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Johnson 全源最短路径算法

解决单源最短路径问题(Single Source Shortest Paths Problem)的算法包括:

  • Dijkstra 单源最短路径算法:时间复杂度为 O(E + VlogV),要求权值非负;
  • Bellman-Ford 单源最短路径算法:时间复杂度为 O(VE),适用于带负权值情况;

对于全源最短路径问题(All-Pairs Shortest Paths Problem),可以认为是单源最短路径问题的推广,即分别以每个顶点作为源顶点并求其至其它顶点的最短距离。例如,对每个顶点应用 Bellman-Ford 算法,则可得到所有顶点间的最短路径的运行时间为 O(V2E),由于图中顶点都是连通的,而边的数量可能会比顶点更多,这个时间没有比 Floyd-Warshall 全源最短路径算法 O(V3) 更优。那么,再试下对每个顶点应用 Dijkstra 算法,则可得到所有顶点间的最短路径的运行时间为 O(VE + V2logV),看起来优于 Floyd-Warshall 算法的 O(V3),所以看起来使用基于 Dijkstra 算法的改进方案好像更好,但问题是 Dijkstra 算法要求图中所有边的权值非负,不适合通用的情况。

在 1977 年,Donald B. Johnson 提出了对所有边的权值进行 "re-weight" 的算法,使得边的权值非负,进而可以使用 Dijkstra 算法进行最短路径的计算。

我们先自己思考下如何进行 "re-weight" 操作,比如,简单地对每条边的权值加上一个较大的正数,使其非负,是否可行?

   1     1     1s-----a-----b-----c \              /   \          /     \______/         4

比如上面的图中,共 4 条边,权值分别为 1,1,1,4。当前 s --> c 的最短路径是 {s-a, a-b, b-c} 即 1+1+1=3。而如果将所有边的权值加 1,则最短路径就会变成 {s-c} 的 5,因为 2+2+2=6,实际上导致了最短路径的变化,显然是错误的。

那么,Johnson 算法是如何对边的权值进行 "re-weight" 的呢?以下面的图 G 为例,有 4 个顶点和 5 条边。


首先,新增一个源顶点 4,并使其与所有顶点连通,新边赋权值为 0,如下图所示。


使用 Bellman-Ford 算法 计算新的顶点到所有其它顶点的最短路径,则从 4 至 {0, 1, 2, 3} 的最短路径分别是 {0, -5, -1, 0}。即有 h[] = {0, -5, -1, 0}。当得到这个 h[] 信息后,将新增的顶点 4 移除,然后使用如下公式对所有边的权值进行 "re-weight":

w(u, v) = w(u, v) + (h[u] - h[v]).



此时,所有边的权值已经被 "re-weight" 为非负。此时,就可以利用 Dijkstra 算法对每个顶点分别进行最短路径的计算了。

Johnson 算法描述如下:

  1. 给定图 G = (V, E),增加一个新的顶点 s,使 s 指向图 G 中的所有顶点都建立连接,设新的图为 G’;
  2. 对图 G’ 中顶点 s 使用 Bellman-Ford 算法计算单源最短路径,得到结果 h[] = {h[0], h[1], .. h[V-1]};
  3. 对原图 G 中的所有边进行 "re-weight",即对于每个边 (u, v),其新的权值为 w(u, v) + (h[u] - h[v]);
  4. 移除新增的顶点 s,对每个顶点运行 Dijkstra 算法求得最短路径;

Johnson 算法的运行时间为 O(V2logV + VE)。

Johnson 算法伪码实现如下:


Johnson 算法 C# 代码实现如下:

