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/* *  ‘schedule()‘ is the scheduler function. It‘s a very simple and nice * scheduler: it‘s not perfect, but certainly works for most things. * * The goto is "interesting". * *   NOTE!!  Task 0 is the ‘idle‘ task, which gets called when no other * tasks can run. It can not be killed, and it cannot sleep. The ‘state‘ * information in task[0] is never used. */asmlinkage void schedule(void){    struct schedule_data * sched_data;    struct task_struct *prev, *next, *p;    struct list_head *tmp;    int this_cpu, c;    if (!current->active_mm) BUG();//调度时,线程的active_mm不可以为0,借用之前的空间need_resched_back:    prev = current;//赋值获得当前pcb    this_cpu = prev->processor;    if (in_interrupt())//是否处于中断处理状态,一个bug,将调用bug()        goto scheduling_in_interrupt;    release_kernel_lock(prev, this_cpu);//对单核cpu是空语句    /*检查内核软中断服务请求是否在等待 Do "administrative" work here while we don‘t hold any locks */    if (softirq_active(this_cpu) & softirq_mask(this_cpu))        goto handle_softirq;//转到下面,进行请求服务handle_softirq_back:    /*sched_data用于保存一下一次调度时,所需要的信息     * ‘sched_data‘ is protected by the fact that we can run     * only one process per CPU.     */    sched_data = & aligned_data[this_cpu].schedule_data;    spin_lock_irq(&runqueue_lock);//加锁此队列    /* move an exhausted RR process to be last.. */    if (prev->policy == SCHED_RR)//如果当前进程的调度策略为sched_rr也就是轮换调度,那就特殊处理        goto move_rr_last;//判断时间配额是否用完,用完移到run队列队尾,同时恢复最初时间配额,然后跳到这里move_rr_back://对sched_rr特殊处理    switch (prev->state) {        case TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE:            if (signal_pending(prev)) {//检测当前进程是否有信号要进行处理                prev->state = TASK_RUNNING;                break;            }        default:            del_from_runqueue(prev);//从可运行队列中删除        case TASK_RUNNING:    }    prev->need_resched = 0;//设置为不需要调度,因为所需求的调度已经在运行了    /*     * this is the scheduler proper:     */repeat_schedule://接下来挑选一进程来运行了    /*     * Default process to select..     */    next = idle_task(this_cpu);//指向最佳候选进程    c = -1000;//设置c的权值为最低值,后面遍历有用    if (prev->state == TASK_RUNNING)//如果当前进程还是处于可运行状态        goto still_running;//如果当前进程还想继续运行,那就从当前进程计算权值开始,相同权值具有优先级still_running_back:    list_for_each(tmp, &runqueue_head) {        p = list_entry(tmp, struct task_struct, run_list);        if (can_schedule(p, this_cpu)) {//遍历运行队列中的所有进程            int weight = goodness(p, this_cpu, prev->active_mm);//通过goodness计算机它当前所具有的权值            if (weight > c)                c = weight, next = p;        }    }    /* Do we need to re-calculate counters? */    if (!c)//如果已选择的进程(权值最高)为0,那就要从新计算机各个进程的时间配额,说明系统已经没有就绪的实时进程了        goto recalculate;    /*     * from this point on nothing can prevent us from     * switching to the next task, save this fact in     * sched_data.     */    sched_data->curr = next;#ifdef CONFIG_SMP     next->has_cpu = 1;    next->processor = this_cpu;#endif    spin_unlock_irq(&runqueue_lock);    if (prev == next)//如果挑选出来的进程是当前进程,那就直接返回        goto same_process;#ifdef CONFIG_SMP     /*      * maintain the per-process ‘last schedule‘ value.      * (this has to be recalculated even if we reschedule to      * the same process) Currently this is only used on SMP,     * and it‘s approximate, so we do not have to maintain     * it while holding the runqueue spinlock.      */     sched_data->last_schedule = get_cycles();    /*     * We drop the scheduler lock early (it‘s a global spinlock),     * thus we have to lock the previous process from getting     * rescheduled during switch_to().     */#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */    kstat.context_swtch++;    /*     * there are 3 processes which are affected by a context switch:     *     * prev == .... ==> (last => next)     *     * It‘s the ‘much more previous‘ ‘prev‘ that is on next‘s stack,     * but prev is set to (the just run) ‘last‘ process by switch_to().     * This might sound slightly confusing but makes tons of sense.     */    prepare_to_switch();//准备调度    {        struct mm_struct *mm = next->mm;//下一进程的mm        struct mm_struct *oldmm = prev->active_mm;//当前进程的mm        if (!mm) {//下一要调度的是线程            if (next->active_mm) BUG();//如果线程连空间都木有,那就bug            next->active_mm = oldmm;//沿用前一进程的空间            atomic_inc(&oldmm->mm_count);//引用计数++            enter_lazy_tlb(oldmm, next, this_cpu);        } else {//下一要调度的是进程            if (next->active_mm != mm) BUG();            switch_mm(oldmm, mm, next, this_cpu);//切换空间        }        if (!prev->mm) {//前一进程为线程            prev->active_mm = NULL;//设置为NULL            mmdrop(oldmm);//释放,这里线程只是把引用计数--        }    }    /*     * This just switches the register state and the     * stack.     */    switch_to(prev, next, prev);//开始调度------------------    __schedule_tail(prev);//对于新创建的进程,调用后,直接转到ret_from_sys_call返回到用户空间same_process:    reacquire_kernel_lock(current);//空语句    if (current->need_resched)//前面已经清空为0,现在变成了非0,那就中断发生了有变化        goto need_resched_back;//再次调度    return;recalculate:    {        struct task_struct *p;        spin_unlock_irq(&runqueue_lock);        read_lock(&tasklist_lock);        for_each_task(p)//将当前进程的时间配额除以2?nice换来的ticks数量            p->counter = (p->counter >> 1) + NICE_TO_TICKS(p->nice);        read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);        spin_lock_irq(&runqueue_lock);    }    goto repeat_schedule;still_running:    c = goodness(prev, this_cpu, prev->active_mm);    next = prev;    goto still_running_back;handle_softirq:    do_softirq();    goto handle_softirq_back;move_rr_last:    if (!prev->counter) {//一旦counter为0,表示运行时间配额为0,将从可执行进程队列当前位置移到队列尾部        prev->counter = NICE_TO_TICKS(prev->nice);//恢复最初的时间配额.将根据进程的优先级别换成可运行的时间配额.        move_last_runqueue(prev);    }    goto move_rr_back;scheduling_in_interrupt://一个bug,在中断处理程序中调度了    printk("Scheduling in interrupt\n");    BUG();    return;}




实时进程权重计算:weight = 1000 + p->rt_priority,rt_priority对实时进程的权重还是很重要的
 1 static inline int goodness(struct task_struct * p, int this_cpu, struct mm_struct *this_mm) 2 { 3     int weight; 4     /* 5      * select the current process after every other 6      * runnable process, but before the idle thread. 7      * Also, dont trigger a counter recalculation. 8      */ 9     weight = -1;10     if (p->policy & SCHED_YIELD)//如果当前进程设置了此标志位,表示礼让,权值设置为-1.直接return11         goto out;12     /*13      * Non-RT process - normal case first.14      */15     if (p->policy == SCHED_OTHER) {//对于没有实时要求的进程来说16         /*17          * Give the process a first-approximation goodness value18          * according to the number of clock-ticks it has left.19          *20          * Don‘t do any other calculations if the time slice is21          * over..22          */23         weight = p->counter;//weight等于时间配额24         if (!weight)//用完了,权值为0,直接返回25             goto out;26             27 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP28         /* Give a largish advantage to the same processor...   */29         /* (this is equivalent to penalizing other processors) */30         if (p->processor == this_cpu)31             weight += PROC_CHANGE_PENALTY;32 #endif33         /* .. and a slight advantage to the current MM */34         if (p->mm == this_mm || !p->mm)//如果是内核线程,或者用户空间与当前进程相同,唔需要切换用户空间,获得奖励+1s35             weight += 1;36         weight += 20 - p->nice;//nice也小,优先级越高,范围-20到19.37         goto out;38     }39     /*40      * Realtime process, select the first one on the41      * runqueue (taking priorities within processes42      * into account).//实时进程的nice与优先级无关,但对于sched_rr进程的时间配额大小有关,实时进程就绪时,非实时进程没机会运行43      *///对于实时进程来说,则有一种正向优先级,那就是实时优先级rt_priority,由于时间要求,对进程赋予很高的全职44     weight = 1000 + p->rt_priority;//rt_priotty对实时进程哟很重要的作用45 out:46     return weight;47 }


nice对于实时进程的权重计算没什么用,不过对sched_rr的时间片配额有用,实时进程权重计算:weight = 1000 + p->rt_priority)
