首页 > 代码库 > linux目录基础、简单的命令以及运用linux帮助


  • 计算机组成及其功能







  • linux主流发行版



    redhat:redhat enterprise linux ; centos

  • linux哲学思想





  • linux命令

    linux命令格式:COMMAND [OPTION]... [FILE]|[string]





    ifconfig - configure a network interface(可以用做查看ip地址)


    echo - display a line of text

    -n     do not output the trailing newline

    -e     enable interpretation of backslash escapes


    tty - print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input


    startx - initialize an X session


    export - set the export attribute for variables


    pwd - print name of current/working directory


    history - display the command history list with line numbers

    -c     Clear the history list by deleting all the entries

    -d offset    Delete the history entry at position offset


    shutdown - bring the system down

    -r     Requests that the system be rebooted after it has been brought down

    -h     Requests that the system be either halted or powered off after it has been

           brought down, with the choice as to which left up to the system

    -c     Cancels a running shutdown


    poweroff - reboot or stop the system



    reboot - reboot or stop the system


    hwclock - query and set the hardware clock (RTC)


    date - print or set the system date and time

  • linux获取命令帮助

    builtin命令:help COMMAND

    外部命令:COMMAND --help




    在线帮助文档:info COMMAND

    常用帮助:man COMMAND




       The standard sections of the manual include:

       1      User Commands

       2      System Calls

       3      C Library Functions

       4      Devices and Special Files

       5      File Formats and Conventions

       6      Games et. Al.

       7      Miscellanea

       8      System Administration tools and Deamons


  • linux文件系统简述

    遵循Filesystem Hierarchy Standard(文件系统目录标准)


本文出自 “goalidea” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://goalidea.blog.51cto.com/11260622/1853574