  1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.Linq;  4   5 namespace GraphAlgorithmTesting  6 {  7   class Program  8   {  9     static void Main(string[] args) 10     { 11       // build a directed and negative weighted graph 12       Graph directedGraph1 = new Graph(5); 13       directedGraph1.AddEdge(0, 1, -1); 14       directedGraph1.AddEdge(0, 2, 4); 15       directedGraph1.AddEdge(1, 2, 3); 16       directedGraph1.AddEdge(1, 3, 2); 17       directedGraph1.AddEdge(1, 4, 2); 18       directedGraph1.AddEdge(3, 2, 5); 19       directedGraph1.AddEdge(3, 1, 1); 20       directedGraph1.AddEdge(4, 3, -3); 21  22       Console.WriteLine(); 23       Console.WriteLine("Graph Vertex Count : {0}", directedGraph1.VertexCount); 24       Console.WriteLine("Graph Edge Count : {0}", directedGraph1.EdgeCount); 25       Console.WriteLine(); 26  27       int[,] distSet1 = directedGraph1.Johnsons(); 28       PrintSolution(directedGraph1, distSet1); 29  30       // build a directed and positive weighted graph 31       Graph directedGraph2 = new Graph(4); 32       directedGraph2.AddEdge(0, 1, 5); 33       directedGraph2.AddEdge(0, 3, 10); 34       directedGraph2.AddEdge(1, 2, 3); 35       directedGraph2.AddEdge(2, 3, 1); 36  37       Console.WriteLine(); 38       Console.WriteLine("Graph Vertex Count : {0}", directedGraph2.VertexCount); 39       Console.WriteLine("Graph Edge Count : {0}", directedGraph2.EdgeCount); 40       Console.WriteLine(); 41  42       int[,] distSet2 = directedGraph2.Johnsons(); 43       PrintSolution(directedGraph2, distSet2); 44  45       Console.ReadKey(); 46     } 47  48     private static void PrintSolution(Graph g, int[,] distSet) 49     { 50       Console.Write("\t"); 51       for (int i = 0; i < g.VertexCount; i++) 52       { 53         Console.Write(i + "\t"); 54       } 55       Console.WriteLine(); 56       Console.Write("\t"); 57       for (int i = 0; i < g.VertexCount; i++) 58       { 59         Console.Write("-" + "\t"); 60       } 61       Console.WriteLine(); 62       for (int i = 0; i < g.VertexCount; i++) 63       { 64         Console.Write(i + "|\t"); 65         for (int j = 0; j < g.VertexCount; j++) 66         { 67           if (distSet[i, j] == int.MaxValue) 68           { 69             Console.Write("INF" + "\t"); 70           } 71           else 72           { 73             Console.Write(distSet[i, j] + "\t"); 74           } 75         } 76         Console.WriteLine(); 77       } 78     } 79  80     class Edge 81     { 82       public Edge(int begin, int end, int weight) 83       { 84         this.Begin = begin; 85         this.End = end; 86         this.Weight = weight; 87       } 88  89       public int Begin { get; private set; } 90       public int End { get; private set; } 91       public int Weight { get; private set; } 92  93       public void Reweight(int newWeight) 94       { 95         this.Weight = newWeight; 96       } 97  98       public override string ToString() 99       {100         return string.Format(101           "Begin[{0}], End[{1}], Weight[{2}]",102           Begin, End, Weight);103       }104     }105 106     class Graph107     {108       private Dictionary<int, List<Edge>> _adjacentEdges109         = new Dictionary<int, List<Edge>>();110 111       public Graph(int vertexCount)112       {113         this.VertexCount = vertexCount;114       }115 116       public int VertexCount { get; private set; }117 118       public int EdgeCount119       {120         get121         {122           return _adjacentEdges.Values.SelectMany(e => e).Count();123         }124       }125 126       public void AddEdge(int begin, int end, int weight)127       {128         if (!_adjacentEdges.ContainsKey(begin))129         {130           var edges = new List<Edge>();131           _adjacentEdges.Add(begin, edges);132         }133 134         _adjacentEdges[begin].Add(new Edge(begin, end, weight));135       }136 137       public void AddEdge(Edge edge)138       {139         AddEdge(edge.Begin, edge.End, edge.Weight);140       }141 142       public void AddEdges(IEnumerable<Edge> edges)143       {144         foreach (var edge in edges)145         {146           AddEdge(edge);147         }148       }149 150       public IEnumerable<Edge> GetAllEdges()151       {152         return _adjacentEdges.Values.SelectMany(e => e);153       }154 155       public int[,] Johnsons()156       {157         // distSet[,] will be the output matrix that will finally have the shortest 158         // distances between every pair of vertices159         int[,] distSet = new int[VertexCount, VertexCount];160 161         for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)162         {163           for (int j = 0; j < VertexCount; j++)164           {165             distSet[i, j] = int.MaxValue;166           }167         }168         for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)169         {170           distSet[i, i] = 0;171         }172 173         // step 1: add new vertex s and connect to all vertices174         Graph g = new Graph(this.VertexCount + 1);175         g.AddEdges(this.GetAllEdges());176 177         int s = this.VertexCount;178         for (int i = 0; i < this.VertexCount; i++)179         {180           g.AddEdge(s, i, 0);181         }182 183         // step 2: use Bellman-Ford to evaluate shortest paths from s184         int[] h = g.BellmanFord(s);185 186         // step 3: re-weighting edges of the original graph187         //         w(u, v) = w(u, v) + (h[u] - h[v])188         foreach (var edge in this.GetAllEdges())189         {190           edge.Reweight(edge.Weight + (h[edge.Begin] - h[edge.End]));191         }192 193         // step 4: use Dijkstra for each edges194         for (int begin = 0; begin < this.VertexCount; begin++)195         {196           int[] dist = this.Dijkstra(begin);197           for (int end = 0; end < dist.Length; end++)198           {199             if (dist[end] != int.MaxValue)200             {201               distSet[begin, end] = dist[end] - (h[begin] - h[end]);202             }203           }204         }205 206         return distSet;207       }208 209       public int[,] FloydWarshell()210       {211         /* distSet[,] will be the output matrix that will finally have the shortest 212            distances between every pair of vertices */213         int[,] distSet = new int[VertexCount, VertexCount];214 215         for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)216         {217           for (int j = 0; j < VertexCount; j++)218           {219             distSet[i, j] = int.MaxValue;220           }221         }222         for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)223         {224           distSet[i, i] = 0;225         }226 227         /* Initialize the solution matrix same as input graph matrix. Or 228            we can say the initial values of shortest distances are based229            on shortest paths considering no intermediate vertex. */230         foreach (var edge in _adjacentEdges.Values.SelectMany(e => e))231         {232           distSet[edge.Begin, edge.End] = edge.Weight;233         }234 235         /* Add all vertices one by one to the set of intermediate vertices.236           ---> Before start of a iteration, we have shortest distances between all237           pairs of vertices such that the shortest distances consider only the238           vertices in set {0, 1, 2, .. k-1} as intermediate vertices.239           ---> After the end of a iteration, vertex no. k is added to the set of240           intermediate vertices and the set becomes {0, 1, 2, .. k} */241         for (int k = 0; k < VertexCount; k++)242         {243           // Pick all vertices as source one by one244           for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)245           {246             // Pick all vertices as destination for the above picked source247             for (int j = 0; j < VertexCount; j++)248             {249               // If vertex k is on the shortest path from250               // i to j, then update the value of distSet[i,j]251               if (distSet[i, k] != int.MaxValue252                 && distSet[k, j] != int.MaxValue253                 && distSet[i, k] + distSet[k, j] < distSet[i, j])254               {255                 distSet[i, j] = distSet[i, k] + distSet[k, j];256               }257             }258           }259         }260 261         return distSet;262       }263 264       public int[] BellmanFord(int source)265       {266         // distSet[i] will hold the shortest distance from source to i267         int[] distSet = new int[VertexCount];268 269         // Step 1: Initialize distances from source to all other vertices as INFINITE270         for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)271         {272           distSet[i] = int.MaxValue;273         }274         distSet[source] = 0;275 276         // Step 2: Relax all edges |V| - 1 times. A simple shortest path from source277         // to any other vertex can have at-most |V| - 1 edges278         for (int i = 1; i <= VertexCount - 1; i++)279         {280           foreach (var edge in _adjacentEdges.Values.SelectMany(e => e))281           {282             int u = edge.Begin;283             int v = edge.End;284             int weight = edge.Weight;285 286             if (distSet[u] != int.MaxValue287               && distSet[u] + weight < distSet[v])288             {289               distSet[v] = distSet[u] + weight;290             }291           }292         }293 294         // Step 3: check for negative-weight cycles.  