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野火STM32 Flash&sd卡模拟U盘


 1 //mass_mal.c 2 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 3 #include "..\User\sdcard\bsp_sdio_sdcard.h" 4 #include "..\User\spi_flash\fatfs_flash_spi.h" 5 #include "mass_mal.h" 6 #include <stdio.h> 7 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ 8 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 9 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/10 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/11 uint32_t Mass_Memory_Size[2];12 uint32_t Mass_Block_Size[2];13 uint32_t Mass_Block_Count[2];14 __IO uint32_t Status = 0;15 //#define  sFLASH_ID              0xEF3015     //W25X1616 //#define  sFLASH_ID              0xEF4015     //W25Q1617 #define  sFLASH_ID              0XEF4017    //W25Q6418 extern SD_CardInfo SDCardInfo;      //ÓÃÓÚ´æ´¢¿¨µÄÐÅÏ¢
 1 /******************************************************************************* 2 * Function Name  : MAL_Init 3 * Description    : Initializes the Media on the STM32 4 * Input          : None 5 * Output         : None 6 * Return         : None 7 *******************************************************************************/ 8 uint16_t MAL_Init(uint8_t lun) 9 {10   uint16_t status = MAL_OK;11 12   switch (lun)13   {14     case 0:15             FLASH_SPI_disk_initialize();16             if(SPI_FLASH_ReadID()==sFLASH_ID)17             {18                 printf("flash init succsee\n");19                 Status = MAL_OK;20             }21             else22                 Status = MAL_FAIL;23       break;24         case 1:25       Status = SD_Init();26       break;27     default:28       return MAL_FAIL;29   }30   return status;31 }


 1 /******************************************************************************* 2 * Function Name  : MAL_Write 3 * Description    : Write sectors 4 * Input          : None 5 * Output         : None 6 * Return         : None 7 *******************************************************************************/ 8 uint16_t MAL_Write(uint8_t lun, uint32_t Memory_Offset, uint32_t *Writebuff, uint16_t Transfer_Length) 9 {10   switch (lun)11   {12     case 0:13             Memory_Offset+=(512*4096);//扇区偏移,外部flash文件系统空间放在外部flash 6M空间14             //printf("write add =%d.length=%d\n",Memory_Offset/4096,Transfer_Length/4096);15             SPI_FLASH_SectorErase(Memory_Offset);16             SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite((uint8_t *)Writebuff,Memory_Offset,Transfer_Length);17       break;18         case 1:19             Status =    SD_WriteBlock((uint8_t*)Writebuff, Memory_Offset, Transfer_Length);20             Status = SD_WaitWriteOperation();  21             while(SD_GetStatus() != SD_TRANSFER_OK);22       if ( Status != SD_OK )23       {24         return MAL_FAIL;25       }      26       break;27     default:28       return MAL_FAIL;29   }30   return MAL_OK;31 }


 1 /******************************************************************************* 2 * Function Name  : MAL_Read 3 * Description    : Read sectors 4 * Input          : None 5 * Output         : None 6 * Return         : Buffer pointer 7 *******************************************************************************/ 8 uint16_t MAL_Read(uint8_t lun, uint32_t Memory_Offset, uint32_t *Readbuff, uint16_t Transfer_Length) 9 {10 11   switch (lun)12   {13     case 0:14             Memory_Offset+=(512*4096);//扇区偏移15             //printf("read add =%d.length=%d\n",Memory_Offset/4096,Transfer_Length/4096);16             SPI_FLASH_BufferRead((uint8_t *)Readbuff, Memory_Offset, Transfer_Length);17       break;18         19         case 1:20       SD_ReadBlock((uint8_t*)Readbuff, Memory_Offset, Transfer_Length);21             Status = SD_WaitReadOperation();22       while(SD_GetStatus() != SD_TRANSFER_OK)23       {24       }25       if ( Status != SD_OK )26       {27         return MAL_FAIL;28       }29       break;30     default:31       return MAL_FAIL;32   }33   return MAL_OK;34 }
 1 /******************************************************************************* 2 * Function Name  : MAL_GetStatus 3 * Description    : Get status 4 * Input          : None 5 * Output         : None 6 * Return         : None 7 *******************************************************************************/ 8 uint16_t MAL_GetStatus (uint8_t lun) 9 {10   uint32_t DeviceSizeMul = 0, NumberOfBlocks = 0;11     switch (lun)12   {13     case 0:14         {15             FLASH_SPI_disk_initialize();16             if(SPI_FLASH_ReadID()==sFLASH_ID)17             {18                 Mass_Block_Size[0]  =4096;19                 Mass_Block_Count[0] =1536;20                 Mass_Memory_Size[0] =Mass_Block_Size[0]*Mass_Block_Count[0];21                 return MAL_OK;22             }23         }24         case 1:25             if (SD_Init() == SD_OK)26             {27                 SD_GetCardInfo(&SDCardInfo);28                 SD_SelectDeselect((uint32_t) (SDCardInfo.RCA << 16));29                 DeviceSizeMul = (SDCardInfo.SD_csd.DeviceSizeMul + 2);30 31                 if(SDCardInfo.CardType == SDIO_HIGH_CAPACITY_SD_CARD)32                 {33                     Mass_Block_Count[1] = (SDCardInfo.SD_csd.DeviceSize + 1) * 1024;34                 }35                 else36                 {37                     NumberOfBlocks  = ((1 << (SDCardInfo.SD_csd.RdBlockLen)) / 512);38                     Mass_Block_Count[1] = ((SDCardInfo.SD_csd.DeviceSize + 1) * (1 << DeviceSizeMul) << (NumberOfBlocks/2));39                 }40                 Mass_Block_Size[1]  = 512;41 42                 Status = SD_SelectDeselect((uint32_t) (SDCardInfo.RCA << 16)); 43                 Status = SD_EnableWideBusOperation(SDIO_BusWide_4b); 44                 if ( Status != SD_OK )45                 {46                     return MAL_FAIL;47                 }          48 49                 Mass_Memory_Size[1] = Mass_Block_Count[1] * Mass_Block_Size[1];50                 return MAL_OK;51             }52         default:break;53     }54   return MAL_FAIL;55 }


野火STM32 Flash&sd卡模拟U盘