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翻译 - Ajax with dojo/request

原文:Ajax with dojo/request






 1 require([‘dojo/request‘], function(request) { 2     request(‘hellowrold.txt‘).then( 3         function(text) { 4             console.log("The file‘s content is : " + text); 5         }, 6         function(error) { 7             console.log("An error occurred: " + error); 8         } 9     );10 });


在浏览器中,上面的代码使用一个XMLHttpRequest发起一个HTTP GET请求并返回一个dojo/promise/Promise实例。如果请求成功,作为then的第一个参数的函数将被执行,文件中的内容作为该函数的仅有参数被传入;如果请求失败,作为then的第二个参数的函数将被执行,一个错误对象作为该函数的参数被传入。但是如何是表单想服务端提交数据呢?又或者返回的是JSON或XML呢?没有问题,dojo/request允许你对请求做私人订制。




  • method - 一个大写的字符串用于表示HTTP请求的方法。为了让指定这些选项更方便提供了一些帮助方法(request.get,request.post,request.put,request.del)。
  • sync - 一个布尔值,如果为真表示请求是阻塞的,直到服务端返回数据或者超时。
  • query - 一个字符串或者键值对象用于追加到请求URL后面。
  • data - 一个字符串,或键值对象,或包含数据的FormData对象用于传递到服务端。
  • timeout - 使用毫秒设置请求的超时时间
  • handles - 一个字符串表示在将返回的文本数据传递给成功回调函数之前如何处理数据。有几种处理方式,默认的是text,另有json,javascript,xml。
  • headers - 一个键值对象用于设置额外的请求头。


 1 require(["dojo/request"], function(request) { 2   request.post("post-content.php", { 3     data: { 4       color: "blur", 5       answer: 42 6     }, 7     headers: { 8       "X-Something": "A value" 9     }10   }).then(function(text) {11     console.log("The server returned: ", text);12   });13 });


这个例子发送一个HTTP POST请求到post-content.php;一个对象被序列化同一个X-Something请求头被发送到服务端。当服务端返回,内容作为一个值被从request.post返回的promise使用。





 1 require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/on", "dojo/request", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom, on, request) { 2   // Results will be displayed in resultDiv 3   var resultDiv = dom.byId("resultDiv"); 4  5   on(dom.byId("textButton"), "click", function(evt) { 6     request.get("../resources/text/psalm_of_file.txt").then( 7       function(response) { 8         resultDiv.innerHTML = "<pre>" + response + "</pre>"; 9       },10       function(error) {11         resultDiv.innerHTML = "<div class="\error\">" + error "</div>"; 12       }13     );14   });15 });



 1 require([ 2     "dojo/dom",  3     "dojo/on",  4     "dojo/request",  5     "dojo/dom-form" 6 ], function(dom, on, request, domForm) { 7      8     var form = dom.byId("formNode"); 9 10     // Attach the onsubmit event handler of the form11     on(form, "submit", function(evt) {12 13         // prevent the page from navigating after submit14         evt.stopPropagation();15         evt.preventDefault();16 17         // Post the data to the server18         request.post("../resources/php/login-demo.php", {19             // Send the username and password20             data: domForm.toObject("formNode"),21             // Wait 2 seconds for a response22             timeout: 200023         }).then(function(response) {24             dom.byId("svrMessage").innerHTML = response;25         });26     });27 });





 1 require([ 2     "dojo/dom",  3     "dojo/on",  4     "dojo/request",  5     "dojo/dom-form" 6 ], function(dom, on, request, domForm) { 7      8     var form = dom.byId("formNode"); 9 10     // Attach the onsubmit event handler of the form11     on(form, "submit", function(evt) {12 13         // prevent the page from navigating after submit14         evt.stopPropagation();15         evt.preventDefault();16 17         // Post the data to the server18         var promise = request.post("../resources/php/login-demo.php", {19             // Send the username and password20             data: domForm.toObject("formNode"),21             // Wait 2 seconds for a response22             timeout: 200023         });24 25         promise.response.then(function(response) {26 27             // get the message from the data property28             var message = response.data;29 30             // Access the ‘Auth-Token‘ header31             var token = response.getHeader(‘Auth-Token‘);32             dom.byId(‘svrMessage‘).innerHTML = message;33             dom.byId(‘svrToken‘).innerHTML = token;34         });35     });36 });




