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.NET跨平台之OWEN中 过滤器的使用




public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)

public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)



namespace Owin{    /// <summary>    /// An ordered list of known Asp.Net integrated pipeline stages. More details on the ASP.NET integrated pipeline can be found at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.httpapplication.aspx    /// </summary>    public enum PipelineStage    {        /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the AuthenticateRequest stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        Authenticate,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the PostAuthenticateRequest stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        PostAuthenticate,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the AuthorizeRequest stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        Authorize,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the PostAuthorizeRequest stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        PostAuthorize,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the ResolveRequestCache stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        ResolveCache,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the PostResolveRequestCache stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        PostResolveCache,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the MapRequestHandler stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        MapHandler,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the PostMapRequestHandler stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        PostMapHandler,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the AcquireRequestState stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        AcquireState,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the PostAcquireRequestState stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        PostAcquireState,         /// <summary>        /// Corresponds to the PreRequestHandlerExecute stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline.        /// </summary>        PreHandlerExecute,    }}





app.Use(typeof(OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware), app, options);





object obj;if (app.Properties.TryGetValue("integratedpipeline.StageMarker", out obj)){var addMarker = (Action<IAppBuilder, string>)obj;addMarker(app, PipelineStage.Authenticate.ToString());}


.NET跨平台之OWEN中 过滤器的使用