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C# Stopwatch与TimeSpan详解(转)



Stopwatch 实例可以测量一个时间间隔的运行时间,也可以测量多个时间间隔的总运行时间。 在典型的 Stopwatch 方案中,先调用 Start 方法,然后调用 Stop 方法,最后使用 Elapsed 属性检查运行时间。

Stopwatch 实例或者在运行,或者已停止;使用 IsRunning 可以确定 Stopwatch 的当前状态。 使用 Start 可以开始测量运行时间;使用 Stop 可以停止测量运行时间。 通过属性 Elapsed、ElapsedMilliseconds 或 ElapsedTicks 查询运行时间值。 当实例正在运行或已停止时,可以查询运行时间属性。 运行时间属性在 Stopwatch 运行期间稳固递增;在该实例停止时保持不变。

默认情况下,Stopwatch 实例的运行时间值相当于所有测量的时间间隔的总和。 每次调用 Start 时开始累计运行时间计数;每次调用 Stop 时结束当前时间间隔测量,并冻结累计运行时间值。 使用 Reset 方法可以清除现有 Stopwatch 实例中的累计运行时间。

Stopwatch 在基础计时器机制中对计时器的计时周期进行计数,从而测量运行时间。 如果安装的硬件和操作系统支持高分辨率性能计数器,则 Stopwatch 类将使用该计数器来测量运行时间; 否则,Stopwatch 类将使用系统计数器来测量运行时间。 使用 Frequency 和 IsHighResolution 字段可以确定实现 Stopwatch 计时的精度和分辨率。

Stopwatch 类为托管代码内与计时有关的性能计数器的操作提供帮助。 具体说来,Frequency 字段和 GetTimestamp 方法可以用于替换非托管 Win32 API QueryPerformanceFrequency 和 QueryPerformanceCounter。

在多处理器计算机上,线程在哪个处理器上运行无关紧要。 但是,由于 BIOS 或硬件抽象层 (HAL) 中的 bug,在不同的处理器上可能会得出不同的计时结果。 若要为线程指定处理器关联,请使用 ProcessThread.ProcessorAffinity 方法。

