首页 > 代码库 > swift分布式存储添加存储节点




swift@server1:/etc/swift> export ZONE=4

swift@server1:/etc/swift> export STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP=

swift@server1:/etc/swift> export WEIGHT=100

swift@server1:/etc/swift> export DEVICE=sdb1

swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder account.builder add z$ZONE-$STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6002/$DEVICE $WEIGHT

swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder container.builder add z$ZONE-$STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6001/$DEVICE $WEIGHT

swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder object.builder add z$ZONE-$STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6000/$DEVICE $WEIGHT

swift@server1:/etc/swift> export ZONE=5

swift@server1:/etc/swift> export STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP=

swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder account.builder add z$ZONE-$STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6002/$DEVICE $WEIGHT

swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder container.builder add z$ZONE-$STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6001/$DEVICE $WEIGHT

swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder object.builder add z$ZONE-$STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6000/$DEVICE $WEIGHT


swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder account.builder 

account.builder, build version 38

262144 partitions, 3.000000 replicas, 1 regions, 5 zones, 5 devices, 100.00 balance

The minimum number of hours before a partition can be reassigned is 1

Devices:    id  region  zone      ip address  port  replication ip  replication port      name weight partitions balance meta

            13       1     1  6002              6002      sdb1 100.00     262144   66.67 

            14       1     2  6002              6002      sdb1 100.00     262144   66.67 

            15       1     3  6002              6002      sdb1 100.00     262144   66.67 

            16       1     4  6002              6002      sdb1 100.00          0 -100.00 

            17       1     5  6002              6002      sdb1 100.00          0 -100.00 

swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder container.builder 

container.builder, build version 13

262144 partitions, 3.000000 replicas, 1 regions, 5 zones, 5 devices, 100.00 balance

The minimum number of hours before a partition can be reassigned is 1

Devices:    id  region  zone      ip address  port  replication ip  replication port      name weight partitions balance meta

             3       1     1  6001              6001      sdb1 100.00     262144   66.67 

             4       1     2  6001              6001      sdb1 100.00     262144   66.67 

             5       1     3  6001              6001      sdb1 100.00     262144   66.67 

             6       1     4  6001              6001      sdb1 100.00          0 -100.00 

             7       1     5  6001              6001      sdb1 100.00          0 -100.00 

swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder object.builder 

object.builder, build version 13

262144 partitions, 3.000000 replicas, 1 regions, 5 zones, 5 devices, 100.00 balance

The minimum number of hours before a partition can be reassigned is 1

Devices:    id  region  zone      ip address  port  replication ip  replication port      name weight partitions balance meta

             3       1     1  6000              6000      sdb1 100.00     262144   66.67 

             4       1     2  6000              6000      sdb1 100.00     262144   66.67 

             5       1     3  6000              6000      sdb1 100.00     262144   66.67 

             6       1     4  6000              6000      sdb1 100.00          0 -100.00 

             7       1     5  6000              6000      sdb1 100.00          0 -100.00 


swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance

Reassigned 262144 (100.00%) partitions. Balance is now 16.67.


NOTE: Balance of 16.67 indicates you should push this 

      ring, wait at least 1 hours, and rebalance/repush.


swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance

Reassigned 262144 (100.00%) partitions. Balance is now 16.67.


NOTE: Balance of 16.67 indicates you should push this 

      ring, wait at least 1 hours, and rebalance/repush.


swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance

Reassigned 262144 (100.00%) partitions. Balance is now 16.67.


NOTE: Balance of 16.67 indicates you should push this 

      ring, wait at least 1 hours, and rebalance/repush.


swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo chown swift:swift *







swift@server1:/etc/swift> sudo swift-init proxy restart 

Signal proxy-server  pid: 23568  signal: 15

proxy-server (23568) appears to have stopped

Starting proxy-server...(/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf)


# swift-init all restart


server5:/ # chown -R swift:swift /srv/node/sdb1

server6:/ # chown -R swift:swift /srv/node/sdb1


swift@server2:/srv/node/sdb1> du -sh *

16K     accounts

356M    async_pending

129M    containers

5.0G    objects

0       tmp


wift@server2:/srv/node/sdb1> du -sh *

16K     accounts

197M    async_pending

129M    containers

2.5G    objects

0       tmp

swift@server3:/srv/node/sdb1> du -sh *

16K     accounts

175M    async_pending

129M    containers

2.5G    objects

0       tmp

swift@server4:/srv/node/sdb1> du -sh *

0       accounts

244M    async_pending

129M    containers

3.0G    objects

0       tmp

server5:/srv/node/sdb1 # du -sh *

68M     containers

2.7G    objects

0       tmp

server6:/srv/node/sdb1 # du -sh *

16K     accounts

32K     containers

2.8G    objects

0       tmp

本文出自 “xiaoxiaozhou” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://xiaoxiaozhou.blog.51cto.com/4681537/1918648
