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新概念英语(1-69)The car race

新概念英语(1-69)The car race

Which car was the winner in 1995 ?


There is  car race near our town every year.

In 1995, there was a very big race.

There were hundreds of people there.

My wife and I were at the race.

Our firends Julie and Jack were there too.

You can see us in the crowd.

We are standing on the left.

There were twenty cars in the race.

There were Enlish cars,French cars,German cars,Italian cars,American cars and Japanese cars.

It was an exciting finish. (这是一个振奋人心的结局)

The winner was Billy Stewart.

He was in car number fifteen.

Five other cars were just behind him.

On the way home ,my wife said to me,

"Don‘t drive so quickly, you were not Billy Stewart!"


新概念英语(1-69)The car race