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oracle inner join | outer join | full join | add constraint | drop constraint | disable constraint | enable constraint

create table SCOTT.DEPT
deptno NUMBER(2) not null,
dname VARCHAR2(15),
loc VARCHAR2(13)
tablespace USERS
comment on table dept
  is ‘部门表‘;
comment on column deptno
  is ‘部门编号‘;
comment on column loc
  is ‘部门所在地‘;

--add primary key constraint
alter table dept
  add constraint pk_dept primary key (deptno);

create table SCOTT.EMP
empno NUMBER(4) not null,
ename VARCHAR2(10),
age NUMBER(3),
job VARCHAR2(9),
mgr NUMBER(4),
hiredate DATE,
sal NUMBER(7,2),
comm NUMBER(7,2),
deptno NUMBER(2)
tablespace USERS

create table SCOTT.EMP
empno NUMBER(4) primary key not null, --add primary key constraint, not null constraint
ename VARCHAR2(10) not null unique, --add unique constraint
age NUMBER(3) not null check(between 0 and 150), --add check constraint
job VARCHAR2(9),
mgr NUMBER(4),
hiredate DATE,
sal NUMBER(7,2),
comm NUMBER(7,2),
deptno NUMBER(2)
constraint fk_emp_deptno foreign key (deptno) references dept (deptno) --add foreign key constraint
tablespace USERS
comment on table emp
  is ‘员工信息表‘;
comment on column empno
  is ‘员工编号‘;
comment on column ename
  is ‘员工姓名‘;
comment on column job
  is ‘员工职位‘;
comment on column mgr
  is ‘直接上级编号‘;
comment on column hiredate
  is ‘入职日期‘;
comment on column sal
  is ‘员工薪水‘;
comment on column deptno
  is ‘部门编号‘;

--建表的时候添加外键约束, 加了级联删除
constraint fk_emp_deptno foreign key (deptno) references dept (deptno) on delete cascade

--add primary key constraint
alter table emp
  add constraint pk_emp primary key (empno);

--add foreign key constraint
alter table emp
  add constraint fk_emp foreign key (deptno)
  references dept (deptno);

--添加外键约束, 带级联删除
alter table emp
  add constraint fk_emp_deptno foreign key (deptno)
  references dept (deptno)
  on delete cascade;

--add unique key constraint
alter table emp
  add constraint uk_emp_name unique (ename);

--add check constraint
alter table emp
  add constraint ck_emp_age check (age between 0 and 150);

--add not null constraint
alter table emp
  modify ename not null;

--drop not null contraint
alter table emp
  modify ename null;

--drop constraint
alter table emp
  drop constraint unique (name);

alter table emp
  drop constraint fk_emp_deptno;

alter table emp
  disable constraint fk_emp_deptno;

alter table emp
  enable constraint fk_emp_deptno;

--oracle 的连接分为内连接(inner join) 外连接(outer join) 全连接(full join)
--1.inner join, 交集
select * from A inner join B on A.field1 = B.field2;

select * from A, B where A.field1 = B.field2;

--内连接查询能查询出匹配的记录, 匹配不上的记录查询不出来

select * from dept inner join emp on dept.deptno = emp.deptno;

select * from dept, emp where dept.deptno = emp.deptno;

--2.outer join ,外连接, 可以分为左外连接 left outer join 右外连接 right outer join
--要求: (1).2张表, 部门表和员工表, 一个部门有多个员工, 一个员工只能对应一个部门, 部门和员工是1对多的关系
--采用左连接查询, 左连接查询以left join 前面的表为主表, 即使记录关联不上, 主表的信息也能够查询出来
select * from A left join B on A.field1 = B.field2;

select * from dept left join emp dept.deptno = emp.deptno;

select * from A, B where A.field1 = B.field2(+);

select * from dept, emp where dept.deptno = emp.deptno(+);

--右连接以 right join 后面的表为主表, 即使记录关联不上, 主表的信息也能够查询出来

select * from A right join B on A.field1 = B.field2;

select * from dept right join emp on dept.deptno = emp.deptno;

--外连接就是在关联不上的时候, 把其中的部分信息查询出来

--全连接 full join , full join ... on ...,全连接的查询结果: 左外连接和右外连接查询结果的并集,
--即使一些记录关联不上, 也能把部分信息查询出来
select * from A full join B on A.field1 = B.field2;

select * from dept full join emp on dept.deptno = emp.deptno;

select * from dept full join emp on 1 = 1;

oracle inner join | outer join | full join | add constraint | drop constraint | disable constraint | enable constraint