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SQL 将2张不相关的表拼接成2列,批量更新至另一张表

update SO_Master set LotteryNo=t2.LotteryNo,UpdateTime=GETDATE() --select sm.LotteryNo,sm.SysNo,t2.LotteryNofrom SO_Master sminner join (				select 	SysNo,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sysno asc) rIndex	from SO_Master 	where WebSiteSysNo =6 and SOAmt >=800 and LotteryNo is null  AND OrderDate >=‘2016/09/22 00:00:00‘ and OrderDate<‘2016/09/24 00:00:00‘ and Status not in(-1,-2,-3)) t1 on t1.SysNo=sm.SysNoinner join (	select 	LotteryNo,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sysno asc) rIndex	from SO_Master_Lottery	 where  status=0 and WebSiteSysNo = 6) t2 on t1.rIndex=t2.rIndexwhere sm.SysNo=1422087 and sm.LotteryNo is null--order by t1.SysNo asc,t2.LotteryNo asc





select sm.LotteryNo,sm.SysNo,t2.LotteryNofrom SO_Master sminner join (				select 	SysNo,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sysno asc) rIndex	from SO_Master 	where WebSiteSysNo =6 and SOAmt >=800 and LotteryNo is null  AND OrderDate >=‘2016/09/22 00:00:00‘ and OrderDate<‘2016/09/24 00:00:00‘ and Status not in(-1,-2,-3)) t1 on t1.SysNo=sm.SysNoinner join (	select 	LotteryNo,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sysno asc) rIndex	from SO_Master_Lottery	 where  status=0 and WebSiteSysNo = 6) t2 on t1.rIndex=t2.rIndexwhere sm.SysNo=1422087 and sm.LotteryNo is nullorder by t1.SysNo asc,t2.LotteryNo asc







update SO_Master set LotteryNo =t1.LotteryNo,UpdateTime=GETDATE() from SO_Master sminner join(select SysNo, 168799-ROW_NUMBER()over(order by sysno asc) LotteryNo from SO_Master where WebSiteSysNo =6 and SOAmt >=800 and LotteryNo is null AND OrderDate >=‘2016/09/22 00:00:00‘ and OrderDate<‘2016/09/24 00:00:00‘ and Status not in(-1,-2,-3)) t1 on sm.SysNo=t1.SysNowhere sm.LotteryNo is null


SQL 将2张不相关的表拼接成2列,批量更新至另一张表