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scp出现ssh port 22: Connection refused 问题解决具体步骤

[root(0)@sys11 09:20:29 /home/work/Code_release/bj]# scp ./release.sh  root@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
lost connection

One possible reason is that because the ssh server daemon, or sshd, is not loaded and running on localhost, so any attempt to ssh connect to localhost would fail. I check to see whether ssh and sshd are running by typing the following command:

  1. $ ps aux | grep ssh  

  2. # Result: bunch of lines, but none of them is about "sshd", only one line is about "ssh"  


Result is, I only see ssh running, but not sshd. So I know ssh server daemon is probably not started yet.

First, I verify that I have installed the package “openssh-server” on my fedora box.

Then I check the status of sshd service:


You may not have OpenSSH completely installed. Type this in terminal:

  1. sudo apt-get install openssh-client  

  2. sudo apt-get install openssh-server  


Another problem that you could have is that your firewall could be blocking the ssh connection. I use Firewall Configuration to manage my ports and firewall.


to restart it type

  1. sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart  


to stop it type

  1. sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop  


to start it type

  1. sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start  


OpenSSH server on Mac OS X

OpenSSH server is part of Mac OS X and you don‘t need to install any additional package.

To enable the OpenSSH server of Mac OS X, open System Preferences:


Click on sharing and enable Remote Login:

This will start up OpenSSH server automatically.

