *cityNameNSString = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:cityname];155             if (cityname != nil) {156                 self.address = cityNameNSString;157             }158         }else {159             [self _numberUnknown];160         }161         sqlite3_finalize(stmt);162     }163     sqlite3_close(database);164 }165 166 - (void)_numberUnknown{167     self.address = @"未知";168     self.operater = @"未知";169 }170 171 @end
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这个实例,用到了数据库,首先要把数据库拖到工程中来,然后在Build Phases的Copy Bundle Resources中添加进来。

然后在用到数据库的地方,import sqlite3.h 这个文件夹,里面是系统提供的数据库管理类。具体用法可在网上寻找。

IOS 完成来电归属地