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  1. sessionId 需要服务端创建session, 否则服务器不会自己创建session,也不会返回JSESSIONID给浏览器的cookie。 即需要程序员通过request.getSession(true)去创建。

  2.当程序员在应用里创建session后,服务器会把sessionId(key) 和 session对象 (value) put到hashMap里面


 /**     * Send the HTTP response headers, if this has not already occurred.     */    protected void sendHeaders() throws IOException {        if (isCommitted())            return;        // Check if the request was an HTTP/0.9 request        if ("HTTP/0.9".equals(request.getRequest().getProtocol())) {            committed = true;            return;        }        // Prepare a suitable output writer        OutputStreamWriter osr = null;        try {            osr = new OutputStreamWriter(getStream(), getCharacterEncoding());        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {            osr = new OutputStreamWriter(getStream());        }        final PrintWriter outputWriter = new PrintWriter(osr);        // Send the "Status:" header        outputWriter.print(this.getProtocol());        outputWriter.print(" ");        outputWriter.print(status);        if (message != null) {            outputWriter.print(" ");            outputWriter.print(message);        }        outputWriter.print("\r\n");        // System.out.println("sendHeaders: " +        //                    request.getRequest().getProtocol() +        //                    " " + status + " " + message);        // Send the content-length and content-type headers (if any)        if (getContentType() != null) {            outputWriter.print("Content-Type: " + getContentType() + "\r\n");            // System.out.println(" Content-Type: " + getContentType());        }        if (getContentLength() >= 0) {            outputWriter.print("Content-Length: " + getContentLength() +                               "\r\n");            // System.out.println(" Content-Length: " + getContentLength());        }        // Send all specified headers (if any)        synchronized (headers) {        Iterator names = headers.keySet().iterator();        while (names.hasNext()) {            String name = (String) names.next();            ArrayList values = (ArrayList) headers.get(name);            Iterator items = values.iterator();            while (items.hasNext()) {                String value = (String) items.next();                    outputWriter.print(name);                    outputWriter.print(": ");                    outputWriter.print(value);                    outputWriter.print("\r\n");                    // System.out.println(" " + name + ": " + value);                }            }        }        // Add the session ID cookie if necessary        HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest) request.getRequest();        HttpSession session = hreq.getSession(false);        if ((session != null) && session.isNew() && (getContext() != null)            && getContext().getCookies()) {            Cookie cookie = new Cookie(Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME,                                       session.getId());            cookie.setMaxAge(-1);            String contextPath = null;            if (context != null)                contextPath = context.getPath();            if ((contextPath != null) && (contextPath.length() > 0))                cookie.setPath(contextPath);            else                cookie.setPath("/");            if (hreq.isSecure())                cookie.setSecure(true);            addCookie(cookie);        }        // Send all specified cookies (if any)        synchronized (cookies) {            Iterator items = cookies.iterator();            while (items.hasNext()) {                Cookie cookie = (Cookie) items.next();                outputWriter.print(CookieTools.getCookieHeaderName(cookie));                outputWriter.print(": ");                outputWriter.print(CookieTools.getCookieHeaderValue(cookie));                outputWriter.print("\r\n");                //System.out.println(" " +                //                   CookieTools.getCookieHeaderName(cookie) +                //                   ": " +                //                  CookieTools.getCookieHeaderValue(cookie));            }        }        // Send a terminating blank line to mark the end of the headers        outputWriter.print("\r\n");        outputWriter.flush();        // System.out.println("----------");        // The response is now committed        committed = true;    }
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服务器获取到请求的sessionId数据后, 会去内存到(保持session的hashMap)里面通过sessionId去获取session。
