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virtualbox安装centos 7


    参考: http://www.jeramysingleton.com/install-centos-7-minimal-in-virtualbox/



    1> 发现数据文件*.vdi被安装在默认的位置了,即:C盘,空间有限,所以想把这些文件的存储位置修改到D盘;

    2> 修改方法参考: https://superuser.com/questions/256192/how-to-move-virtualbox-files


  1. Shut down VirtualBox, back up your .VirtualBox\VirtualBox.xml file.
  2. Find your existing "Virtualbox VMs" folder, and copy (not move) the whole folder with contents to your new drive E:
  3. Run VirtualBox, then for each VM in turn:

    3.1 Right click the VM name and select "Remove" from the popup menu. Answer no to the "physically delete files?" question.

    3.1b after removing a VM from the UI you have to close VirtualBox, and leave it closed for long enough for the background VBoxSVC task to time out and terminate also. Then you can start the VirtualBox app again and use Machine|Add to add back the VMs removed in the previous step.

    3.2 Select the Machine|Add.. menu item, navigate to the VMs new location on drive E:, and select the .vbox file.

    3.3. Repeat for any remaining VMs.

  4. In File|Preferences, set the default machine path to "E:\VirtualBox VMs"
  5. Test each of the VMs. Only after you are sure they all work, delete the old VM containing folder, i.e. delete "C:\VirtualBox VMs".

virtualbox安装centos 7