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CREATE PROCEDURE remove_emp (employee_id NUMBER) AS   tot_emps NUMBER;   BEGIN      DELETE FROM employees      WHERE employees.employee_id = remove_emp.employee_id;   tot_emps := tot_emps - 1;   END;/

参考:Oracle Document




CONCATSyntaxDescription of concat.gif followsDescription of the illustration concat.gifPurposeCONCAT returns char1 concatenated with char2. Both char1 and char2 can be any of the datatypes CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB. The string returned is in the same character set as char1. Its datatype depends on the datatypes of the arguments.In concatenations of two different datatypes, Oracle Database returns the datatype that results in a lossless conversion. Therefore, if one of the arguments is a LOB, then the returned value is a LOB. If one of the arguments is a national datatype, then the returned value is a national datatype. For example:CONCAT(CLOB, NCLOB) returns NCLOBCONCAT(NCLOB, NCHAR) returns NCLOBCONCAT(NCLOB, CHAR) returns NCLOBCONCAT(NCHAR, CLOB) returns NCLOBThis function is equivalent to the concatenation operator (||).See Also:"Concatenation Operator" for information on the CONCAT operatorExamplesThis example uses nesting to concatenate three character strings:SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(last_name, ‘‘‘s job category is ),      job_id) "Job"    FROM employees    WHERE employee_id = 152; Job------------------------------------------------------Halls job category is SA_REP


LPADThe LPAD function returns an expression, left-padded to a specified length with the specified characters; or, when the expression to be padded is longer than the length specified after padding, only that portion of the expression that fits into the specified length.To right-pad a text expression, use RPAD.Return ValueTEXT or NTEXT based on the data type of the expression you want to pad (text-exp).SyntaxLPAD (text-exp , length [, pad-exp])Argumentstext-expA text expression that you want to pad.lengthThe total length of the return value as it is displayed on your screen. In most character sets, this is also the number of characters in the return value. However, in some multibyte character sets, the display length of a character string can differ from the number of characters in the string.When you specify a value for length that is shorter than the length of text-exp, then this function returns only that portion of the expression that fits into the specified length.pad-expA text expression that specifies the padding characters. The default value of pad-exp is a single blank.ExamplesThe following example left-pads a string with the characters "*" and ".".SHOW LPAD(Page 1,15,*.) *.*.*.*.*Page 1


concat(1234, lpad(i, 18, 0))




  1 SQL中的单记录函数  2 1.ASCII  3 返回与指定的字符对应的十进制数;  4 SQL> select ascii(A) A,ascii(a) a,ascii(0) zero,ascii( ) space from dual;  5   6         A         A      ZERO     SPACE  7 --------- --------- --------- ---------  8        65        97        48        32  9  10  11 2.CHR 12 给出整数,返回对应的字符; 13 SQL> select chr(54740) zhao,chr(65) chr65 from dual; 14  15 ZH C 16 -- - 17 赵 A 18  19 3.CONCAT 20 连接两个字符串; 21 SQL> select concat(010-,88888888)||转23  高乾竞电话 from dual; 22  23 高乾竞电话 24 ---------------- 25 010-88888888转23 26  27 4.INITCAP 28 返回字符串并将字符串的第一个字母变为大写; 29 SQL> select initcap(smith) upp from dual; 30  31 UPP 32 ----- 33 Smith 34  35  36 5.INSTR(C1,C2,I,J) 37 在一个字符串中搜索指定的字符,返回发现指定的字符的位置; 38 C1    被搜索的字符串 39 C2    希望搜索的字符串 40 I     搜索的开始位置,默认为1 41 J     出现的位置,默认为1 42 SQL> select instr(oracle traning,ra,1,2) instring from dual; 43  44  INSTRING 45 --------- 46         9 47  48  49 6.LENGTH 50 返回字符串的长度; 51 SQL> select name,length(name),addr,length(addr),sal,length(to_char(sal)) from