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VirtualBox piix4_smbus Error

VirtualBox 3.2.10 gives me the following error message when booting Ubuntu 10.10:-iix4_smbus 0000.00.07.0: SMBus base address uninitialized - upgrade bios or use force_addr=0xaddr

This error is caused by VM having no smbus but Ubuntu always trying to load the module. It doesn‘t affect anything but is a bit annoying - to fix...

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1. Check module is being loaded

lsmod | grep i2c_piix4

2. If so, blacklist it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, by adding the following to the end of the file:-

blacklist i2c_piix4

3. Update the initramfs

update-initramfs -u -k all

来源: <http://fintastical.blogspot.com/2010/11/virtualbox-piix4smbus-error.html>