using System;using System.Diagnostics;using System.Threading;class Program{    static void Main(string[] args)    {        Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();        stopWatch.Start();        Thread.Sleep(10000);        stopWatch.Stop();        // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.        TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;        // Format and display the TimeSpan value.        string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",            ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds,            ts.Milliseconds / 10);        Console.WriteLine("RunTime " + elapsedTime);    }}
using System;using System.Diagnostics;namespace StopWatchSample{    class OperationsTimer    {        public static void Main()        {            DisplayTimerProperties();            Console.WriteLine();            Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to begin:");            Console.ReadLine();            Console.WriteLine();            TimeOperations();        }        public static void DisplayTimerProperties()        {            // Display the timer frequency and resolution.            if (Stopwatch.IsHighResolution)            {                Console.WriteLine("Operations timed using the system‘s high-resolution performance counter.");            }            else             {                Console.WriteLine("Operations timed using the DateTime class.");            }            long frequency = Stopwatch.Frequency;            Console.WriteLine("  Timer frequency in ticks per second = {0}",                frequency);            long nanosecPerTick = (1000L*1000L*1000L) / frequency;            Console.WriteLine("  Timer is accurate within {0} nanoseconds",                 nanosecPerTick);        }        private static void TimeOperations()        {            long nanosecPerTick = (1000L*1000L*1000L) / Stopwatch.Frequency;            const long numIterations = 10000;            // Define the operation title names.            String [] operationNames = {"Operation: Int32.Parse(\"0\")",                                           "Operation: Int32.TryParse(\"0\")",                                           "Operation: Int32.Parse(\"a\")",                                           "Operation: Int32.TryParse(\"a\")"};            // Time four different implementations for parsing             // an integer from a string.             for (int operation = 0; operation <= 3; operation++)            {                // Define variables for operation statistics.                long numTicks = 0;                long numRollovers = 0;                long maxTicks = 0;                long minTicks = Int64.MaxValue;                int indexFastest = -1;                int indexSlowest = -1;                long milliSec = 0;                Stopwatch time10kOperations = Stopwatch.StartNew();                // Run the current operation 10001 times.                // The first execution time will be tossed                // out, since it can skew the average time.                for (int i=0; i<=numIterations; i++)                 {                    long ticksThisTime = 0;                    int inputNum;                    Stopwatch timePerParse;                    switch (operation)                    {                        case 0:                            // Parse a valid integer using                            // a try-catch statement.                            // Start a new stopwatch timer.                            timePerParse = Stopwatch.StartNew();                            try                             {                                inputNum = Int32.Parse("0");                            }                            catch (FormatException)                            {                                inputNum = 0;                            }                            // Stop the timer, and save the                            // elapsed ticks for the operation.                            timePerParse.Stop();                            ticksThisTime = timePerParse.ElapsedTicks;                            break;                        case 1:                            // Parse a valid integer using                            // the TryParse statement.                            // Start a new stopwatch timer.                            timePerParse = Stopwatch.StartNew();                            if (!Int32.TryParse("0", out inputNum))                            {                                 inputNum = 0;                            }                            // Stop the timer, and save the                            // elapsed ticks for the operation.                            timePerParse.Stop();                            ticksThisTime = timePerParse.ElapsedTicks;                            break;                        case 2:                            // Parse an invalid value using                            // a try-catch statement.                            // Start a new stopwatch timer.                            timePerParse = Stopwatch.StartNew();                            try                             {                                inputNum = Int32.Parse("a");                            }                            catch (FormatException)                            {                                inputNum = 0;                            }                            // Stop the timer, and save the                            // elapsed ticks for the operation.                            timePerParse.Stop();                            ticksThisTime = timePerParse.ElapsedTicks;                            break;                        case 3:                            // Parse an invalid value using                            // the TryParse statement.                            // Start a new stopwatch timer.                            timePerParse = Stopwatch.StartNew();                            if (!Int32.TryParse("a", out inputNum))                            {                                 inputNum = 0;                            }                            // Stop the timer, and save the                            // elapsed ticks for the operation.                            timePerParse.Stop();                            ticksThisTime = timePerParse.ElapsedTicks;                            break;                        default:                            break;                    }                    // Skip over the time for the first operation,                    // just in case it caused a one-time                    // performance hit.                    if (i == 0)                    {                        time10kOperations.Reset();                        time10kOperations.Start();                    }                    else                     {                        // Update operation statistics                        // for iterations 1-10001.                        if (maxTicks < ticksThisTime)                        {                            indexSlowest = i;                            maxTicks = ticksThisTime;                        }                        if (minTicks > ticksThisTime)                        {                            indexFastest = i;                            minTicks = ticksThisTime;                        }                        numTicks += ticksThisTime;                        if (numTicks < ticksThisTime)                        {                            // Keep track of rollovers.                            numRollovers ++;                        }                    }                }                  // Display the statistics for 10000 iterations.                time10kOperations.Stop();                milliSec = time10kOperations.ElapsedMilliseconds;                Console.WriteLine();                Console.WriteLine("{0} Summary:", operationNames[operation]);                Console.WriteLine("  Slowest time:  #{0}/{1} = {2} ticks",                    indexSlowest, numIterations, maxTicks);                Console.WriteLine("  Fastest time:  #{0}/{1} = {2} ticks",                    indexFastest, numIterations, minTicks);                Console.WriteLine("  Average time:  {0} ticks = {1} nanoseconds",                     numTicks / numIterations,                     (numTicks * nanosecPerTick) / numIterations );                Console.WriteLine("  Total time looping through {0} operations: {1} milliseconds",                     numIterations, milliSec);            }        }     }}

TimeSpan 对象表示时间间隔或持续时间,按正负天数、小时数、分钟数、秒数以及秒的小数部分进行度量。用于度量持续时间的最大时间单位是天。更大的时间单位(如月和年)的天数不同,因此为保持一致性,时间间隔以天为单位来度量。

TimeSpan 对象的值是等于所表示时间间隔的刻度数。一个刻度等于 100 纳秒,TimeSpan 对象的值的范围在 MinValue 和 MaxValue 之间。

TimeSpan 值可以表示为 [-]d.hh:mm:ss.ff,其中减号是可选的,它指示负时间间隔,d 分量表示天,hh 表示小时(24 小时制),mm 表示分钟,ss 表示秒,而 ff 为秒的小数部分。即,时间间隔包括整的正负天数、天数和剩余的不足一天的时长,或者只包含不足一天的时长。例如,初始化为 1.0e+13 刻度的 TimeSpan 对象的文本表示“11.13:46:40”,即 11 天,13 小时,46 分钟和 40 秒。