 1 { 2     "title": "JSON Sample Data", 3     "items": [{ 4         "name": "text", 5         "value": "text data" 6     }, { 7         "name": "integer", 8         "value": 100 9     }, {10         "name": "float",11         "value": 5.6512     }, {13         "name": "boolean",14         "value": false15     }]16 }



 1 require([ 2     "dojo/dom",  3     "dojo/request",  4     "dojo/json",  5     "dojo/_base/array",  6     "dojo/domReady!" 7 ], function(dom, request, JSON, arrayUtil) { 8     // Results will be displayed in resultDiv 9     var resultDiv = dom.byId("resultDiv");10 11     // Request the JSON data form the server12     request.get("../resources/data/sample.json.php", {13         // Parse data from JSON to a JavaScript object14         handleAs: "json"15     }).then(function(data) {16         // Display the data sent from the server17         var html = "<h2>JSON Data</h2>" +18             "<p>JSON encoded data:</p>" +19             "<p><code>" + JSON.stringify(data) + "</code></p>" +20             "<h3>Accessing the JSON data</h3>" +21             "<p><strong>title</strong> " + data.title + "</p>" +22             "<p><strong>items</strong> An array of item." +23             "Each item has a name and a value. The type of " +24             "the value is shown in parentheses.</p><dl>";25 26         arrayUtil.forEach(data.items, function(item, i) {27             html += "<dt>" + item.name + 28                 "</dt><dd>" + item.value +29                 " (" + (typeof item.value) + ")</dd>";30         });31         html += "</dl>";32 33         resultDiv.innerHTML = html;34     }, function(error) {35         // Display the error returned36         resultDiv.innerHTML = error;37     });38 });






 1 require([ 2     "dojo/dom", 3     "dojo/on", 4     "dojo/request/script", 5     "dojo/json", 6     "dojo/domReady!" 7 ], function(dom, on, script, JSON) { 8     // Results will be displayed in resultDiv 9     var resultDiv = dom.byId("resultDiv");10 11     // Attach the onclick event handler to the makeRequest button12     on(dom.byId("makeRequest"), "click", function(evt) {13 14         // When the makeRequest button is clicked, send the current15         // date an time to the server in a JSONP request16         var d = new Date(),17             dateNow = d.toString();18         script.get("../resources/php/jsonp-demo.php", {19             // Tell the server that the callback name to20             // use is in the "callback" query parameter21             jsonp: "callback",22             // Send the date and time23             query: {24                 clienttime: dateNow25             }26         }).then(function(data) {27             // Display the result28             resultDiv.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(data);29         });30     });31 });


使用JSONP从GitHub API请求Dojo的pull请求

 1 require([ 2     "dojo/dom", 3     "dojo/on", 4     "dojo/request/script", 5     "dojo/dom-construct", 6     "dojo/_base/array", 7     "dojo/domReady!" 8 ], function(dom, on, script, domContruct, arrayUtil){ 9     var pullsNode = dom.byId("pullrequests");10 11     // Attach the onclick event handler to tweetButton12     on(dom.byId("pullrequestsButton"), "click", function(evt) {13         // Request the open pull requests from Dojo‘s GitHub repo14         script.get("https://api.github.com/repos/dojo/dojo/pulls", {15             // Use the "callback" query parameter to tell16             // GitHub‘s services the name of the function17             // to wrap the data in18             jsonp: "callback"19         }).then(function(response) {20             // Empty the tweets node21             domContruct.empty(pullsNode);22 23             // Create a document fragment to keep from24             // doing live DOM manipulation25             var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();26 27             // Loop through each pull request and create a list item28             // for it29             arrayUtil.forEach(response.data, function(pull) {30                 var li = domContruct.create("li", {}, fragment);31                 var link = domContruct.create("a", {href: pull.url, innerHTML: pull.title}, li);32             });33 34             // Append the document fragment to the list35             domContruct.place(fragment, pullsNode);36         });37     });38 });




