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<?php    require dirname(__FILE__)./includes/common.inc.php;    $_clean = array();    //类型    $_clean[type] = _check($_POST[type]);//1.DH;2.MS;3.th    //内容    $_clean[content] = _check($_POST[content]);        define(SCRIPT,research);        global $_pagesize,$_pagenum;        $_productList = array();        if ( $_clean[type] == ‘‘ && $_clean[type] > 3 && $_clean[type] < 0 ) {        $_productList[state] = 1;        $_productList[info] = 参数有误!;        //如果类型内容不等于空    }elseif ( $_clean[type] != ‘‘ && $_clean[content] != ‘‘ ) {        //查找商品名        $_sql2 = "SELECT goodsName FROM tb_goods";         $_result2 = _query($_sql2);        //循环        while($_rows2 = _fetch_array($_result2)){            $_html2 = array();            $_html2[goodsName] = _html($_rows2[goodsName]);            $_true = strpos($_html2[goodsName],$_clean[content]);            if ( !is_bool($_true) ) {                $_goodsName = $_html2[goodsName];                $_sql = "SELECT goodsId FROM tb_goods WHERE goodsShow = 1 AND goodsModule = ‘{$_clean[‘type‘]}‘ AND goodsName = ‘$_goodsName‘ ORDER BY goodsId DESC";                _page($_sql,4);                $_sql1 = "SELECT                                 goodsId,goodsName,goodsPicture,goodsType,goodsOriginalPrice,goodsMoneyPrice,goodsDeliveryArea,goodsInventory                             FROM                                 tb_goods                            WHERE                                   goodsShow = 1 AND goodsModule = {$_clean[type]} AND goodsName = $_goodsName                        ORDER BY                                    goodsId DESC                               LIMIT                                      $_pagenum,$_pagesize";                _sprProduct($_sql1);            }        }        $_productList[data] = $_data;    }    echo _json($_productList);    _free_result($_result1);    _close();?>
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<?php    require dirname(__FILE__)./includes/common.inc.php;    $_clean = array();    $_clean[phone] = _check($_POST[phone]);    $_clean[title] = _check($_POST[title]);    $_clean[comments] = _check($_POST[comments]);        $_info = array();        $_data = array();    //电话不等于11    if ( $_clean[phone] > 0 && strlen($_clean[phone]) != 11 && $_clean[title] != ‘‘ && $_clean[comments] != ‘‘ ) {        $_info[state] = 0;        $_info[info] = ‘‘;                $_sql = "INSERT INTO tb_submitComments (                                                phone,                                                title,                                                comments                                                )                                        VALUES (                                                {$_clean[phone]},                                                {$_clean[title]},                                                {$_clean[comments]}                                                )";        _query($_sql);                if ( _affected_rows() == 1 ) {            $_data[state] = 0;            $_data[info] = 提交成功!;        } else {            $_data[state] = 1;            $_data[info] = 提交失败!;        }        $_info[data] = $_data;    } else {        $_info[state] = 1;        $_info[info] = 参数有误!;    }        echo _json($_info);    _close();?>
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<?php    require dirname(__FILE__)./../includes/common.inc.php;        $_clean = array();    $_clean[userId] = _check($_POST[userId]);    $_clean[adId] = _check($_POST[adId]);    $_clean[content] = _check($_POST[content]);        $_now = date(y-m-d H:i:s,time());        $_info = array();    $_data = array();    //    if ( $_clean[userId] > 0 && $_clean[adId] > 0 && $_clean[content] != ‘‘ ) {        $_info[state] = 0;        $_info[info] = ‘‘;                $_sql1 = "SELECT userName FROM tb_user WHERE id = ‘{$_clean[‘userId‘]}‘";        $_result1 = _query($_sql1);        $_rows1 = _fetch_array($_result1);                $_sql = "INSERT INTO tb_easyAdComments VALUES (null,‘{$_clean[‘userId‘]}‘,‘{$_clean[‘adId‘]}‘,‘{$_clean[‘content‘]}‘,now(),‘来自Android‘,0,0)";        _query($_sql);                if ( _affected_rows() == 1 ) {            $_data[state] = 0;            $_data[info] = 评论成功;                        $_data[addTimes] = $_now;            $_data[content] = $_clean[content];            $_data[userName] = $_rows1[userName];        } else {            $_data[state] = 1;            $_data[info] = 评论失败;        }                $_info[data] = $_data;    } else {        $_info[state] = 1;        $_info[info] = 参数有误!;    }        echo _json($_info);        _close();?>
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