首页 > 代码库 > LoaderManager使用详解(二)---了解LoaderManager




1. startManagingCursor管理Cursors,而LoaderManager管理Loader<D>对象。Loader<D>是一个模板类,D是一个包含了需要载入数据的类。也就是说,数据源并不必须是Cursor,它可以是List、JSONArray。。。任何类。LoaderManager与它包含的数据内容解耦了,所以更加灵活。
2. 调用startManagingCursor会导致Activity在已经加入管理的Cursor上调用requery()方法。在第一篇文章中提到过,在UI线程执行requery()方法代价非常高。相反的是,Loader<D>的子类会异步载入(译者注:另外再开一个线程,就叫异步了。)数据,所以使用LoaderManager永远不会产生阻塞UI线程的情况。
3. startManagingCursor在配置变化(例如横竖屏切换)时,并不会保持Cursor的状态。麻烦的是,每次Activity由于配置变化(比如,简单的横竖屏切换),都会导致Cursor下回并且被重新查询。LoaderManager就智能多了,当配置变化时,它会保持它里面的Loader们的状态,所以并不需要重新查询数据。
4. LoaderManager提供无缝的数据监测。任何时候,当Loader的数据源改变,LoaderManager将会从对应的Loader上面接收到一个新的同步载入数据,并将更新数据返回给客户端(注意:仅当Loader被正确实现,LoaderManager才会接收到这些数据变化通知。我们将会在该系列的第三篇文章讨论自定义Loaders的实现)。


public class SampleActivity extends Activity implements LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D> {  public Loader<D> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { ... }  public void onl oadFinished(Loader<D> loader, D data) { ... }  public void onl oaderReset(Loader<D> loader) { ... }  /* ... */}
1. onCreateLoader是一个工厂方法,用来返回一个新的Loader。LoaderManager将会在它第一次创建Loader的时候调用该方法。
2. onl oadFinished方法将在Loader创建完毕的时候自动调用。典型用法是,当载入数据完毕,客户端(译者注:调用它的Activity之类的)需要更新应用UI。客户端假设每次有新数据的时候,新数据都会返回到这个方法中。记住,检测数据源是Loader的工作,Loader也会执行实际的同步载入操作。一旦Loader载入数据完成,LoaderManager将会接受到这些载入数据,并且将将结果传给回调对象的onLoadFinished方法,这样客户端(比如Activity或者Fragment)就能使用该数据了。
3. 最后,当Loader们的数据被重置的时候将会调用onLoadReset。该方法让你可以从就的数据中移除不再有用的数据。
在下一节中,我们将讨论Android初学者们经常问到的问题:如何从过时的Managed Cursor转移到更强大的LoaderManager来?

从Managed Cursor转移到LoaderManager

public class SampleListActivity extends ListActivity implements    LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor> {  private static final String[] PROJECTION = new String[] { "_id", "text_column" };  // The loader‘s unique id. Loader ids are specific to the Activity or  // Fragment in which they reside.  private static final int LOADER_ID = 1;  // The callbacks through which we will interact with the LoaderManager.  private LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor> mCallbacks;  // The adapter that binds our data to the ListView  private SimpleCursorAdapter mAdapter;  @Override  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);    String[] dataColumns = { "text_column" };    int[] viewIDs = { R.id.text_view };    // Initialize the adapter. Note that we pass a ‘null‘ Cursor as the    // third argument. We will pass the adapter a Cursor only when the    // data has finished loading for the first time (i.e. when the    // LoaderManager delivers the data to onl oadFinished). Also note    // that we have passed the ‘0‘ flag as the last argument. This    // prevents the adapter from registering a ContentObserver for the    // Cursor (the CursorLoader will do this for us!).    mAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.list_item,        null, dataColumns, viewIDs, 0);    // Associate the (now empty) adapter with the ListView.    setListAdapter(mAdapter);    // The Activity (which implements the LoaderCallbacks<Cursor>    // interface) is the callbacks object through which we will interact    // with the LoaderManager. The LoaderManager uses this object to    // instantiate the Loader and to notify the client when data is made    // available/unavailable.    mCallbacks = this;    // Initialize the Loader with id ‘1‘ and callbacks ‘mCallbacks‘.    // If the loader doesn‘t already exist, one is created. Otherwise,    // the already created Loader is reused. In either case, the    // LoaderManager will manage the Loader across the Activity/Fragment    // lifecycle, will receive any new loads once they have completed,    // and will report this new data back to the ‘mCallbacks‘ object.    LoaderManager lm = getLoaderManager();    lm.initLoader(LOADER_ID, null, mCallbacks);  }  @Override  public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {    // Create a new CursorLoader with the following query parameters.    return new CursorLoader(SampleListActivity.this, CONTENT_URI,        PROJECTION, null, null, null);  }  @Override  public void onl oadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor cursor) {    // A switch-case is useful when dealing with multiple Loaders/IDs    switch (loader.getId()) {      case LOADER_ID:        // The asynchronous load is complete and the data        // is now available for use. Only now can we associate        // the queried Cursor with the SimpleCursorAdapter.        mAdapter.swapCursor(cursor);        break;    }    // The listview now displays the queried data.  }  @Override  public void onl oaderReset(Loader<Cursor> loader) {    // For whatever reason, the Loader‘s data is now unavailable.    // Remove any references to the old data by replacing it with    // a null Cursor.    mAdapter.swapCursor(null);  }}