  • start
  • send
  • load
  • error
  • done
  • stop



 1 require([ 2     "dojo/dom", 3     "dojo/request", 4     "dojo/request/notify", 5     "dojo/on", 6     "dojo/dom-construct", 7     "dojo/query", 8     "dojo/domReady!" 9 ], function(dom, request, notify, on, domContruct) {10     // Listen for events from request providers11     notify("start", function() {12         domContruct.place("<p>Sent request</p>", "divStatus");13     });14 15     notify("send", function(data, cancel) {16         domContruct.place("<p>Sent request</p>", "divStatus");17     });18 19     notify("load", function(data) {20         domContruct.place("<p>Load (response received)</p>", "divStatus");21     });22 23     notify("error", function(error) {24         domContruct.place("<p class=\"error\">Error</p>", "divStatus");25     });26 27     notify("done", function(data) {28         domContruct.place("<p>Done (response processed)</p>", "divStatus");29         if(data instanceof Error) {30             domContruct.place("<p class=\"error\">Error</p>", "divStatus");31         } else {32             domContruct.place("<p class=\"success\">Success</p>", "divStatus");33         }34     });35     notify("stop", function() {36         domContruct.place("<p>Stop</p>", "divStatus");37         domContruct.place("<p class=\"ready\">Ready</p>", "divStatus");38     });39 40     // Use event delegation to only listen for clicks that41     // come from nodes with a class of "action"42     on(dom.byId("buttonContainer"), ".action:click", function(evt) {43         domContruct.empty("divStatus");44         request.get("../resources/php/notify-demo.php", {45             query: {46                 success: this.id === "successBtn"47             },48             handleAs: "json"49         });50     });51 });





1 request.register(url, provider, first);


  •  url - url可以是字符串,正则表达式或者函数
    • string - 如果是字符串,提供者将使用它如果url匹配上
    • regExp - 
    • function - 
  • provider - 处理的请求的提供者
  • first - 是个可选的布尔参数,如果为真,注册器将提供者加到已有的提供者前面。



 1 require([ 2     "dojo/request/registry", 3     "dojo/request/script", 4     "dojo/dom", 5     "dojo/dom-construct", 6     "dojo/on", 7     "dojo/domReady!" 8 ], function(request, script, dom, domContruct, on) { 9     // Registers anything that starts with "http://"10     // to be sent to the script provider11     // requests for a local search will use xhr12     request.register(/^https?:\/\//i, script);13 14     // When the search button is clicked15     on(dom.byId("searchButton"), "click", function() {16         // First send a request to twitter for all tweets17         // tagged with the search string18         request("http://search.twitter.com/search.json", {19             query: {20                 q: "#" + dom.byId("searchText").value,21                 result_type: "mixed",22                 lang: "en"23             },24             jsonp: "callback"25         }).then(function(data) {26             // If the tweets node exists, destroy it27             if(dom.byId("tweets")) {28                 domContruct.destroy("tweets");29             }30             // If at least one result was returned31             if (data.results.length > 0) {32                 // Create a new tweet list33                 domContruct.create("ul", {id: "tweets"}, "twitterDiv");34                 // Add each tweet as a li35                 while(data.results.length > ) {36                     domContruct.create("li", {innerHTML: data.result.shift().text}, "tweets");37                 }38             } else {39                 // No results returned40                 domContruct.create("p", {id: "tweets", innerHTML: "None"}, "twitterDiv");41             }42         });43 44         // Next send a request to the local search45         request("../resources/php/search.php", {46             query: {47                 q: dom.byId("searchText").value48             },49             handleAs: "json"50         }).then(function(data) {51             dom.byId("localResourceDiv").innerHTML =52                 "<p><strong>" + data.name + "</strong><br/>" +53                 "<a href=http://www.mamicode.com/"" + data.url + "\">" + data.url + "</a><br/>";54         }, function(error) {55             // If no results are found, the local search results a 40456             dom.byId("localResourceDiv").innerHTML = "<p>None</p>";57         });58     });59 });



  • 谨慎的选择请求方法。一般情况下,GET用于没有安全考虑的请求。GET通常比POST快。POST通常用于发送表单数据且数据不会附加在URL中。
  • 应该在HTTPS的页面上发起HTTPS的请求。
  • 由于AJAX请求不会刷新页面,用户都比较喜欢状态更新,从加载到结束。
  • 使用有效的开发工具解决问题更快速。
  • 在尽可能多的浏览器上测试你的应用。



翻译 - Ajax with dojo/request