首页 > 代码库 > 摸索门径之ASP.NET 5 出现 "The following projects are not supported as references:"**.csproj""的原因
摸索门径之ASP.NET 5 出现 "The following projects are not supported as references:"**.csproj""的原因
VS2015 Preview 发布已经有一段时间了。根据官方的说法ASP.NET 5 做了一些重大改进和设计。
- 支持跨平台运行,不仅能在Windows上运行还能在Mono平台的.NET运行环境,支持Unix, Windows, MacOS等操作系统。
- 不同以往的HTTP请求管道,可以自我托管和托管到IIS上。
- MVC,Web Api, Web Pages 相结合的统一的编程模型。
- 可以不需要Build可以看到修改效果。
- 在github上开源,可以下载到一些应用程序。
对于asp.net 5 的一些改变相信一些朋友发现的比我还多,在这方面做了一些大的改变,微软还真是颠覆了一下自己,这也是一个值得大家期待和进步的地方,对于构建web应用程序来说他也是一个比较理想的选择。那么在asp.net 5 的学习过程中,相信热爱技术的朋友已经碰到和我一样的问题了,在Visual Studio 2015 Preview beta1 中还没有办法从ASP.NET 5项目引用的之前版本csproj项目,当我们引用类库时会发现报错提示如下:
安装KVM(K Version Manager)
需要在Windows Cmd.exe或者VS Cmd.exe上运行下面的命令,该命令将下载并运行安装KVM在当前用户。(需要管理管权限)
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/Home/master/kvminstall.ps1‘))"
kpm wrap .\src\ClassLibrary
... "dependencies": { "ClassLibrary": "" }, ...
Visual Studio 2015 Preview (as of writing this) comes with the ASP.NET 5 stable release beta1. In this version there is no way to reference a csproj project from an ASP.NET 5 project.
However, on the development feed of ASP.NET 5 the command kpm wrap
was introduced to support referencing csproj-projects from ASP.NET 5 projects. See the github issue #827 in the aspnet/KRuntime repository and pull request #875 which closes the issue.
Here is an example how you would use kpm wrap
Make sure the newest version of the KRuntime is installed (check this with the kvm list
command) (I tested this with version 1.0.0-beta2-10709
Create an ASP.NET 5 class library project, I used the name ClassLibrary1.
Create a "normal" csproj class library, I named this ClassLibrary2 (make sure you put this in the src folder).
From the commandline, from the solution directory run the command
kpm wrap .\src\ClassLibrary2
This gives the output:
Wrapping project ‘ClassLibrary2‘ for ‘.NETFramework,Version=v4.5‘ Source C:\Users\andersns\Source\ClassLibrary1\src\ClassLibrary2\ClassLibrary2.csproj Target C:\Users\andersns\Source\ClassLibrary1\wrap\ClassLibrary2\project.json Adding bin paths for ‘.NETFramework,Version=v4.5‘ Assembly: ../../src/ClassLibrary2/obj/debug/ClassLibrary2.dll Pdb: ../../src/ClassLibrary2/obj/debug/ClassLibrary2.pdb
Now in the project.json of ClassLibrary1 (which is ASP.NET 5) you can add a reference to ClassLibrary2 with this:
..."dependencies": { "ClassLibrary2": ""},...
Note: kpm wrap
did not run properly for me with cmd, I needed to launch powershell to make it run.
对了,伙伴们Visual Studio 2015 Preview beta2 做了改进并且支持引用C#标准项目。
摸索门径之ASP.NET 5 出现 "The following projects are not supported as references:"**.csproj""的原因