The net file format is used to describe the axtNet data that underlie the net alignment annotations in the Genome Browser. For a detailed description of the methods used to generate these data, refer to the Genome Browser description pages that accompany the Net alignment tracks.
File format
The net file consists of 7 fixed fields and a set of optional name/value pairs. In the descriptions below, target refers to the reference species and query refers to the aligning species.
Fixed fields:
Class. Either fill or gap. Fill refers to a portion of a chain.
Start in chromosome (target species)
Size (target species)
Chromsome name (query species)
Relative orientation between target and query species.
Start in chromsome (query species)
Size (query species)
Name/value pairs (optional):
id -- ID of associated chain (gapped alignment), if any.
score -- Score of associated chain.
ali -- Number of bases in alignments in chain.
qFar -- For fill that is on the same chromosome as parent, how far fill is from position predicted by parent. This helps determine if a rearrangement is local or if a duplication is tandem.
qOver -- Number of bases overlapping with parent gap on query side. Generally, this will be near zero, except for inverts.
qDup -- Number of bases in query region that are used twice or more in net. This helps distinguish between a rearrangement and a duplication.
type -- One of the following values:
top -- Chain is top-level, not a gap filler
syn -- Chain is on same chromosome and in same direction as parent
inv -- Chain is on same chromosome on opposite direction from parent
nonSyn -- Chain is on a different chromosome from parent
tN -- Number of unsequenced bases (Ns) on target side
qN -- Number of unsequenced bases on query side
tR -- Number of bases in RepeatMasker masked repeats on target.
qR -- Number of bases in RepeatMasker masked repeats on query.
tNewR -- Bases in lineage-specific repeats on target.
qNewR -- Bases in lineage-specific repeats on query.
tOldR -- Bases in repeats predating split on target.
qOldR -- Bases in repeats predating split on query.
tTrf -- Bases in trf (Tandem Repeat Finder) repeats on target.