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@Servicepublic class IntelligenceWordSolrDAOImpl implements IntelligenceWordSolrDAO {    private static final String URL = Config.getString("config.solr.url.mycore");    /**     * 获取solrService对象     *     * @return     */    private SolrClient getSolrService() {        String urlString = "";        SolrClient solr = new HttpSolrClient.Builder(urlString).build();        return solr;    }    /**     * 在搜索器引擎中创建索引     *     * @param intelligenceList     */    public void add(List<Intelligence> intelligenceList) throws Exception {        SolrClient solr = getSolrService();        List<SolrInputDocument> SolrInputDocumentList = Lists.newArrayList();        intelligenceList.forEach(intelligence -> SolrInputDocumentList.add(initProperty(intelligence)));        solr.add(SolrInputDocumentList);        solr.commit();    }    /**     * 查询数据     *     * @param param 匹配的参数集合     * @return 文档的数量     * @throws Exception     */    public Long query(String[] param, Integer limit) throws Exception {        Integer branchId = LoginContext.getBranchId();        SolrClient solr = getSolrService();        SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();        for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) {            if (i + 1 == param.length) {                buffer.append("\"" + param[i] + "\"");            } else {                buffer.append("\"" + param[i] + "\"" + " OR ");            }        }        //根据时间限制设置选定条件        DateTime dateTime = new DateTime();        dateTime.minusDays(limit);        Date queryTime = dateTime.toDate();        String queryStr = "text:(" + buffer.toString() + ")";        query.add(queryStr);        //时间限定        String limitStr = "collectTime:[" + queryTime + " TO *]";        String branchStr = "branchId:("+branchId+")";        query.add(limitStr);        query.add(branchStr);        // String allQuery = queryStr+" AND "+limitStr+" AND "+branchStr;        //query.setQuery(allQuery);        QueryResponse response = solr.query(query);        //获取返回的数据        SolrDocumentList solrDocumentList = response.getResults();        return solrDocumentList.getNumFound();    }    /**     * 初始化     *     * @param param     * @return     */    public SolrInputDocument initProperty(Intelligence param) {        Assert.notNull(param, "param not be null");        SolrInputDocument document = new SolrInputDocument();        document.addField("id", param.getIntelligenceId());        document.addField("intelligenceId", param.getIntelligenceId());        document.addField("title", param.getTitle());        document.addField("content", param.getContent());        document.addField("collectTime", param.getCollectTime().getTime());        document.addField("branchId", param.getBranchId());        return document;    }}

