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#include<iostream>#include<stdlib.h>//清屏操作的头文件using namespace std;//主要操作的函数声明void insert(int A[],int &length,int);int _delete(int A[],int &length,int n);int locate(int A[],int length,int n);int get(int A[],int length,int );void create(int A[],int length);void show(int A[],int length);void main1();int main(){    int action,A[100],length;    char c;    main1();    while(cin>>action){        if(action==1){            //创建            system("cls");            cout<<"please input the length:"<<endl;            cin>>length;            create(A,length);            system("pause");            system("cls");            main1();        } else if(action==2){            //插入            system("cls");            cout<<"please input the integer:"<<endl;            int n;            cin>>n;            insert(A,length,n);            cout<<"OK! the number has been inserted!"<<endl;            system("pause");            system("cls");            main1();        } else if(action==3){            //打印            system("cls");            show(A,length);            system("pause");            system("cls");            main1();        } else if(action==4){            //获取            system("cls");            cout<<endl<<"please input the number‘s index you want to get:"<<endl;            int n;            cin>>n;            int result=get(A,length,n);            if(!result){                cout<<"wrong! can‘t find the number in the Array."<<endl;            } else {                cout<<"OK! find it! it‘s "<<result<<endl;            }            system("pause");            system("cls");            main1();        } else if(action==5){            //删除            system("cls");            cout<<endl<<"please input the number you want to delete:"<<endl;            int n;            cin>>n;            int result=_delete(A,length,n);            if(!result){                cout<<"wrong! can‘t find the number in the Arrar."<<endl;            }   else {                cout<<"OK! the number has been deleted"<<endl;            }            system("pause");            system("cls");            main1();        } else if(action==6){            //定位            system("cls");            cout<<endl<<"please input the number you want to locate:"<<endl;            int n;            cin>>n;            int result=locate(A,length,n);            if(!result){                cout<<"wrong! can‘t find the number in the Array."<<endl;            } else {                cout<<"the index of "<<n<<" is "<<result<<endl;            }            system("pause");            system("cls");            main1();        } else {            //退出            exit(0);        }    }}void insert(int A[],int &length,int n){    int i=0;    while(i<length&&A[i]<n){        i++;    }    int temp=i;    i=length;    while(i>temp){        A[i]=A[i-1];        i--;    }    A[temp]=n;    length++;}int _delete(int A[],int &length,int n){    //用于删除确定的一个数,可稍加修改,用于删除下表为n的数    int i=0;    while(i<length&&A[i]!=n){        i++;    }    if(i==length){        //如果i等于数组的长度,则表示未查找到n值。        return 0;    } else {        //如果查找到n值。        while(i<length-1){            A[i]=A[i+1];            i++;        }        length--;        return 1;    }}int locate(int A[],int length,int n){    int i=0;    while(i<length&&A[i]!=n){        i++;    }    if(i==length){        return 0;    } else {        return i;    }}int get(int A[],int length,int index){    if(index<0||index>length-1){        //当索引下标小于0或大于长度-1的时候,就超出了数组范围。        return 0;    } else {        return A[index];    }}void create(int A[],int length){    cout<<"please input the  numbers of the Array"<<endl;    for(int i=0;i<length;i++){        cin>>A[i];    }    cout<<endl<<"OK! the Array have been created!"<<endl;}void show(int A[],int length){    cout<<"current Array is:"<<endl;    for(int i=0;i<length;i++){        cout<<A[i]<<‘ ‘;    }    cout<<endl;}void main1(){    cout<<"--------------------------------------------"<<endl;    cout<<"|                                          |"<<endl;    cout<<"|     welcome to use the SquenticalList    |"<<endl;    cout<<"|             1->create the list           |"<<endl;    cout<<"|             2->insert to the list        |"<<endl;    cout<<"|             3->show the list             |"<<endl;    cout<<"|             4->get the number            |"<<endl;    cout<<"|             5->delete the number         |"<<endl;    cout<<"|             6->locate the numbet         |"<<endl;    cout<<"|             7->exit                      |"<<endl;    cout<<"|                                          |"<<endl;    cout<<"--------------------------------------------"<<endl;}

