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通过CTAPI和Citect SCADA软件进行数据通讯


(基于Citect远程控制的变流量堆料控制系统 王玉增,顾英妮,王维 济南大学,机械工程学院 ,Citect,CTAPI)




#! /usr/bin/python## File: pyctapi.py# Author: Mitchell Gayner# Date: 06/08/2009## Desc: #      Wrapper for Citect CTAPI dll#    Compatible with Citect V6.1 DLLs##    You must have the following DLLs:#        - CiDebugHelp.dll#        - Ct_ipc.dll#        - CtApi.dll#        - CtEng32.dll#        - CtRes32.DLL#        - CtUtil32.dll#import platformfrom ctypes import * import sysif platform.system() != "Windows":    raise OSErrorclass pyCtApi:    def __init__(self, dllPath_ = "C:/citect/bin/"):        #Load required DLLs        CDLL(dllPath_ + /CiDebugHelp)        CDLL(dllPath_ + /CtUtil32)        CDLL(dllPath_ + /Ct_ipc)        self.__libc = CDLL(dllPath_ + /CtApi)        self.__cn = None # Create connection object    def Open(self, address_, username_, password_, mode_ = 0):        "Open connection to running citect process"        if self.__cn != None:            print "Already connected"            return        self.__cn = windll.CtApi.ctOpen(address_, username_, password_, 2)    def Close(self):        "Close connection to running citect process"        ct = windll.CtApi.ctClose(self.__cn)        self.__cn = None    def Connected(self):        if self.__ExecCicode("Version(0)") != "":            return True        return False    def TagReadInt(self, tagName_):        "Read tag from Citect and covert to int"        str = self.__TagRead(tagName_)        #try:        return int(str)        #except:        return -1    def TagReadFloat(self, tagName_):        "Read tag from Citect and covert to float"        str = self.__TagRead(tagName_)        #try:        return float(str)        #except:        return -1    def TagReadStr(self, tagName_):        "Read tag from Citect and covert to string"        str = self.__TagRead(tagName_)        return str    def TagWrite(self, tagName_, value_):        "Write value to Citect tag"        ok = self.__TagWrite(tagName_, str(value_))        return ok    def ExecuteCicode(self, function_):        return self.__ExecCicode(function_)    def __TagRead(self, tagName_):        "PRIVATE: Read tag from Citect tag"        f = create_string_buffer(\000 * 32)        ok = windll.CtApi.ctTagRead(self.__cn, tagName_, byref(f), sizeof(f))        return f.value    def __TagWrite(self, tagName_, value_):        "PRIVATE: Write value to Citect tag"        ok = windll.CtApi.ctTagWrite(self.__cn, tagName_, value_)        return ok    def __ExecCicode(self, function_, hWin_=0, nMode_=0):        f = create_string_buffer(\000 * 32)        ok = windll.CtApi.ctCicode(self.__cn, function_, hWin_, nMode_, byref(f), sizeof(f), None)        return f.value# TODO LIST:‘‘‘DONE extern    HANDLE    CTAPICALL    ctOpen(LPCSTR,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,DWORD);                /* Open CTAPI interface        */‘‘‘# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctOpenEx(LPCSTR,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,DWORD,HANDLE);# extern    HANDLE    CTAPICALL    ctClientCreate();# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctClientDestroy(HANDLE);‘‘‘DONE extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctClose(HANDLE);                        /* Close CTAPI interface    */‘‘‘# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctCloseEx(HANDLE, BOOL);# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctCancelIO(HANDLE,CTOVERLAPPED*);                /* cancel pending I/O        */‘‘‘DONE extern    DWORD    CTAPICALL    ctCicode(HANDLE,LPCSTR,DWORD,DWORD,LPSTR,DWORD,CTOVERLAPPED*);    /* execute cicode        */‘‘‘# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctPointWrite(HANDLE,HANDLE,void*,DWORD,CTOVERLAPPED*);        /* write to point handle    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctPointRead(HANDLE,HANDLE,void*,DWORD,CTOVERLAPPED*);        /* read from point handle    */# extern    HANDLE    CTAPICALL    ctTagToPoint(HANDLE,LPCSTR,DWORD,CTOVERLAPPED*);        /* convert tag into point handle*/# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctPointClose(HANDLE,HANDLE);                    /* free a point handle        */# extern    HANDLE    CTAPICALL    ctPointCopy(HANDLE);                        /* copy a point handle        */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctPointGetProperty(HANDLE,LPCTSTR,void*,DWORD,DWORD*,DWORD);    /* get point property        */# extern    DWORD    CTAPICALL    ctPointDataSize(HANDLE);                    /* size of point data buffer    */# extern    DWORD    CTAPICALL    ctPointBitShift(HANDLE);                    /* calculate bit shift offset    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctPointToStr(HANDLE,BYTE*,DWORD,BYTE*,DWORD,DWORD);        /* format point data to string    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctStrToPoint(HANDLE,LPCSTR,DWORD,BYTE*,DWORD,DWORD);        /* format string data into point*/‘‘‘DONE extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctTagWrite(HANDLE,LPCSTR,LPCSTR);                /* write to tag            */‘‘‘‘‘‘DONE extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctTagRead(HANDLE,LPCSTR,LPSTR,DWORD);                /* read from tag        */‘‘‘# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctEngToRaw(double*,double,CTSCALE*,DWORD);            /* scale from eng to raw    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctRawToEng(double*,double,CTSCALE*,DWORD);            /* scale from raw to eng    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctGetOverlappedResult(HANDLE,CTOVERLAPPED*,DWORD*,BOOL);    /* get overlapped result    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctEngToRaw(double*,double,CTSCALE*,DWORD);            /* scale from eng to raw    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctRawToEng(double*,double,CTSCALE*,DWORD);            /* scale from raw to eng    */# extern    HANDLE    CTAPICALL    ctFindFirst(HANDLE,LPCTSTR,LPCTSTR,HANDLE*,DWORD);        /* initiate a search        */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctFindNext(HANDLE,HANDLE*);                    /* get the next search item    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctFindPrev(HANDLE,HANDLE*);                    /* get the prev search item    */# extern    DWORD    CTAPICALL    ctFindScroll(HANDLE,DWORD,LONG,HANDLE*);            /* scroll to search item    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctFindClose(HANDLE);                        /* close a search        */# extern    LONG    CTAPICALL    ctFindNumRecords(HANDLE);                    /* get the total number of records in the search */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctGetProperty(HANDLE,LPCTSTR,void*,DWORD,DWORD*,DWORD);        /* get a named property        */# extern    HANDLE    CTAPICALL    ctListNew(HANDLE,DWORD);                    /* create poll list        */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctListFree(HANDLE);                        /* free poll list        */# extern    HANDLE    CTAPICALL    ctListAdd(HANDLE,LPCSTR);                    /* add tag to poll list        */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctListDelete(HANDLE);                        /* delete tag from poll list    */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctListRead(HANDLE,CTOVERLAPPED*);                /* read poll list        */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctListWrite(HANDLE,LPCSTR,CTOVERLAPPED*);            /* write poll list item        */# extern    BOOL    CTAPICALL    ctListData(HANDLE,void*,DWORD,DWORD);                /* get list data        */# extern    HANDLE    CTAPICALL    ctListEvent(HANDLE,DWORD);                    /* get list event        */# extern  BOOL    CTAPICALL      ctGetNumberOfLicenses(HANDLE, SHORT*, BYTE);        /* Key Check CTAPI interface */