TimeSpan 类型实现了 System.IComparable 和 System.IComparable 接口。

// Example of the TimeSpan class properties.
using System;
class TimeSpanPropertiesDemo
    const string headerFmt = "\n{0,-45}";
    const string dataFmt = "{0,-12}{1,8}       {2,-18}{3,21}" ;
    // Display the properties of the TimeSpan parameter.
    static void ShowTimeSpanProperties( TimeSpan interval )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}", interval );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Days", interval.Days,
            "TotalDays", interval.TotalDays );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Hours", interval.Hours,
            "TotalHours", interval.TotalHours );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Minutes", interval.Minutes,
            "TotalMinutes", interval.TotalMinutes );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Seconds", interval.Seconds,
            "TotalSeconds", interval.TotalSeconds );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Milliseconds",
            interval.Milliseconds, "TotalMilliseconds",
            interval.TotalMilliseconds );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, null, null,
            "Ticks", interval.Ticks );
    static void Main( )
            "This example of the TimeSpan class properties " +
            "generates the \nfollowing output. It " +
            "creates several TimeSpan objects and \ndisplays " +
            "the values of the TimeSpan properties for each." );
        // Create and display a TimeSpan value of 1 tick.
        Console.Write( headerFmt, "TimeSpan( 1 )" );
        ShowTimeSpanProperties( new TimeSpan( 1 ) );
        // Create a TimeSpan value with a large number of ticks.
        Console.Write( headerFmt, "TimeSpan( 111222333444555 )" );
        ShowTimeSpanProperties( new TimeSpan( 111222333444555 ) );
        // This TimeSpan has all fields specified.
        Console.Write( headerFmt, "TimeSpan( 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 )" );
        ShowTimeSpanProperties( new TimeSpan( 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ) );
        // This TimeSpan has all fields overflowing.
        Console.Write( headerFmt,
            "TimeSpan( 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555 )" );
            new TimeSpan( 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555 ) );
        // This TimeSpan is based on a number of days.
        Console.Write( headerFmt, "FromDays( 20.84745602 )" );
        ShowTimeSpanProperties( TimeSpan.FromDays( 20.84745602 ) );


This example of the TimeSpan class properties generates the
following output. It creates several TimeSpan objects and
displays the values of the TimeSpan properties for each.
TimeSpan( 1 )                                     00:00:00.0000001
Days               0       TotalDays          1.15740740740741E-12
Hours              0       TotalHours         2.77777777777778E-11
Minutes            0       TotalMinutes       1.66666666666667E-09
Seconds            0       TotalSeconds                      1E-07
Milliseconds       0       TotalMilliseconds                0.0001
                           Ticks                                 1
TimeSpan( 111222333444555 )                   128.17:30:33.3444555
Days             128       TotalDays              128.729552597865
Hours             17       TotalHours             3089.50926234875
Minutes           30       TotalMinutes           185370.555740925
Seconds           33       TotalSeconds           11122233.3444555
Milliseconds     344       TotalMilliseconds      11122233344.4555
                           Ticks                   111222333444555
TimeSpan( 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 )                 10.20:30:40.0500000
Days              10       TotalDays              10.8546302083333
Hours             20       TotalHours                   260.511125
Minutes           30       TotalMinutes                 15630.6675
Seconds           40       TotalSeconds                  937840.05
Milliseconds      50       TotalMilliseconds             937840050
                           Ticks                     9378400500000
TimeSpan( 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555 )     1205.22:47:09.5550000
Days            1205       TotalDays              1205.94941614583
Hours             22       TotalHours                28942.7859875
Minutes           47       TotalMinutes              1736567.15925
Seconds            9       TotalSeconds              104194029.555
Milliseconds     555       TotalMilliseconds          104194029555
                           Ticks                  1041940295550000
FromDays( 20.84745602 )                        20.20:20:20.2000000
Days              20       TotalDays              20.8474560185185
Hours             20       TotalHours             500.338944444444
Minutes           20       TotalMinutes           30020.3366666667
Seconds           20       TotalSeconds                  1801220.2
Milliseconds     200       TotalMilliseconds            1801220200
                           Ticks                    18012202000000


皮秒,符号ps(英语:picosecond ). 

1,000 皮秒 = 1纳秒

1,000,000 皮秒 = 1微秒

1,000,000,000 皮秒 = 1毫秒

1,000,000,000,000 皮秒 = 1秒

纳秒,符号ns(英语:nanosecond ). 

1 纳秒 = 1000皮秒

1,000 纳秒 = 1微秒

1,000,000 纳秒 = 1毫秒

1,000,000,000 纳秒 = 1秒

微秒,符号μs(英语:microsecond ). 

0.000 001 微秒 = 1皮秒

0.001 微秒 = 1纳秒

1,000 微秒 = 1毫秒

1,000,000 微秒 = 1秒


毫秒,符号ms(英语:millisecond ). 

0.000 000 001 毫秒 = 1皮秒

0.000 001 毫秒 = 1纳秒

0.001 毫秒 = 1微秒

1000 毫秒 = 1秒


timespan  s=00:00:00.0008025

转换成Milliseconds  ms=0.8025毫秒。





C# Stopwatch与TimeSpan详解(转)