The above step guarantees295         // shortest distances if graph doesn‘t contain negative weight cycle.296         // If we get a shorter path, then there is a cycle.297         foreach (var edge in _adjacentEdges.Values.SelectMany(e => e))298         {299           int u = edge.Begin;300           int v = edge.End;301           int weight = edge.Weight;302 303           if (distSet[u] != int.MaxValue304             && distSet[u] + weight < distSet[v])305           {306             Console.WriteLine("Graph contains negative weight cycle.");307           }308         }309 310         return distSet;311       }312 313       public int[] Dijkstra(int source)314       {315         // dist[i] will hold the shortest distance from source to i316         int[] distSet = new int[VertexCount];317 318         // sptSet[i] will true if vertex i is included in shortest319         // path tree or shortest distance from source to i is finalized320         bool[] sptSet = new bool[VertexCount];321 322         // initialize all distances as INFINITE and stpSet[] as false323         for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)324         {325           distSet[i] = int.MaxValue;326           sptSet[i] = false;327         }328 329         // distance of source vertex from itself is always 0330         distSet[source] = 0;331 332         // find shortest path for all vertices333         for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount - 1; i++)334         {335           // pick the minimum distance vertex from the set of vertices not336           // yet processed. u is always equal to source in first iteration.337           int u = CalculateMinDistance(distSet, sptSet);338 339           // mark the picked vertex as processed340           sptSet[u] = true;341 342           // update dist value of the adjacent vertices of the picked vertex.343           for (int v = 0; v < VertexCount; v++)344           {345             // update dist[v] only if is not in sptSet, there is an edge from 346             // u to v, and total weight of path from source to  v through u is 347             // smaller than current value of dist[v]348             if (!sptSet[v]349               && distSet[u] != int.MaxValue350               && _adjacentEdges.ContainsKey(u)351               && _adjacentEdges[u].Exists(e => e.End == v))352             {353               int d = _adjacentEdges[u].Single(e => e.End == v).Weight;354               if (distSet[u] + d < distSet[v])355               {356                 distSet[v] = distSet[u] + d;357               }358             }359           }360         }361 362         return distSet;363       }364 365       private int CalculateMinDistance(int[] distSet, bool[] sptSet)366       {367         int minDistance = int.MaxValue;368         int minDistanceIndex = -1;369 370         for (int v = 0; v < VertexCount; v++)371         {372           if (!sptSet[v] && distSet[v] <= minDistance)373           {374             minDistance = distSet[v];375             minDistanceIndex = v;376           }377         }378 379         return minDistanceIndex;380       }381     }382   }383 }




  • 广度优先搜索
  • 深度优先搜索
  • Breadth First Traversal for a Graph
  • Depth First Traversal for a Graph
  • Dijkstra 单源最短路径算法
  • Bellman-Ford 单源最短路径算法
  • Bellman–Ford algorithm
  • Introduction To Algorithm
  • Floyd-Warshall‘s algorithm
  • Bellman-Ford algorithm for single-source shortest paths
  • Dynamic Programming | Set 23 (Bellman–Ford Algorithm)
  • Dynamic Programming | Set 16 (Floyd Warshall Algorithm)
  • Johnson’s algorithm for All-pairs shortest paths
  • Floyd-Warshall‘s algorithm
  • 最短路径算法--Dijkstra算法,Bellmanford算法,Floyd算法,Johnson算法
  • QuickGraph, Graph Data Structures And Algorithms for .NET

本篇文章《Johnson 全源最短路径算法》由 Dennis Gao 发表自博客园,未经作者本人同意禁止任何形式的转载,任何自动或人为的爬虫转载行为均为耍流氓。

Johnson 全源最短路径算法