gao.nchar_tst; 52  53 NAME   LENGTH(NAME) ADDR             LENGTH(ADDR)       SAL LENGTH(TO_CHAR(SAL)) 54 ------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------- -------------------- 55 高乾竞            3 北京市海锭区                6   9999.99                    7 56  57   58  59 7.LOWER 60 返回字符串,并将所有的字符小写 61 SQL> select lower(AaBbCcDd)AaBbCcDd from dual; 62  63 AABBCCDD 64 -------- 65 aabbccdd 66  67  68 8.UPPER 69 返回字符串,并将所有的字符大写 70 SQL> select upper(AaBbCcDd) upper from dual; 71  72 UPPER 73 -------- 74 AABBCCDD 75  76   77  78 9.RPAD和LPAD(粘贴字符) 79 RPAD  在列的右边粘贴字符 80 LPAD  在列的左边粘贴字符 81 SQL> select lpad(rpad(gao,10,*),17,*)from dual; 82  83 LPAD(RPAD(GAO,1 84 ----------------- 85 *******gao******* 86 不够字符则用*来填满 87  88  89 10.LTRIM和RTRIM 90 LTRIM  删除左边出现的字符串 91 RTRIM  删除右边出现的字符串 92 SQL> select ltrim(rtrim(   gao qian jing   , ), ) from dual; 93  94 LTRIM(RTRIM( 95 ------------- 96 gao qian jing 97  98  99 11.SUBSTR(string,start,count)100 取子字符串,从start开始,取count个101 SQL> select substr(13088888888,3,8) from dual;102 103 SUBSTR(104 --------105 08888888106 107 108 12.REPLACE(string,s1,s2)109 string   希望被替换的字符或变量 110 s1       被替换的字符串111 s2       要替换的字符串112 SQL> select replace(he love you,he,i) from dual;113 114 REPLACE(H115 ----------116 i love you117 118 119 13.SOUNDEX120 返回一个与给定的字符串读音相同的字符串121 SQL> create table table1(xm varchar(8));122 SQL> insert into table1 values(weather);123 SQL> insert into table1 values(wether);124 SQL> insert into table1 values(gao);125 126 SQL> select xm from table1 where soundex(xm)=soundex(weather);127 128 XM129 --------130 weather131 wether132 133 134 14.TRIM(s from string)135 LEADING   剪掉前面的字符136 TRAILING  剪掉后面的字符137 如果不指定,默认为空格符138 139 15.ABS140 返回指定值的绝对值141 SQL> select abs(100),abs(-100) from dual;142 143  ABS(100) ABS(-100)144 --------- ---------145       100       100146 147 148 16.ACOS149 给出反余弦的值150 SQL> select acos(-1) from dual;151 152  ACOS(-1)153 ---------154 3.1415927155 156 157 17.ASIN158 给出反正弦的值159 SQL> select asin(0.5) from dual;160 161 ASIN(0.5)162 ---------163 .52359878164 165 166 18.ATAN167 返回一个数字的反正切值168 SQL> select atan(1) from dual;169 170   ATAN(1)171 ---------172 .78539816173 174 175 19.CEIL176 返回大于或等于给出数字的最小整数177 SQL> select ceil(3.1415927) from dual;178 179 CEIL(3.1415927)180 ---------------181               4182 183 184 20.COS185 返回一个给定数字的余弦186 SQL> select cos(-3.1415927) from dual;187 188 COS(-3.1415927)189 ---------------190              -1191 192 193 21.COSH194 返回一个数字反余弦值195 SQL> select cosh(20) from dual;196 197  COSH(20)198 ---------199 242582598200 201 202 22.EXP203 返回一个数字e的n次方根204 SQL> select exp(2),exp(1) from dual;205 206    EXP(2)    EXP(1)207 --------- ---------208 7.3890561 2.7182818209 210 211 23.FLOOR212 对给定的数字取整数213 SQL> select floor(2345.67) from dual;214 215 FLOOR(2345.67)216 --------------217           2345218 219 220 24.LN221 返回一个数字的对数值222 SQL> select ln(1),ln(2),ln(2.7182818) from dual;223 224     LN(1)     LN(2) LN(2.7182818)225 --------- --------- -------------226         0 .69314718     .99999999227 228 229 25.LOG(n1,n2)230 返回一个以n1为底n2的对数 231 SQL> select log(2,1),log(2,4) from dual;232 233  LOG(2,1)  LOG(2,4)234 --------- ---------235         0         2236 237 238 26.MOD(n1,n2)239 返回一个n1除以n2的余数240 SQL> select mod(10,3),mod(3,3),mod(2,3) from dual;241 242 MOD(10,3)  MOD(3,3)  MOD(2,3)243 --------- --------- ---------244         1         0         2245 246 247 27.POWER248 返回n1的n2次方根249 SQL> select power(2,10),power(3,3) from dual;250 251 POWER(2,10) POWER(3,3)252 ----------- ----------253        1024         27254 255 256 28.ROUND和TRUNC257 按照指定的精度进行舍入258 SQL> select round(55.5),round(-55.4),trunc(55.5),trunc(-55.5) from dual;259 260 ROUND(55.5) ROUND(-55.4) TRUNC(55.5) TRUNC(-55.5)261 ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------262          56          -55          55          -55263 264 265 29.SIGN266 取数字n的符号,大于0返回1,小于0返回-1,等于0返回0267 SQL> select sign(123),sign(-100),sign(0) from dual;268 269 SIGN(123) SIGN(-100)   SIGN(0)270 --------- ---------- ---------271         1         -1         0272 273 274 30.SIN275 返回一个数字的正弦值276 SQL> select sin(1.57079) from dual;277 278 SIN(1.57079)279 ------------280            1281 282 283 31.SIGH284 返回双曲正弦的值285 SQL> select sin(20),sinh(20) from dual;286 287   SIN(20)  SINH(20)288 --------- ---------289 .91294525 242582598290 291 292 32.SQRT293 返回数字n的根294 SQL> select sqrt(64),sqrt(10) from dual;295 296  SQRT(64)  SQRT(10)297 --------- ---------298         8 3.1622777299 300 301 33.TAN302 返回数字的正切值303 SQL> select tan(20),tan(10) from dual;304 305   TAN(20)   TAN(10)306 --------- ---------307 2.2371609 .64836083308 309 310 34.TANH311 返回数字n的双曲正切值312 SQL> select tanh(20),tan(20) from dual;313 314  TANH(20)   TAN(20)315 --------- ---------316         1 2.2371609317 318  319 320 35.TRUNC321 按照指定的精度截取一个数322 SQL> select trunc(124.1666,-2) trunc1,trunc(124.16666,2) from dual;323 324    TRUNC1 TRUNC(124.16666,2)325 --------- ------------------326       100             124.16327 328  329 330 36.ADD_MONTHS331 增加或减去月份332 SQL> select to_char(add_months(to_date(199912,yyyymm),2),yyyymm) from dual;333 334 TO_CHA335 ------336 200002337 SQL> select to_char(add_months(to_date(199912,yyyymm),-2),yyyymm) from dual;338 339 TO_CHA340 ------341 199910342 343 344 37.LAST_DAY345 返回日期的最后一天346 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,yyyy.mm.dd),to_char((sysdate)+1,yyyy.mm.dd) from dual;347 348 TO_CHAR(SY TO_CHAR((S349 ---------- ----------350 2004.05.09 2004.05.10351 SQL> select last_day(sysdate) from dual;352 353 LAST_DAY(S354 ----------355 31-5月 -04356 357 358 38.MONTHS_BETWEEN(date2,date1)359 给出date2-date1的月份360 SQL> select months_between(19-12月-1999,19-3月-1999) mon_between from dual;361 362 MON_BETWEEN363 -----------364           9365 SQL>selectmonths_between(to_date(2000.05.20,yyyy.mm.dd),to_date(2005.05.20,yyyy.mm.dd)) mon_betw from dual;366 367  MON_BETW368 ---------369       -60370 371 372 39.NEW_TIME(date,this,that)373 给出在this时区=other时区的日期和时间374 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,yyyy.mm.dd hh24:mi:ss) bj_time,to_char(new_time375   2  (sysdate,PDT,GMT),yyyy.mm.dd hh24:mi:ss) los_angles from dual;376 377 BJ_TIME             LOS_ANGLES378 ------------------- -------------------379 2004.05.09 11:05:32 2004.05.09 18:05:32380 381 382 40.NEXT_DAY(date,day)383 给出日期date和星期x之后计算下一个星期的日期384 SQL> select next_day(18-5月-2001,星期五) next_day from dual;385 386 NEXT_DAY387 ----------388 25-5月 -01389 390  391 392 41.SYSDATE393 用来得到系统的当前日期394 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,dd-mm-yyyy day) from dual;395 396 TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,397 -----------------398 09-05-2004 星期日399 trunc(date,fmt)按照给出的要求将日期截断,如果fmt=mi表示保留分,截断秒400 SQL> select to_char(trunc(sysdate,hh),yyyy.mm.dd hh24:mi:ss) hh,401   2  to_char(trunc(sysdate,mi),yyyy.mm.dd hh24:mi:ss) hhmm from dual;402 403 HH                  HHMM404 ------------------- -------------------405 2004.05.09 11:00:00 2004.05.09 11:17:00406 407  408 409 42.CHARTOROWID410 将字符数据类型转换为ROWID类型411 SQL> select rowid,rowidtochar(rowid),ename from scott.emp;412 413 ROWID              ROWIDTOCHAR(ROWID) ENAME414 ------------------ ------------------ ----------415 AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAA AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAA SMITH416 AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAB AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAB ALLEN417 AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAC AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAC WARD418 AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAD AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAD JONES419 420 421 43.CONVERT(c,dset,sset)422 将源字符串 sset从一个语言字符集转换到另一个目的dset字符集423 SQL> select convert(strutz,we8hp,f7dec) "conversion" from dual;424 425 conver426 ------427 strutz428 429 430 44.HEXTORAW431 将一个十六进制构成的字符串转换为二进制432 433 434 45.RAWTOHEXT435 将一个二进制构成的字符串转换为十六进制436 437  438 439 46.ROWIDTOCHAR440 将ROWID数据类型转换为字符类型441 442  443 444 47.TO_CHAR(date,format)445 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss) from dual;446 447 TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,YY448 -------------------449 2004/05/09 21:14:41450 451  452 453 48.TO_DATE(string,format)454 将字符串转化为ORACLE中的一个日期455 456 457 49.TO_MULTI_BYTE458 将字符串中的单字节字符转化为多字节字符459 SQL>  select to_multi_byte() from dual;460 461 TO462 --463 464 465 466 50.TO_NUMBER467 将给出的字符转换为数字468 SQL> select to_number(1999) year from dual;469 470      YEAR471 ---------472      1999473 474 475 51.BFILENAME(dir,file)476 指定一个外部二进制文件477 SQL>insert into file_tb1 values(bfilename(lob_dir1,image1.gif));478 479 480 52.CONVERT(x,desc,source)481 将x字段或变量的源source转换为desc482 SQL> select sid,serial#,username,decode(command,483   2  0,none,484   3  2,insert,485   4  3,486   5  select,487   6  6,update,488   7  7,delete,489   8  8,drop,490   9  other) cmd  from v$session where type!=background;491 492       SID   SERIAL# USERNAME                       CMD493 --------- --------- ------------------------------ ------494         1         1                                none495         2         1                                none496         3         1                                none497         4         1                                none498         5         1                                none499         6         1                                none500         7      1275                                none501         8      1275                                none502         9        20 GAO                            select503        10        40 GAO                            none504 505 506 53.DUMP(s,fmt,start,length)507 DUMP函数以fmt指定的内部数字格式返回一个VARCHAR2类型的值508 SQL> col global_name for a30509 SQL> col dump_string for a50510 SQL> set lin 200511 SQL> select global_name,dump(global_name,1017,8,5) dump_string from global_name;512 513 GLOBAL_NAME                    DUMP_STRING514 ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------515 ORACLE.WORLD                   Typ=1 Len=12 CharacterSet=ZHS16GBK: W,O,R,L,D516 517 518 54.EMPTY_BLOB()和EMPTY_CLOB()519 这两个函数都是用来对大数据类型字段进行初始化操作的函数520 521 522 55.GREATEST523 返回一组表达式中的最大值,即比较字符的编码大小.524 SQL> select greatest(AA,AB,AC) from dual;525 526 GR527 --528 AC529 SQL> select greatest(,,) from dual;530 531 GR532 --533 534 535 536 56.LEAST537 返回一组表达式中的最小值 538 SQL> select least(,,) from dual;539 540 LE541 --542 543 544 545 57.UID546 返回标识当前用户的唯一整数547 SQL> show user548 USER 为"GAO"549 SQL> select username,user_id from dba_users where user_id=uid;550 551 USERNAME                         USER_ID552 ------------------------------ ---------553 GAO                                   25554 555  556 557 58.USER558 返回当前用户的名字559 SQL> select user from  dual;560 561 USER562 ------------------------------563 GAO564 565 566 59.USEREVN567 返回当前用户环境的信息,opt可以是:568 ENTRYID,SESSIONID,TERMINAL,ISDBA,LABLE,LANGUAGE,CLIENT_INFO,LANG,VSIZE569 ISDBA  查看当前用户是否是DBA如果是则返回true570 SQL> select userenv(isdba) from dual;571 572 USEREN573 ------574 FALSE575 SQL> select userenv(isdba) from dual;576 577 USEREN578 ------579 TRUE580 SESSION581 返回会话标志582 SQL> select userenv(sessionid) from dual;583 584 USERENV(SESSIONID)585 --------------------586                  