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利用java mail发送邮件(转)

JavaMail是SUN提供给开发人员在应用程序中实现邮件发送和接收功能而提供的一套标准开发类库,支持常用的邮件协议,如SMTP、POP3、IMAP,开发人员使用JavaMail编写邮件程序时,无需考虑底层的通信细节(Socket),JavaMail也提供了能够创建出各种复杂MIME格式的邮件内容的API。使用JavaMail,我们可以实现类似OutLook、FoxMail的软件。虽然JavaMail(仅支持JDK4及以上)也是Java的API之一,但是却没有直接加入到JDK中,所以我们需要另行下载。另外,JavaMail依赖JAF(JavaBeans Activation Framework),JAF在Java6之后已经合并到JDK中,而JDK5之前需要另外下载JAF的类库。下载地址如下:





JavaMail包含两部分内容,一部分是JavaMail API,定义了一组平台无关、独立于通讯协议的邮件程序框架,该部分称为应用级接口,也就是供我们调用的部分,另一部分是service provider,该部分使用特定的协议语言来实现第一部分定义的抽象类和接口,这些协议包括:SMTP、NNTP、POP3、IMAP,如果让JavaMail与邮件服务器通信,就需要相应的协议支持,该部分称为服务提供者接口,也就是JavaMail自身需要的协议支持。在使用JavaMail时,通常我们只需将mail.jar放在classpath下使用,它包含了JavaMail API部分和SUN自己实现的service provider部分。可能也有特殊的时候,我们应用程序中需要自己实现service provider部分,那我们只需要mailapi.jar。下面通过几个类来简单认识下JavaMail API:



public class JavaMailTest1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws MessagingException {
        Properties props = new Properties();
        // 开启debug调试
        props.setProperty("mail.debug", "true");
        // 发送服务器需要身份验证
        props.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
        // 设置邮件服务器主机名
        props.setProperty("mail.host", "smtp.163.com");
        // 发送邮件协议名称
        props.setProperty("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");
        // 设置环境信息
        Session session = Session.getInstance(props);
        // 创建邮件对象
        Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
        // 设置邮件内容
        // 设置发件人
        msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("java_mail_001@163.com"));
        Transport transport = session.getTransport();
        // 连接邮件服务器
        transport.connect("java_mail_001", "javamail");
        // 发送邮件
        transport.sendMessage(msg, new Address[] {new InternetAddress("java_mail_002@163.com")});
        // 关闭连接



mail.debugbooleanThe initial debug mode. Default is false.
mail.fromStringThe return email address of the current user, used by theInternetAddressmethodgetLocalAddress.
mail.mime.address.strictbooleanThe MimeMessage class uses the InternetAddress methodparseHeader to parse headers in messages. This property controls the strict flag passed to theparseHeader method. The default is true.
mail.hostStringThe default host name of the mail server for both Stores and Transports. Used if themail.protocol.host property isn’t set.
mail.store.protocolStringSpecifies the default message access protocol. The SessionmethodgetStore()returns a Store object that implements this protocol. By default the first Store provider in the configuration files is returned.
mail.transport.protocolStringSpecifies the default message transport protocol. TheSessionmethodgetTransport() returns a Transport object that implements this protocol. By default the first Transport provider in the configuration files is returned.
mail.userStringThe default user name to use when connecting to the mail server. Used if themail.protocol.user property isn’t set.
mail.protocol.classStringSpecifies the fully qualified class name of the provider for the specified protocol. Used in cases where more than one provider for a given protocol exists; this property can be used to specify which provider to use by default. The provider must still be listed in a configuration file.
mail.protocol.hostStringThe host name of the mail server for the specified protocol. Overrides themail.host property.
mail.protocol.portintThe port number of the mail server for the specified protocol. If not specified the protocol’s default port number is used.
mail.protocol.userStringThe user name to use when connecting to mail servers using the specified protocol. Overrides themail.user property.



利用java mail发送邮件(转)