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练习目标-Java 语言中面向对象的封装性及构造器的使用。








1.  创建banking 包


2.  在banking 包下创建Account类。该类必须实现上述UML框图中的模型。

  1. 声明一个私有对象属性:balance,这个属性保留了银行帐户的当前(或即时)余额。
  2. 声明一个带有一个参数(init_balance)的公有构造器,这个参数为balance属性赋值。
  3. 声明一个公有方法getBalance,该方法用于获取经常余额。
  4. 声明一个公有方法deposit,该方法向当前余额增加金额。
  5. 声明一个公有方法withdraw从当前余额中减去金额。


3.  编译TestBanking.java文件。


4.  运行TestBanking类。可以看到下列输出结果:



  Creating an account with a 500.00 balance

Withdraw 150.00

Deposit 22.50

Withdraw 47.62

The account has a balance of 324.88

package banking;public class Account {        private double balance;    public Account(double balance)    {        this.balance=balance;    }    public double getBalance() {        System.out.println("当前余额为:"+balance+"元");        return balance;    }        public double deposit(double add){                                                                    //取钱方法        balance+=add;        System.out.println("存钱"+add+"元,当余额为"+balance+"元");        return balance;    }            boolean    withdraw(double get){                                                                        //取钱方法        if(get<=balance)        {            System.out.println("取钱"+get+"元,当余额为"+balance+"元");            return true;        }        else        {            System.out.println("‘余额不足");            return false;        }                }}




package banking;public class Customer {        private String firstName;        private String lastName;        private Account account;                public Customer(String firstName,String lastName)                                //账户名字构造方法        {            this.firstName=firstName;            this.lastName=lastName;            System.out.println("用户名为:"+firstName+"\t"+lastName);        }        public String getFirstName()        {            return firstName;        }        public String getLastName()        {            return lastName;        }                public void setAccount(Account account) {            this.account = account;        }                public Account getAccount() {            return account;        }        @Override        public String toString() {            return "Customer [account=" + account + "]";        }        }




package banking;public class Bank {    private Customer customers[];    private int numberOfCustomers[];            //公有构造器    public Bank() {        customers = new Customer[5];        numberOfCustomers = new int[5];    }        public static int index = 0;    public static int c= 0;        public void addCustome(String firstName,String lastName)    {        index=+c;        customers[index] = new Customer(firstName, lastName);        numberOfCustomers[index]=++c;                }    public int getNumOfCustomers()    {        return numberOfCustomers.length;    }        public Customer getCustomer(int index)    {        return customers[index];    }                    }



package banking;public class SavingAccount extends Account {                //存款账户        private double interestRate;        public double getInterestRate() {                        return interestRate;    }    public void setInterestRate(double interestRate) {        this.interestRate = interestRate;    }        public SavingAccount(double balance,double interestRate)    {        super(balance);        this.interestRate=interestRate;    }    }
package banking;public class CheckingAccount extends Account{                                                    //透支账户        private double overdraftProtection;                                                                    //属性    public double getOverdraftProtection() {        return overdraftProtection;    }    public void setOverdraftProtection(double overdraftProtection) {        this.overdraftProtection = overdraftProtection;    }            public CheckingAccount(double balance) {                                                        //构造方法        super(balance);    }        public CheckingAccount (double balance,double overdraftProtection)    {        super(balance);        this.overdraftProtection=overdraftProtection;    }    boolean    withdraw(double get){                                                                        //覆盖取钱方法        if(balance-get>0)        {            balance = balance - get;            System.out.println("取钱"+get+"元,当余额为"+balance+"元");            return true;        }        else        {            if(get<=getOverdraftProtection())            System.out.println("‘余额为:"+(balance-get));            else             System.out.println("请在可透支范围内提款!");            return true;        }                    }}