152587 ENTRYID588 返回会话人口标志589 SQL> select userenv(entryid) from dual;590 591 USERENV(ENTRYID)592 ------------------593                  0594 INSTANCE595 返回当前INSTANCE的标志596 SQL> select userenv(instance) from dual;597 598 USERENV(INSTANCE)599 -------------------600                   1601 LANGUAGE602 返回当前环境变量603 SQL> select userenv(language) from dual;604 605 USERENV(LANGUAGE)606 ----------------------------------------------------607 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK608 LANG609 返回当前环境的语言的缩写610 SQL> select userenv(lang) from dual;611 612 USERENV(LANG)613 ----------------------------------------------------614 ZHS615 TERMINAL616 返回用户的终端或机器的标志617 SQL> select userenv(terminal) from dual;618 619 USERENV(TERMINA620 ----------------621 GAO622 VSIZE(X)623 返回X的大小(字节)数624 SQL> select vsize(user),user from dual;625 626 VSIZE(USER) USER627 ----------- ------------------------------628           6 SYSTEM629 630  631 632 60.AVG(DISTINCT|ALL)633 all表示对所有的值求平均值,distinct只对不同的值求平均值634 SQLWKS> create table table3(xm varchar(8),sal number(7,2));635 语句已处理。636 SQLWKS>  insert into table3 values(gao,1111.11);637 SQLWKS>  insert into table3 values(gao,1111.11);638 SQLWKS>  insert into table3 values(zhu,5555.55);639 SQLWKS> commit;640 641 SQL> select avg(distinct sal) from gao.table3;642 643 AVG(DISTINCTSAL)644 ----------------645          3333.33646 647 SQL> select avg(all sal) from gao.table3;648 649 AVG(ALLSAL)650 -----------651     2592.59652 653 654 61.MAX(DISTINCT|ALL)655 求最大值,ALL表示对所有的值求最大值,DISTINCT表示对不同的值求最大值,相同的只取一次656 SQL> select max(distinct sal) from scott.emp;657 658 MAX(DISTINCTSAL)659 ----------------660             5000661 662 663 62.MIN(DISTINCT|ALL)664 求最小值,ALL表示对所有的值求最小值,DISTINCT表示对不同的值求最小值,相同的只取一次665 SQL> select min(all sal) from gao.table3;666 667 MIN(ALLSAL)668 -----------669     1111.11670 671 672 63.STDDEV(distinct|all)673 求标准差,ALL表示对所有的值求标准差,DISTINCT表示只对不同的值求标准差674 SQL> select stddev(sal) from scott.emp;675 676 STDDEV(SAL)677 -----------678   1182.5032679 680 SQL> select stddev(distinct sal) from scott.emp;681 682 STDDEV(DISTINCTSAL)683 -------------------684            1229.951685 686  687 688 64.VARIANCE(DISTINCT|ALL)689 求协方差690 691 SQL> select variance(sal) from scott.emp;692 693 VARIANCE(SAL)694 -------------695     1398313.9696 697 698 65.GROUP BY699 主要用来对一组数进行统计700 SQL> select deptno,count(*),sum(sal) from scott.emp group by deptno;701 702    DEPTNO  COUNT(*)  SUM(SAL)703 --------- --------- ---------704        10         3      8750705        20         5     10875706        30         6      9400707 708  709 710 66.HAVING711 对分组统计再加限制条件712 SQL> select deptno,count(*),sum(sal) from scott.emp group by deptno having count(*)>=5;713 714    DEPTNO  COUNT(*)  SUM(SAL)715 --------- --------- ---------716        20         5     10875717        30         6      9400718 SQL> select deptno,count(*),sum(sal) from scott.emp having count(*)>=5 group by deptno ;719 720    DEPTNO  COUNT(*)  SUM(SAL)721 --------- --------- ---------722        20         5     10875723        30         6      9400724 725 726 67.ORDER BY727 用于对查询到的结果进行排序输出728 SQL> select deptno,ename,sal from scott.emp order by deptno,sal desc;729 730    DEPTNO ENAME            SAL731 --------- ---------- ---------732        10 KING            5000733        10 CLARK           2450734        10 MILLER          1300735        20 SCOTT           3000736        20 FORD            3000737        20 JONES           2975738        20 ADAMS           1100739        20 SMITH            800740        30 BLAKE           2850741        30 ALLEN           1600742        30 TURNER          1500743        30 WARD            1250744        30 MARTIN          1250745        30 JAMES            950
Oracle Function

