首页 > 代码库 > 扩展银行项目,添加一个(客户类)Customer类。Customer类将包含一个Account对象。





  1. banking包下的创建Customer类。该类必须实现上面的UML图表中的模型。


a. 声明三个私有对象属性:firstName、lastNameaccount

b. 声明一个公有构造器,这个构造器带有两个代表对象属性的参数(fl

c. 声明两个公有存取器来访问该对象属性,方法getFirstNamegetLastName返回相应的属性。

d. 声明setAccount 方法来对account属性赋值。

e. 声明getAccount 方法以获取account属性。



  1. exercise2主目录里,编译运行这个TestBanking程序。应该看到如下输出结果:

Creating the customer Jane  Smith.

Creating her account  with  a  500.00  balance.

Withdraw 150.00

Deposit 22.50

Withdraw 47.62

Customer [Smith, Jane] has a balance of 324.88


package banking;import java.util.List;public class Customer extends Account{    //成员属性    private String firstName ;    private String lastName ;    private double account ;        //构造方法    public Customer()     {        }    //构造方法    public Customer(String f , String l)     {        this.firstName = f ;        this.lastName = l ;    }        //get set     public String getFirstName() {        return firstName;    }    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {        this.firstName = firstName;    }    public String getLastName() {        return lastName;    }    public void setLastName(String lastName) {        this.lastName = lastName;    }    public double getAccount() {        return account;    }    public void setAccount(double account) {        this.account = account;    }        public String toString() {        return  firstName + ", " + lastName ;    }    }
package banking;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.List;public class TestBanking {    public static void main(String[] args)     {        System.out.println("————————————————————————");                //实例化顾客        Customer cr = new Customer( ) ;            cr.setFirstName("Jane");        cr.setLastName("Smith");        cr.setBalance(500);        System.out.println("Creating the customer "+cr.getFirstName() +" "+cr.getLastName());        System.out.println("Creating her account  with  a " +cr.getBalance()+" balance");        System.out.println("Withdraw "+(cr.getBalance()-cr.withdraw(150)) );        double x1 = cr.getBalance( ) ;        System.out.println("Deposit "+(cr.deposit(22.5)-x1));        System.out.println("Withdraw "+(cr.getBalance()-cr.withdraw(47.62)));        System.out.println("Customer "+cr.getLastName()+" "+cr.getFirstName()+                                    " has a balance of "+cr.getBalance());            System.out.println("————————————————————————");                    }}


