首页 > 代码库 > 原创python多线程批量管理工具batch(不断完善)


#!/usr/bin/env python

import threading

import time

import paramiko

import os,sys

from ip import ip_list,web_server,ip_msg

from optparse import OptionParser

from ssh_co.cfg.config import host_msg

def opts():

   parser = OptionParser(usage="usage %prog options")































   return parser.parse_args()

class Get_date(object):

   def ssh_cmd(self,number,user,ip,port,cmd):

       for i in xrange(number):

           ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()



           stdin1, stdout1, stderr1 = ssh.exec_command("hostname")

           stdin2, stdout2, stderr2 = ssh.exec_command(cmd)

           out1 = stdout1.read()

           #in2 = stdin2.read()

           out2 = stdout2.read()

           err2 = stderr2.read()

           print "\033[32;1m%s-%s:\n\033[0m%s %s" %(out1.strip(),ip,out2.strip(),err2.strip())

           print "\033[33;1m-\033[0m"*120


   def cmd(self,user,ip,port,cmd):

       for i in xrange(len(ip)):



   def ssh_file(self,number,user,ip,port,path_ssh_key,sfile,dfile):

       key = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(path_ssh_key)

       for i in xrange(number):

           ssh = paramiko.Transport((ip,port))

           ssh_f=ssh.connect(username = user, pkey = key)

           sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh)




           except Exception as e:

               for i in xrange(1,len(path.split(‘/‘))+1):





                   except Exception as e:



           print "\033[31;1m%s\033[0m"%(ip)

           print "\033[32;1m%s:---------->%s\n\033[0m%s"%(sfile,dfile,ssh_result)

           print "\033[33;1m-\033[0m"*120


   def file(self,user,ip,port,path_ssh_key,sfile,dfile):

       for i in xrange(len(ip)):



def main():












   if ssh_cmd:

       if ssh_ip:

           if args:





       if ssh_item and ssh_item in ip_msg.keys():


   #print ssh_item,ssh_cmd,args,ssh_file

   if ssh_file:

       if ssh_ip:

           if args:





       if ssh_item and ssh_item in ip_msg.keys():


   if ssh_sfile and ssh_dfile:

       if ssh_ip:

           if args:





       if ssh_item and ssh_item in ip_msg.keys():


if __name__=="__main__":


本文出自 “原创python发布区” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://cuihailong.blog.51cto.com/2923450/1409573